Published at 8th of November 2021 12:10:41 PM

Chapter 160: 160

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Meanwhile, the bandits...

"Temei et al! Listen to me! I'm done with my next job! Sell Tanuts!

"No! Your head!? Isn't it too early!?

"That's right! You'll still make money, won't you?

"No way I freaked out...... Yikes!

The inadvertent remarks of its men were inhibited by a knife pierced in the cheek.

"Ugh. Empty heads like Temei and the others aren't turning against me. It's time for the tide. Get out of here before the Knights and the Adventurers get serious.

Or Temei, can you win one-on-one with those sixth stars and knights over there?

"No, that's, your head..."

"But with as much foresight as your head, you can still make money, right? I'm not even halfway through pioneering.

"In old words, oh, not yet, not yet. Say it. It's already too late while I'm still thinking about it. Actually, you can sell Tannat now. I don't think Temei and the others are convinced of that. I'll just let you do it one more time for the basin darkness temei et al.

"Head. About us..."

"That's your head!

"Long live your head!

Most bandits don't remember yesterday and can't think about tomorrow. It is such a low brain gathering.

That's why it was swept away a long time ago around Kutanutsu, and it hasn't even come close since.

He only understands the dangers of ctanuts no matter how low his brain is.

Around the border, it is relatively common to leave between the territorial capital and Sanumitiani.

There were ten to twenty groups of bandits around there, but they were a large group that was able to absorb the five groups within them.

It's called "Gaston of Fire."

Originally he was an adventurer in the Wang capital, but he learned about the retardation of the bandits around him, and he thought he could put it together easily and became a bandit himself.

The "Tank of Fire", a bandit group formed by four fellow adventurers, happened to drive out other bandits and vandalize around the Wang capital.

Once you get some money, let them have the money on the useless lower end to play flashy.

In the meantime, the main unit will flee to the next location.

The lower end of the game quickly runs out of money to work evil all over the city.

I can make you confess everything, but there's nothing the bottom end knows. So by the time the Knights were desperately looking into what could not be a clue, they had fled.

It's just the bottom end and I don't even know the voice or name, instead of the head face. The end of a fool blinded by gold.

I betray you easily because you are such a bandit.

Kill your people.

Run away with only your own money.

That's a routine tea thing.

That's when Gaston was bound to inflict the same punishment.

Put on the 'jar' to use on a rainy day and set it on fire. Made of straw, the fire easily turns and burns at high temperatures. Gaston laughs when he sees him roll around the ground desperately trying to put out the fire.

Lucky? Even if the fire goes out and you don't have to die, it's a big burn all over your body. There is no chance that treatment will help.

It is only left with salt on the wound by the executives. By the time the screams disappear, so will the lives.

People who betray you even when they see such a sight betray you. Knowing the horrors of the head doesn't stop the fool with the money in his sight.

That's still today...

"Now Temei et al. It's time for fun. This is the guy today. This guy tried to get away with the money by killing two of our precious people.

Give us our money. Hence "The Punishment of Fire".

"Oh! Your head! No, it's not! It's some kind of mistake! It's not me! I'm not!

People in this hand always say the same thing.

Gaston is a little fed up.

But it's also a hassle to think about a different sentence, so the sentence for burning still continues.

"Do it."

My subordinates' hands set me on fire.

The nameless lower end is rolling around screaming in an unintelligible voice.

I usually laugh a lot, Gaston, but he's not even in that mood today. He stays silent.

"Ooh, your head. Are you in a bad mood? Even though it's a spectacle for a reason.

"I'm getting a little tired of it. It's a hassle to think about, but I guess I'll be sentenced differently next time. If only there were a next time. Really, these guys are stupid. I know this is gonna happen. It's a habit.

"Hehe, right? So what happens next time?

"No, that's it for now. We wash our feet. All four of us can spend the rest of our lives playing with the money we've saved.

"Right. I feel sorry for you, but it's time for the tide.

"Whoa, I'll let everyone but us go for the last job. If you snitch (dick) in advance, you're going to have to cover it up. In the meantime, let's get out of here.

"That's your head.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!