Published at 1st of December 2016 10:10:05 PM

Chapter 20

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Yun Chang POV

After receiving the notification from Cao Mao, we, the generals of the first division, made our way to an extensive stretch of wilderness outside Xiangyang city and began preparations for the military exercise.

I was standing on 1 side of the wilderness which were, according to the instructions, our side’s base camp, with the other side being Cai Mao’s. In this military exercise, troops on both sides were not to use actual weapons and were only permitted to use long and short wooden rods, and those who suffered a blow to their chest were considered ‘dead’. Bows and crossbows were prohibited.

By the way, this place really is great. If it were left to me, I would have chosen this place to hold an exercise as well. The terrain is flat, making it easy to change formations, and there is even a platform set up nearby, providing a good view of the entire field.

“Lord Guan Yu, I saw Cai Mao bringing 3 contingents just now totalling about 5,000 men.” Yi De who was by my side informed me. I of course knew why she was telling me this.

“General Guan, we only brought 1,000 men. If those 5,000 men surround us, it will be difficult for us to prevail.”

“Those bastards! They clearly said that both sides shouldn’t go overboard yet they still brought so many?! They’re clearly trying to make life difficult for mother.”

You’re the one who’s trying to make life difficult for me with that form of address.

I stroked my long hair that ran down my back and gave Guan Ping a side stare.

“I know, mother.”

But she clearly doesn’t know that what I’m unhappy about is how she addresses me, and she even thinks that I’m asking her to keep her guard up. And she actually returned my stare and nodded with a look of understanding.

Hai… Never mind. Now isn’t the time for this.

“Sun Qian, divide the troops into 2 equal contingents. I’ll be leading 1, and divide the other contingent into another 2 halves which will be led by Yi De and Liao Hua respectively.”

“… Understood.” Sun Qian replied and nodded before somewhat clumsily swinging her reins as she rode towards the troops.

“Un… Go and help her, Liao Hua.”

“Yes.” Liao Hua softly acknowledged the order as she followed after Sun Qian.

It’s not that I don’t believe Sun Qian, but she’s always been a little slow with things and this matter can’t be delayed at all.

“When did Cai Mao say it would begin?”

“At noon.” Guan Ping said as she raised her head and looked at the sky, squinting as she looked at the sun, “It’s almost there. We still have an hour to go.”

Un, good.

“Guan Ping, tell everyone to set up camp. Tell Liao Hua and Yi De later to have their troops stay outside of the encampment tonight and tomorrow night. Remember to be as stealthy as possible. I think the other side will launch a night raid on us.”

“Eh? How did you guess that so soon?”

“Their intent is too obvious.” I said as I held my waist with both hands and squinted as I looked into the distance. Cai Mao had set up her flags long ago, as though she wanted to tell us that they were there and wanted to make it look like we were in a standoff situation.

In reality, she probably has strike teams ready to ambush us anytime.

Even if she hasn’t we must disperse our troops. If we just stay together, we will be wiped out easily.


Un? I turned back and saw Hua Tuo hobbling over to me on a crutch.

“What should I be doing?”

“Lord Hua Tuo can stay and rest in camp. We’ll be leaving any injured to you.”

“Ah! Leave it to me.” Hua Tuo seemed invigorated when she heard my words and hobbled towards the encampment.

If we really end up in a bloody war, Hua Tuo should be able to contribute greatly in combat.

“General Guan, the troops have been divided.” Liao Hua said as she walked over quietly, even her plate armour wasn’t clinking as she walked over.

“Your orders were for us not to return back to camp first?”

I nodded, “Yes, I’m afraid of an ambush or a night raid from the start.”

“I understand. I would like to request to be a roaming unit for the entire battle.”


“Why?” I couldn’t see why Liao Hua would want to do that, and grabbed and stroked my hair as I asked her.

“I’m afraid there might be foul play and Cai Mao may have archers stationed around.”

… Un, makes sense.

“I understand, you have permission. But be careful, we don’t have too much supplies and we don’t have reserves either.”

Liao Hua nodded and went to do a final count before leaving.

“Mother, can we really win? It’s 1,000 against 5,000 after all.”

“We can, don’t worry.” I smiled as I answered Guan Ping. We don’t have a reason not to win after all, especially when we’re the righteous side.

Big brother, may your sword stay sharp and may your victories be swift.

Lu Meng POV

As I sat on the ship bound for Jiangxia, I stared fixedly at the appointment decree in my hands which were beginning to tremble. From my point of view, everything that is happening seems like a dream.

“Lord Major, what is the matter?,

“Lord Lu Meng, have the higher-ups allocated us money?”

Beside me, a girl with purple braids and a girl who was jumping about eagerly were currently looking at me with a greedy gleam in their eyes which made me feel very awkward.

Get away, get away. I pushed Pan Zhang and Ma Zhong away. These 2 always say things that ruin the mood from time to time, putting a big wet blanket om what was a very emotional moment.

But I’m still very proud of this.

“Have a good look at this, you 2.” I said as I carefully placed the piece of silk on the table.

