Published at 24th of December 2016 10:37:09 PM

Chapter 43

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Feng Xian POV

As I saw fear fill the eyes of the fallen enemies before me, I began to feel angry.

They picked a fight and so they ought to be responsible for it and follow through to the end. Whether it is mock or real, one should fight with the conviction to die in battle!

If this wasn’t an exercise, many would have fallen to that charge.

… Ah, it’s good that it’s just an exercise.

“Listen up you lot! You should have accepted the loss from before but since you have the guts to come before us once more, I’ll give you a good taste of what we can do!” I yelled as I took another wooden pole from the subordinate officer behind me.



Immediately after I gave the order, the several dozen cavalry behind me charged forth, fearlessly from the valour in their voices, armed with naught but their pride and courage as soldiers.

Instantly, the enemy was thrown into disarray. What only seemed like a small disturbance at the wings at first has now resulted in a total collapse in their entire formation. They really are too lax about things.

“My lord!”

Un? Just then, I saw Wen Yuan who was yelling at me from some distance away.

Good, looks like Wen Yuan can fight alongside me. This should have been the way from the very beginning. Her and Zhao Yun alone should have been more than enough to easily control the situation yet they have been retreating.

“Wen Yuan! Surround them from the other side!”


I yelled out loudly at the same time as she said something to me. I couldn’t hear her but there are more important things to attend to so I didn’t bother listening and flew into the heart of the enemy troops.

The resistance I met with was almost minimal. Some troops feebly raised their weapons only to be knocked away by my horse. Others actually stepped back, not even daring to come forward to fight.

The enemy troops have descended into total chaos, and they had all sorts of weapons imaginable: Spears, polearms, broadswords etc. Even though this was just an exercise, their attention to detail with respect to preparation of the props was rather remarkable.

But why does it feel like their capabilities are far below that of the Jing state troops we faced before?

“You!” And just then, a voice came from my side. It was a loud voice but devoid of resolve.

… Un? But what is this thick aura of strength–

I looked to the side and saw a big black-faced burly man charging in my direction. From how he looks, he’s probably the leader here.

He doesn’t seem very capable and he didn’t even wear much clothing, much less armour, to the battlefield. What a buffoon.

What drew my attention however was not him, but his horse.

The horse that he was mounted on was covered in a brown, glistening coat of fur as it galloped over from a great distance at a speed that exceeded even my own horse.

“Die!” Just as I was taken by the horse, that man had rode up to my side and was swinging down his broadsword at me.

Ah… He’s so slow, especially when compared to that horse of his.

I calmly shifted my body to dodge it and arched my back as I went along with the momentum and swept across with the wooden pole–

“Waa!!” He gave a weird cry as he lost his balance and tumbled off his horse.


“Give up. You are far too weak. If you accept defeat, I will show mercy.”


I quickly rapped his head with the wooden pole when I saw him about to get up, and he gave up after I did so.

“What? Do I have to count down for you as well? 3–”

“Everyone! Lower your weapons!!!”

Just as I began counting down, his bull-headed stubbornness and aura faded away into oblivion and he obediently admitted defeat and acceded to my orders.

At his order, everyone stopped their movements and lowered their weapons.

I looked at him once more and saw that he was the very image of a defeated man who was looking for mercy.

This is far too unbecoming. Why is he being like this for just an exercise?

“My lord!! My lord!!”

“Lord Lu Bu!”

“”Lord Lu Bu~”

Un? Just then, several people came running over out of the crowd as they yelled out at me. When I looked over, I saw that they were all familiar faces.

“Wen Yuan, you’re too slow.” I softly said, feeling a little deflated, “There were only about 2,000 enemies. This was something you could have easily handled.”

Of course, my falling asleep while all this was going on is a big mistake as well.

“Ah, I’m really sorry about all this.” The administrative official-looking lady spoke up first as the 3 of them walked over.

If I remember correctly, she should be called Jian Yong. … What was that abacus lady’s name again?

“The armoury and supplies that the rear guard is in charge of was too cumbersome or we’d have made our escape long ago.”

Eh? Escape?

“Why do we have to escape? Shouldn’t we just defeat these embarrassments first?” I asked, feeling very surprised. When I looked at Wen Yuan and Zhao Yun, I found that they didn’t seem to get what I was saying.

“Wen Yuan, Lord Zhao Yun, don’t you both feel the same way?”

“We did, but we didn’t plan on anything quite as outrageous as what my lord did when she arrived.”

