Published at 11th of February 2017 11:39:43 PM

Chapter 92

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I smiled stiffly as I said so and took out the invitation from my sleeve. When Liu Biao saw it, he chuckled, “Hahaha, I’m sorry about that. The official who sent you the invitation said that he stopped by the encampment first and only ran over to your residence after he heard that you weren’t there.”

So he ran there first huh, no wonder he came so late.

“I don’t blame elder brother as we hadn’t told you beforehand.” I shrugged, “I was originally planning on informing you through a letter so that elder brother would not need to go to such ceremony.”

“Aiya, blood brother is being too formal.” Liu Biao shook his head and clapped my back, “If it weren’t for Cai Mao who came to tell me about it, I would have only known from your letters. Hahaha.” Liu Biao slapped his thigh and guffawed. I, however, could not laugh when I heard that name.

Eh? So it was Cai Mao who told Liu Biao? But how did she know about our schedule?

The more I thought about it, the more I uneasy I felt. On the other hand, Cai Mao wasn’t here so she couldn’t do anything to me.

I looked at the annex as I thought so. Though I can’t see what’s inside, I get the feeling that Lady Cai is waiting there.

… I’ll wait and see how it goes first. I hope I’m just over thinking things.

“You don’t need to go to such ceremony.” I said as I calmed myself down and downed the contents of my wine cup.

“You may say that but I’m afraid that this will be my last banquet for blood brother so I decided to go all out.” He said as he passed me a piece of silk, “Usually, I’ll be the host to banquets. But today’s banquet has special meaning to it so I hope blood brother can assist me in being the host.”

Eh? Host a banquet?

“I can’t do that,” I hurriedly refused and pushed the piece of silk towards Liu Biao, “I feel that it’s better and more appropriate for elder brother to personally handle such an important duty. I, as the younger sibling, am also an outsider, how can I possibly receive such honour and favour?”

*Ke* *Ke* *Ke*… Liu Bang was about to reply to me when he suddenly went into a coughing fit that was so long and violent that it scared me.

“Umm… Elder brother, are you alright?”

I went up to take a look at him but Liu Biao stopped me with his arm and covered his face with his hand as he said in a hoarse voice, “I’m fine, I’m fine.”

“But…” I was still worried but Liu Biao, who couldn’t speak anymore after the coughing fit before, merely pushed the silk towards me.

When I lowered my head and looked at the piece of silk, I saw that it was covered all over in words which I could barely read.

Since young, I’ve never had any experience hosting an event nor have I done emcee duties, much less something with rules and rituals like this.

*Ke* *Ke*… Just as I was still hesitating, Liu Biao went into another coughing fit with each cough seeming more violent than the last until it seemed like he was about to vomit his heart out.

It was clear that Liu Biao wasn’t acting and he was coughing because of an ailment that plagued him. Naturally, he can’t host the banquet anymore.

As I looked at Liu Biao in his current state, I felt a bit sorry for him.

Un… I wanted to leave early but I think I can host it for a short period of time before I leave.

“Then…” I said softly and grasped the piece of silk he pushed over, “Though I’m not very adept, I am willing to take on this important responsibility.”

“Un un, thanks blood brother.” Liu Biao seemed to have recovered somewhat and raised his head as he replied hoarsely.

“No, no, elder brother need not be so–” Before I could finish, I was stunned by what I saw.

When Liu Biao removed his sleeve from his mouth, a red filled my eyes, some on the mouth but mostly splattered on his sleeve.

“U… Umm… Elder brother…” I raised my hand and pointed at his mouth in disbelief.

“Un? Ah.” Liu Biao was surprised but he understood soon after lowering his head, “Ah… I really made a mess of myself huh.”

But he didn’t seem to be surprised and only said some self-deprecating words as he took a wet cloth from nearby and wipes his mouth, face and sleeve.

“Elder brother, this is…”

“Ah, it’s nothing much, just some minor health problems.”

Liu Biao smile was weird and his face was stiff. I’m not too knowledgeable on history and medicine but I’m pretty sure that coughing blood signifies something a little more serious and sinister than minor health problems are at hand.

“Elder brother, pardon me for asking, but have you contracted something lately?”

“Haha, it’s just a small problem.” Liu Biao laughed and pretended to cough lightly, “No, no, it’s nothing major. Blood brother need not worry.”

