Published at 23rd of August 2023 09:11:19 PM

Chapter 162

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Good karma +900, bad karma +80.

This is the most bad karma he has ever had in his life.

If it were before, he would have exploded on the spot.

Even now, he needs to maintain the highest state of Daoism for more than three months to completely eliminate it.

He needs to be more restrained.

Lin Wen thought to himself.

The next few days were calm and peaceful.

Everything in Changshan County was progressing steadily, and everyone was busy except for Lin Wen.

But this was exactly what he wanted. Qin Luoshuang repeatedly reminded him not to be marginalized and even willingly gave up some power to him.

But Lin Wen firmly, decisively, and without any room for negotiation, refused.

In order to make her work at ease and not disturb his rare and beautiful cultivation time, Lin Wen emphasized repeatedly that he completely trusted her. No matter what the situation, he trusted her. As long as she sat in the position of the Director of the Security Bureau and the Minister of the Sheriff's Guard, he would be completely at ease.

"Because, you are my Phoenix Nest."

"Other than you, I don't trust anyone in this world."

Completely immersed in the world of cultivation, Lin Wen was completely unaware of the teasing behavior of his seven orifices.

Fortunately, Qin Luoshuang had already experienced countless battles and had seen much worse and deeper tricks than this. She keenly sensed that Lin Wen was saying these words just to appease her.

She had already summarized some of Lin Wen's behavioral patterns. Whenever he suddenly became understanding and spoke pleasingly, he was just appeasing her. Whenever he spoke without restraint and talked nonsense, he was being serious.

"This may be one of the manifestations of his strong inner self."

Qin Luoshuang thought to herself.

"Using absurd behavior to cover up his true thoughts."

"Perhaps he knows that his behavior in this world is like that of a madman. He would rather not be understood or misunderstood by others, but still continue on."

"That's why he never cares about how many people share his power, or whether someone takes away his rightful power."

"His beliefs remain unchanged and untainted."

It's hard to imagine that there would be such a person in this world.

Never has there been an imperial bureaucrat like him, never has there been a person who can resist the temptation of power like him.

There may be legends, but Qin Luoshuang has never seen them.

This kind of determination is not a disguise. He even disguises them.

In many cases, although he appears normal on the surface, Qin Luoshuang can feel his inner frustration and resistance. In his eyes, the power that countless people dream of is like a kind of poison.

Qin Luoshuang didn't know how to evaluate him. There were too many mysteries about him. The more she delved into them, the more mysteries and contradictions she discovered, and the more difficult it was to understand.

"Perhaps, this is what a true strong person is."

Qin Luoshuang sighed softly, and at the same time, she became even less optimistic about Yun Zhixing. He still kept getting closer to Lin Wen, trying to learn and imitate him.

Because the "master" he was infatuated with had told him her preferences, and he believed that Lin Wen had many similarities.

But that was impossible. Qin Luoshuang knew this little follower who had been with her since she was ten years old very well.

He would never learn it in his lifetime.

Her thoughts drifted far away, and Qin Luoshuang tried her best to bring them back. The pile of work in front of her was like a mountain, and the cleansing of the Counter-Revolutionary Committee had entered a deep water area. The remaining wealthy people in Huaizhen were hiding very well, and it would take a lot of effort to dig them out.

The crows were even busier. In addition to assisting the Counter-Revolutionary Committee in deepening the investigation of Changshan County, they also had to supervise the officials, manage the Supervision Bureau, protect the safety of important officials, guard against the infiltration and destruction of hostile forces in Changshan County, and block the news of the Great Purge.

The manpower of the KGB was seriously insufficient, but Qin Luoshuang was not willing to expand the team quickly. She was waiting for someone.

Only when that person arrived could she expand the team with peace of mind.

For Lin Wen, the only thing worth noting in these few days was that the personnel recruited by Yaojing had finally arrived.

A total of 410,000 people were recruited, 397,000 laborers, and 13,000 county government staff.

Qi Mu had already returned to Changshan County with the last batch of people, but the recruitment point in Yaojing still existed. Lin Wen specifically instructed to leave twenty staff members there to continue recruiting new personnel.

The recruitment point in Yaojing would always exist.

It was like a knife hanging over the necks of the capitalists in Yaojing, and it was also a money tree for Lin Wen to continuously gain good karma.

The entire recruitment process allowed Lin Wen to gain more than a thousand points of good karma, and as the recruited personnel continued to live stable and normal lives here, the good karma would continue to increase.

When Qi Mu came back, Lin Wen immediately selected an office in the most remote and secluded location and hung up the sign of the Dragon Group.

Search "pawread dot com" for the original.

The Dragon Group now officially had an office, and Lin Wen registered the 18 members of the Dragon Group in the Personnel Department. Except for Qi Mu, Lin Wen played the role of the other 17 members.

As a result, Qi Mu now had two identities, one as a computer repairman in the county government office, and the other as a mysterious member of the Dragon Group.

Lin Wen gave him the nickname "The Empire's Repairman".

In this way, the Dragon Group finally had a real entity.

Qi Mu was a little dazed. He had just sat in the office with only one chair for a minute, and people started visiting one after another.

The first to come was the Propaganda Department. The famous members of the Dragon Group were right in front of them. How could they not interview them?Their ongoing serialized story about the Dragon Group had already achieved tremendous success. Newspaper sales had skyrocketed to 60,000 copies, two hundred times more than before. However, this success also brought immense pressure. After only a few days of writing, they found themselves deeply mired in the distress of insufficient material and a lack of inspiration.

Therefore, as soon as the Dragon Group's office was established, they immediately paid a visit. Qi Mu, who had a slight social phobia, didn't know how to deal with these seasoned politicians and could only ramble on about internet knowledge to alleviate the awkwardness.

The cadre from the Propaganda Department left thoughtfully, and then the crows came to visit one after another.

As a mysterious organization that seemed to overshadow them, they were naturally interested in visiting their peers. Qin Luoshuang was also interested, but due to some concerns, she did not go in person.

As a result, Qi Mu's doorstep was bustling all day. After discovering that Qi Mu was approachable and not as terrifying as rumored, even the staff from various departments of the county government office came to visit, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious Dragon Group agent.

Qi Mu, who was extremely tense, spent the whole day talking about computer and internet knowledge. Although everyone didn't understand, they all exclaimed, "It sounds so impressive." Thanks to Qi Mu's amiable image and mysterious agent identity, in just one day, he got to know half of the people in the county government office and became the person with the most friends there.

Of course, there are about 20,000 people in the entire county government office, so his days of popularity will continue for a while.

Lin Wen successfully filled a gap, thus reducing one flaw in his lie.

The next morning, new news finally arrived.

The slave master Huang Chongxin had made contact with the Huang family's downstream. The accompanying crow reported back on the investigation of the human trafficking downstream.

The downstream was a massive group entrenched in Mingzhou. It had a public identity: Yuan Hua Labor Dispatch Group.

The chairman of this group was Wu Xingchang, an ordinary-looking imperial citizen with no official status.

However, Qin Luoshuang told him that in the empire, all large groups had a background.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!