Published at 20th of September 2023 06:54:51 AM

Chapter 48: Naked Man Vs Colony

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Lenny was not new to such an alert. However the one he had always seen was for him to survive the Coliseum.

Apparently, the Daily Task was conditioned in accordance to his environment.

Suddenly, Lenny heard slight crocking sounds behind him.

He immediately turned and just in time too.


A splash of blood went into the air as Lenny made a few somersaults backwards.

He paused and looked in the direction of the attack.

He frowned.

His opponent was a giant prey mantis. However, it was not as big and definitely not as fast as the other one he had seen.

If it was, that slash would have definitely cut him in two.

The system gave an alert. Lenny willed to be detoxified.

A bloody scar now laid on his back.

It was long and diagonal.

But Lenny could actually care less about that at the moment.

The Prey mantis had compound eyes just like the other insects Lenny had seen in the Colony.

Lenny used Surveyor on the beast.

Praying Mantis soldier

Chimera ant

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