“Though we could fight them off, our troops don’t have proper weapons after all so it would be a difficult battle– But looking at how things have ended up, it looks like we were just overthinking things.”

What are you girls talking about? No proper weapons? Difficult battle?

Their weapons are indeed very realistic but at the end of the day, they’re just fakes–


When I casted my glance onto the side, I saw that the weapons gleamed under the light of the sun. Though some were a little rusted, you could tell that they were mostly sharp and lethal.

“Umm… Can someone please summarise and explain to me what exactly happened?”

Specifically, what happened while I was asleep. I somehow get the feeling that there’s some contradiction between what I know and what is actually going on.

“Eh? Didn’t Zi Zhong tell you that we ran into robbers?” The administrative official lady said with no hesitation at all.

You said robbers?

“Fake robbers?”

“Stop joking my lord. How could there be fake robbers?”

“We were on our way back to Xiangyang city when we ran into these criminals on our way. Because of their sudden ambush, we couldn’t react in time and lost control of our rear guard so we hurriedly turned back to save them.” Zhao Yun concisely explained what happened. Though I can largely understand the situation now– Wait, they’re actual robbers?

“Oi, you.” I poked the black fatty’s face with the wooden pole in my hands.

“Ah! Yes!” He gave an exaggerated response, as though he were afraid I would plunge the wooden pole into his head. Am I really that terrifying…?

“Don’t be afraid.? What’s your name?” I asked.

“Chen, Chen Sun…”

“You, are you a robber?”

“I won’t dare to do this ever again!!” He broke into tears and cried the moment I asked him.

“I was just asking if you were a robber, what are you crying for?”

“I– I–” He cried so hard it was difficult for him to breathe.

“Just say if you are or not.”

“I was– But I won’t do it again! I originally carried out my activities in Jiangxia! Why did I have to come over to Xiangyang!!”

Ah… I’m getting pissed off, I really want to just smash down…

“It’s good that you’re here. If you were at Jiangxia, you could have given our lord a lot of trouble.” Wen Yuan said with a serious expression.

That’s right. If I knew that Xuan De was harassed by this sort of character, I would be even more enraged.

“But looking at how he is, I suppose he is a real robber. It’s not an exercise then.”

“””I said that from the very beginning.”””

Ah, these 3 people are so noisy.

“But could it be that Lord Lu Bu just rushed here with troops without knowing what happened?”

“… That is the case.”

I’d best not tell them I got lost as well.

“Ah, that’s way too reckless.” Zhao Yun shook her head as she said so before looking at me and smiling as she continued, “Of course, if it’s Lord Lu Bu then there’s not much to be worried about.”

Even though it seems like she’s praising me, I can’t seem to feel happy about it at all.

“I guess I should have assisted your retreat from the very beginning.”

“No no no. How can my lord say that? Since they can be defeated, then defeating them is for the best.”

… Forget it. I’ll work on being more womanly over time.

“Wen Yuan, take this fellow away. When we return to Xiangyang, give it to that man.”

“Liu Biao?”

“Yes.” I nodded as Wen Yuan grabbed Chen Sun and took him away.

Ah, now then, what do we do about these troops?

“Lord Zhao Yun, could it be possible to recruit these troops?” I said when I recalled that Zhao Yun seemed to be responsible for this.

“Ah, yes. It would be a great waste if we just disbanded them like that.”

“Even though it’s going to be a pain, I can help you with the logistical arrangements.” Jian Yong, who stood beside Zhao Yun, said as she scratched her head.

“Everyone listen up! Leave your weapons where they are, stand up and come around! I’ve got some words for you lot!” Zhao Yun immediately yelled out.

When it comes to the oratorial front, my capabilities are a little lacking. I doubt anyone would follow me for my speeches. Or rather, they would be forced to.

Never mind… It’s good that everything is settled nicely.

I tried my best to throw away the negative thoughts in my heart and nodded as I reflected on my mistakes.

On one hand, I attacked before I even understood the situation, and on the other, I was too heavy-handed. Now that I think back, there were various signs that things were not what I’d thought they were. Yet I completely ignored them.

Later I must also remember to get abacus lady’s name.

Ah, come to think of it, where did that horse go…

That strong brown horse flashed in my mind once more and I hurriedly looked about but it seems like it either ran off into the distance or behind a hill.

Un… If we lost the horse just like that, it would be a waste. If I’m not wrong, that horse is definitely a golden stallion.


Un? Just then, a deep neigh came from the side. I looked over and saw the horse I saw before rear on its hind legs and land heavily on the slope.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!