“But…” I wanted to press him but then realised that even if there was something, Liu Biao wouldn’t tell me so easily. Looks like there are things which he has difficulty divulging to me after all.

As I thought so, I looked at Liu Biao uneasily while Liu Biao still had that odd smile on him and seemed a little awkward.

“Jin Sheng? Were you coughing again just now?” Just then, a kind voice came from the annex. When I looked over, I saw Lady Cai walk out from the annex with a worried look. In her hands was a bag of medicinal herbs.

“Ah, I’m fine, I’m fine.” When Liu Biao saw Lady Cai, he instinctively rolled up his sleeves and hid the bloodstains before waving at Lady Cai and feigning nonchalance,

“Jin Sheng, you should be careful with your health.” Lady Cai nagged as she walked over to Liu Biao, “Didn’t you hear what the physician say? Your body was weak to begin with and your liver and spleen are damaged so you need more medicinal herbs to boost your recovery.”

“I got it, I got it.”

When she finished, Lady Cai took the medicinal pouch from her hands and dangled it front of Liu Biao. She was still frowning and seemed worried.

Speaking of which, I seem to recall Lady Cai giving Liu Biao some herbal soup before… Could the coughing fits be a symptom of Liu Biao’s illness?

But that doesn’t make sense, if recovery is just a matter of time as Lady Cai says, then why didn’t he just tell me the truth?

“If you’re afflicted with an ailment, your little brother might be able to help.”

“Oh? You?” When I spoke, Lady Cai’s attitude and tone went through a 180 degree change and became one of disdain.

“What? Blood brother can diagnose illnesses as well?” Liu Biao said with surprise to which I hurriedly waved my hands.

“No way, I just happen to have a wandering physician among my ranks who has some skill with diagnosing and treating conditions.” I did my best not to overinflate Hua Tuo’s credentials as it’s not clear what Hua Tuo can do to help before she’s here herself.

And even if I did have the confidence and knowledge that she could help, being too conceited will only invite suspicion and doubt.

“A wandering physician huh? Please don’t joke around, Imperial Uncle.” However, it seems like these words only invited more disdain from Lady Cai as she raised her arm and said sarcastically, “The physicians I’ve invited are all famous physicians from the likes of Luoyang, Chang’an etc which I needed to pay good money for. As for your physician, may I ask what medical institution did she apprentice at?”

“That is… I don’t think she has.” I was somewhat withdrawn at this question but recalled what I’d just saw and decided to speak up once more, “But this doesn’t affect anything, if it’s her, she can definitely…”

“No need to say any further. I won’t agree to it.” Before I could finish, Lady Cai raised her arm and resolutely shut me down before turning to Liu Biao with a kind expression, “Jin Sheng, I’ll get someone to make the herbal soup for you.”

“Ah… Un.” Liu Biao sank into thought for a brief moment before nodding. His expression looked normal but I could tell that he was just putting on an a t.

“Umm, elder brother…”

“It’s fine. I’m thankful for blood brother’s kind intentions but I’ll just stick to medicine from physicians my madam hired.”

If he is going to go that far then there is nothing more I can say–

“Wu! Uh *Ke* *Ke* *Ke*–”

Just as I was about to let this matter go, Liu Biao went into another coughing fit. I looked up and saw Liu Biao hurriedly covering his mouth. The muffled sounds of coughing ensued and a red splatter soon leaked from between his fingers. Some landed on the floor while some landed on his clothes.

I don’t know if it was intentional but it seemed like he was able to avoid spilling any blood on the table.

“Oi! Elder brother!” I couldn’t watch on any further and got up before walking towards Liu Biao.

“Wu!” Liu Biao gave a muffled response and raised his hand to stop me from approaching. But then he went into another coughing fit and the hand he raised returned to his mouth. He seemed to be forcefully curbing his coughs but the more he did so, the worse he seemed to look.

When I saw Liu Biao in such a state, I began to grow fearful. The steady and powerful noble leader who could sometimes be a little odd was now in a helpless and sorry state because of illness. This was something very surprising to me.

“Oi! Elder brother, are you alright?!” I asked as I walked over to Liu Biao and patted his back.

Un?! Just then, I spied a few mouthfuls of blood in Liu Biao’s palms which were rather different from the blood he coughed up earlier.

Because of the distance, I couldn’t see it earlier but now it was clear as day.

The blood that Liu Biao just coughed up was black.

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