Published at 7th of January 2022 10:30:17 AM

Chapter 15: Part 2

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DPM Chapter 15-Tricky Problem Part 2
Translated by Snowfall77



Ai Lan wanted to continue pushing, but Wu Xingyun stopped him. “Our report will have to be handed in, according to regulations.”

Ai Lan gave up gracefully enough. He was already flirting with full-on illegality, only the fact that it was to investigate treason justified his actions. Concerning specific confidential content, trying to clarify such things would constitute a grave rule violation.

Ouyang Liu’s ‘big secret’ would have to wait for higher-level Federation interrogation.

Minding the law, Ai Lan hurriedly moved on to the next question.

“Oh, I’m not afraid of you. Master Mozun will protect me. I don’t need the Federation…”

That was when Lu Hai whispered in Wu Xingyun’s ear. “Sergeant, I’m less and less optimistic about your married life.”

Wu Xingyun’s brows furrowed deep. Ai Lan had completed the questioning, but Ouyang Liu was still under.

The psychologist, guard, and Wu Xingyun began to discuss what they’d learned.

Wu Xingyun made the first conclusion. “He’s clearly committed the crime of treason. For betraying the Federation, we have to send him back to be court-martialed.”

Ai Lan agreed, while Lu Hai sighed and said: “Do you think Mozun will allow us to? We don’t have a ship. We can’t even leave where we’re stuck at. Worse, we have no immediate way of contacting the Federation.”

The three men fell silent.

Obviously Mozun wouldn’t allow them to ship Ouyang Liu off, not when Ouyang Liu had made himself so very beneficial to Mozun. “Useful not just for information, but for sex too,” Wu Xingyun resentfully thought to himself, detesting Mozun just a little extra.

After they ruminated for a long time, Ai Lan suggested: “Maybe we simply make a deal with Mozun? Make an exchange of something else for Ouyang Liu?”

“Compared to state secrets, what do we have to make Mozun’s mouth water?” Wu Xingyun asked.

Three people shook their heads in unison. They’d already heard that Ouyang Liu possessed some great secret that Mozun was panting for. While their hands were empty…

Rejecting the collective pessimism, Wu Xingyun formulated an idea, even though it was difficult to concentrate. “When we land, we re-establish a communication station, hold a trial here, then send all the situation details and records to the Federation. Wait for a formal order, and then execute!”

Lu Hai and Ai Lan gave Wu Xingyun a rather despairing look. “Sergeant, you’re forgetting about Vice President Ouyang Feng. We can’t hold off for a formal order. By then, Ouyang Liu will have snitched every last scrap of info he’s got to his ‘Master Mozun.’ The Marshal will be dead, and all Federation secrets in the other side’s possession.”

Waving a hand, Lu Hai said: “We’re thinking too much. Let’s just kill him.”

“Do you us to spend the rest of our lives in prison?” Ai Lan shot back. “No order given, and during peace-time, murder a superior officer? No matter your reason, you’ll be sentenced to life imprisonment. Absolutely not! Sure, it’d be easiest to kill him. And then what do we do when Mozun finds us troublesome and the Federation wants our heads? Become interstellar fugitives? Interstellar fugitives without a ship, no less! What a great idea!”

Wu Xingyun covered his head in pain. He didn’t know what to do. Everything had become complicated and vexing, while he was stuck desperately missing the simple days of his old army life. His regret at not honing his shooting skills to utter precision kept haunting him. If only, when being a Ghost solider, he’d been able to successfully assassinate the Night Shard, he wouldn’t be in such trouble now.

Truly, lazy while young, repent when old.

Time ebbed on, the planet’s sun roused itself, while the other soldiers awakened, including Ouyang Liu, who was put under temporary house arrest.

Wu Xingyun and his two think tanks, still lacking a plan, turned to their next smartest and brightest. The physicist and the astronomer.

Physicist Kinson knew just what to do. “It’s simple. We throw the traitor into a black hole! Then we claim he’s missing. It’ll be fine!”

Rubbing his aching skull, Wu Xingyun wished he could fling himself into a black hole. Too bad they didn’t even have the ability to leave the platform they were on.

Astronomer Pu Sishuo chimed in. “Kinson, your theory is all wrong. Disappearing into a black hole, that’s what ancient scientists theorized. But according to the cosine theory, the matter absorbed by a black hole will be sprayed out by a white hole, possibly entering a wormhole, thus crossing time and space. I’ll calculate when and where he’d reappear if he entered a black hole…Ah, the formula is complicated, my computer and calculator aren’t good enough…”

The morning marched on, and no suitable ideas occurred to anyone. At least Ouyang Liu acted relatively restrained and didn’t try anything drastic.