“This is?” “A borrowing notice?”

“No… It’s an appointment decree from Gong Jin.”

Appointment decree? These 2 tilted their heads as they looked at the piece of silk with puzzled looks. These 2 are really oblivious about a lot of things huh.

“Hai, how can you not understand what this means? To put it simply, I’m the commanding officer for the upcoming battle at Jiangxia, and will be in charge of overall command matters.” I said as I puffed out my chest.

Finally, I’ve gotten a chance, I thought.

I’ve always been an officer commanding or a sub-commanding officer ever since I joined the Sun family and have not gotten any overall command roles as I’m not seen as reliable enough because of my tender age.

But don’t worry, Gong Jin. I won’t disappoint you, I swear on my twin hookswords.

“What… So that’s it? How can they send us to fight but not allocate money? Are we going to have to pillage Jiangxia?”

“What are you saying, Pan Zhang! This is a war, an actual war! I wonder what kind of amazing fellows we will meet.”

“We were already on our way there anyway… And you haven’t had enough beatings from Guan Yu and Zhang Liao from before? I nearly went broke from having to pay out money on bets from your fights with them.”

“Hmhm, I’ll definitely be fighting. If I die, you can put it on my tab.”

“Don’t talk nonsense. If you die, how will you spend all the money you’ve saved?”

Pan Zhang went on and on following some really twisted logic with a very serious look while Ma Zhong’s replies were also weird in her own way. What is really weird though is how these 2 can actually get along so well for so long.

Never mind, some things don’t need to be told or made clear to your subordinates.

Un… Let me do a rough count. Zhu Zhi and her daughter has 4,000 troops, Ling Cao and her daughter have 8,000 and my naval fleet is 5,000 or so. In total, we have less than 20,000 strong.

And we are projected to reach Jiangxia by tomorrow. Ling Cao and Ling Tong have already linked up with Zhu Zhi and Zhu Ran. Well then…

“Ah, right,” I suddenly remembered that I had another general with me, “What about sister Dong Xi? Where is she?”

“Sister Dong Xi is on deck.” Ma Zhong replied.

“Does Lord Lu Meng intend on looking for her? I feel that it’s best not to do so for now.”

Un… Pan Zhang is right.

Her original lord, Lord Sun Jing just passed away after all. She and Lord Sun Jing have been in love for a long while and this is a very big blow to her.

(TL: Obviously there was no such sub-plot in original or history.)

My lord Sun Quan already told her that she shouldn’t push herself and rest for a while but she didn’t listen. I don’t feel good about deploying her either now that she’s joined this expedition.

Hai…. Never mind, I thought as I took out my brush and began wetting it with ink.

“Un… Let’s do it like this then. Ma Zhong, get someone to send this letter to Zhu Zhi, and tell them to follow the instructions inside. If they can win, that would be best. But if they can’t then retreat after the battle and prepare for a final battle.”

“Alright… Wu, Lord Major’s words are so ugly.”

“You talk too much!”

Having such subordinates is really infuriating.


Liu Bei POV

It’s been slightly more than a week ever since we reached Jiangxia. Spring seems to have passed its peak and the signs of spring are beginning to slowly fade away. The blooming and wilting of flowers is a very transitory thing, and this is the same be it in the south or the north.

Presently, defence works were in progress at the riverside towards the northern side of Jiangxia. Sometime earlier, the forests were in full bloom with yellow, pink and white flowers. If this weren’t a critical time, I would have proposed to do some flower viewing. If we go now, we can see a multi-coloured forest floor due to the strong winds from the river blowing the flowers off.

Just a few days ago, the flowers were still blooming strongly on the trees. Summer is here, and it’s going to be a year since I came to this era.

Back then, I was totally green and unused to anything and everything. But now, I’ve completely blended in and though I’m no expert yet, my knowledge of etiquette, official-speak and my skills such as horseriding and swordsmanship are decent enough that is befitting of my status as a member of the royal family.

What hasn’t changed is that feather fan which I’ve been taking good care of. I’d thought that I would get to meet Zhuge in Longzhong once I rea hed Jing state but now I know that there are so many more events in between. I nearly died too. It’s really been a tiring and chilling experience coming here.

Never mind. If this is the worst, then that’s still alright.

“Uncle, what are you doing here?”

“Un? Ah, no, nothing.”

I was currently sitting on the stone steps in front of the official residence feeling melancholic as I mulled over things when Liu Qi happened to come by and pulled me back into reality.

“Why is uncle sitting here then?”

“Ah, I was packing up stuff in my tent and I came here to dump anything that wasn’t useful.”

Because all official work has been moved to Huang Zu’s command room, the official residence of Jiangxia is now empty. Huang Zu wasn’t happy with just leaving it be and so it now serves as a store room. The reason why I came here is to throw all the stuff that we won’t be using here.

Of course, in actual fact, I was doing nothing of importance and this place happens to be pretty nice to hang around.

As I looked at the sky, I began to think about everyone back at Xiangyang again.

Are they alright?

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