Published at 25th of September 2023 06:39:13 AM

Chapter 463: Lesser Demon rank 6

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Chapter 463 Lesser Demon rank 6

Unlike Rhino-head, who could not see how he ended, Lenny could.

The red chains wrapped tighter around his body, and then it happened.


Rhino-head was squeezed into an unrecognizable mess, and throughout the period, Lenny maintained eye contact with him.

Even his impenetrable skin, which had even been able to withstand Lenny's bazooka blasts, was not as strong as his sleeves before the power of the primordial beast.

"I know you fuckers are watching, I am coming for you next!"

He was not loud, but the moment he said those words, he could feel the hundreds of eyes on his body suddenly leave.

Such was the way of the world.

Lenny had proven that he was not to be pushed around.

This had scared away the others who wanted to prey on him.

Or at least, it told them that this 'meat' came with its own claws.

Even in such a beautiful and peaceful city, it was the same.

The weak were eaten by the strong.

Apparently, even the city of milk and honey was not exempted from the rule of the waste land.

Once the eyes upon him had left, Lenny waved a hand, and a vial of blue liquid appeared.

This was the blood of the primordial beast.

He sighed as he looked at the vial, a wide range of thoughts going through his mind.

If his HP were to touch zero, he would die.

In the state he was in, the pain had all disappeared, replaced by a numb feeling all over his body.

He could not even feel the ground he sat on.

It was just that bad.

"So you forced my hand, huh!?" Lenny chuckled. "You are definitely going to regret this."

Without waste, he chunked down the liquid in the bottle.

Instantly, he got a series of alerts.

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