Then a small aircraft appeared in the distance.

It would be Mozun, coming to ask Wu Xingyun if he’d reconsidered, and to retrieve Ouyang Liu.

Hearing the faint roar of Mozun’s ship, Wu Xingyun’s worry spiked. With reason, as Ouyang Liu suddenly shot out of the tent like an unstoppable bullet.

Running to the edge of the platform, Ouyang Liu started frantically waving at Mozun.

The aircraft slowly landed on the platform, and soon as Mozun stepped a foot out, Ouyang Liu ran to him, jabbering a few words into his ear.

Wu Xingyun itched to know what Ouyang Liu had said, figuring it was all about how Ouyang Liu had been treated and how the details of his treachery were now out in the open.

However, Mozun’s reaction caught Wu Xingyun off guard. Without flying into a rage, Mozun merely smiled, faced Wu Xingyun, and asked in a meaningful tone: “Soldier, the conditions we discussed yesterday, have you come to a decision?”

Wu Xingyun just glared intently at Ouyang Liu, who had followed Mozun. Ouyang Liu, lifting his head high, declaimed: “Master Mozun, this guy doesn’t know how to appreciate your kindness. You should forget about him already. He’s not worth you wasting your time on.”

Mozun gave Ouyang Liu a stony glance. Bone-chilling, with traces of unconcealed disgust.

Ouyang Liu, absorbing Mozun’s displeasure, trembled and dared not say more.

Not missing Mozun’s look, Wu Xingyun felt nothing really, except for residual remorse over not being strong enough, not working harder.
Without saying much else, Mozun stepped into the tent, sitting down in the same chair he’d taken the day before. Ouyang Liu tried to enter too, but was told: “You’ll wait for me outside.”

His heart nervous, Wu Xingyun knew he had a hard battle to fight with Mozun. Not only over the wedding and marriage details, but also over what would be done with Ouyang Liu.

Wu Xingyun took a deep breath, recalling all the hard training he’d endured. He patted his gun for reassurance, mentally geared himself up, then entered the tent.

Steepling his fingertips under his chin, Mozun examined Wu Xingyun leisurely. “How’s your deliberations going? You know, my conditions aren’t that harsh, and besides, they’re what a husband and wife should do……”

Unable to help his blushing face, Wu Xingyun did have an idea. He figured it was almost impossible, but he had to try.

Wu Xingyun made a valiant effort to act like a tranquil, unconcerned negotiator. His voice calm, he said: “I have a condition. An additional condition! Otherwise, the peace agreement will fail. You know it, our wedding date is already late, though the Federation doesn’t yet have suspicions. If you don’t hold the ceremony, the Federation will ready for war again, and you’ll get nothing.”

The corner of Mozun’s mouth raised. “What is your condition?”

“You return Ouyang Liu to us!” Wu Xingyun inhaled forcefully. “You can’t provide him asylum. And don’t ask me why, you know why!”

Mozun laughed, his eyes forming curved moons. “Of course I know why. Your condition isn’t excessive, but…You have to go to bed with me on our wedding night, otherwise…If the lonely groom can’t find his bride, he can only search for Ouyang Liu, the one who gives you such a headache!”

Bowing his head slightly, Wu Xingyun’s thoughts were complicated. His mind fiercely agitated, for he hadn’t forgotten the biologist’s graphic sex education lessons.

But…when considering capturing a traitor and returning him to the Federation, compared to the protection of Federal secrets, Wu Xingyun knew sacrifices had to be made. Soldiers were often cannon fodder. Wu Xingyun accepted that…

After trying to pump up his morale, Wu Xingyun raised his head a smidge and contemplated Mozun. “Alright. I agree!”






(TN-I don’t know about the author’s ‘Cosine theory.’ I’m no super-useful scientist. Cosine is a trigonometry term, I believe.
White holes—from Wikipedia–In general relativity, a white hole is a hypothetical region of spacetime and singularity which cannot be entered from the outside, although energy-matter and light can escape from it. In this sense, it is the reverse of a black hole, which can be entered only from the outside and from which energy-matter and light cannot escape. White holes appear in the theory of eternal black holes. In addition to a black hole region in the future, such a solution of the Einstein field equations has a white hole region in its past.[1] However, some believe this region does not exist for black holes that have formed through gravitational collapse, nor are there any known physical processes through which a white hole could be formed. Although information and evidence regarding white holes remains inconclusive, the 2006 GRB 060614 has been proposed as the first documented observance of a white hole. )

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