Published at 4th of March 2017 11:50:53 PM

Chapter 12

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Liu Bei POV

“Thinks differently… From most people?”

Sima Hui shook his head helplessly.

“Yes, she sometimes spouts incomprehensible nonsense and doesn’t explain what she is thinking.” He said as he pointed at the feather fan, or perhaps the piece of paper with, “I don’t know where or how Kong Ming acquired The Essential Art of great peace but I wouldn’t it put it past her to have done so. It’s definitely the kind of material she would get involved with.” He got up as he said so, “For further details, you will have to ask her when you meet her.”

“Then,” When I heard him say this, I hurriedly got up as well and closed the distance between us, “Can you tell me where Zhuge Kong Ming is right now?”

“Hmhm.” He chuckled at my question, “That, I can’t do.”

Hai… I didn’t expect Sima Hui to reject me so easily when he seemed like he would tell me everything. As expected of a hermit.

“Umm, why not?” I asked while suppressing the rage inside me.

“Heavenly secrets cannot be revealed.” He shook his head and put on an air of mystery before continuing softly, “If you both are fated to meet, then you will.”


“Alright, I got it.”

Of course we are. If Liu Bei isn’t fated to meet Zhuge Liang. who else is? I wanted to deliver this tsukkomi quite badly but of course I couldn’t.

“By the way, may I ask if you have any plans from here on out?” I asked when a sudden thought hit me.

“Me?” He looked up with a slight smile when he heard my question before guffawing like an old man as he stroked his beard, “I’m just a hermit and have no plans to go anywhere.”

“I see…” I said softly and nodded.

I don’t remember if Sima Hui ever left to join Liu Bei but what he just said about what my retainers lack is right and so, rather than ponder about Zhuge Liang, I should try to recruit Sima Hui right here and now.

“Teacher Sima, I–”

“No, Imperial Uncle need not say it.” Before I could say more than 3 words, I was soundly rejected.

“Eh? I haven’t finished yet.”

“I know what you’re thinking without hearing you say it. I might be a little frivolous of a person but I know you want to recruit me right?”

Is it that obvious… It seems like anything I’m thinking about will be reflected on my face. Of course, there is also the possibility that I let these things slip while I’m thinking about them but I sure hope that this isn’t the case.

“You really can’t?” I bowed as I said so to appear as sincere as possible, “As you said, I lack someone who can formulate a complete strategy across both military and civil battlefields. If you could join me, I’m sure my faction will be greatly helped.”

“Kekekeke,” He laughed once more at my words, “I’m already 43 this year and am long past my prime. Worse, I might go into the soil before long. I did have ambitions when I was younger but time has long since worn away my wings.”

As he said so, he spread his arms out and shook his sleeves, “As you see, I am now merely Xiang Lang’s master and a normal villager living in the mountainous wilderness.”

“You’re being far too humble.” I said as I shook my head.

I’m not too sure who Sima Hui is exactly. From the Three Kingdoms stories I know, the only impression I have of him is that he is the one who introduces the name of Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei.

But I can tell, from the sparkling gleam in Sima Hui’s eyes that he possesses a deep and profound intellect. Hermit scholars do not become hermits to get away from cities and people. Only those who have truly understood the world and people will seclude themselves and wait to see what fate has in store for them.

“So,” I thought and asked once more, “You don’t plan on leaving seclusion?”

“…” He looked at me wordlessly. He did not shake or nod his head and only sighed as he looked up at the night sky, “We’ll see how it goes in future. I leave it to fate.”

When he said this, I no longer had the will to continue persuading him. It was clear that his fate was not to be with me. At least not yet. In that case, nothing I can say will move him.

“Is that so?” I said and nodded.

“I don’t really think that you need me all that much.”


Just as I was nodding, Sima Hui said something very surprising. I looked up and saw that he was looking over with a smile that was not diminished in the least.

“Why do you say so?” I asked somewhat hypocritically.

To put it simply, he’s right. Compared to Water Mirror, I was more concerned with Crouching Dragon. When I realised this, I felt like I was a bit rude to have invited him. I wonder if Sima Hui rejected my offer because he detected this?

“Just a guess.” But after a moment, that was all he said.

“Alright, that’s it for now. It’s not getting any early, we should be getting to bed.” He said as he stretched his back and began to head back in.

“Eh? We’re sleeping now?” I exclaimed as I looked up at the moon. It hadn’t been long since night fell and it could not have been more than an hour since the sun set.

“Countryside living is different from the city. There’s a lot of time at night for fun and games when you live in the city. But here, people have to tend to their fields in the morning. If you don’t sleep early, you can’t wake up early.”

Ah, that’s right. This is a very realistic problem, that hermits have no way of procuring food. This means that choosing to be a hermit means having to grow one’s own food. Honestly speaking, it feels like a giant waste of talent.

“Alright, I got it.”

Even though I felt that it was a waste for him to remain here as a hermit, he clearly had no intentions of coming with me. Nor does he seem to be dissatisfied with his current lifestyle. In which case, I have nothing to say and all I can do is agree and follow him back to the house.

“Ah right,” Sima Hui said as we walked back, “You will be leaving tomorrow right?”

“Ah un. There’s a lot going on and a lot to do at Xinye after all so I have to get there as soon as possible.” I said as I nodded resolutely. When he mentioned this, I could feel something rumbling in my stomach and rubbed it a little, hoping to alleviate the discomfort. Looks like stress really does cause gastric problems.

“There’s no need to be too anxious. Have a good night’s sleep. Your body still has not fully recovered yet.” Sima Hui said and then gave a wry smile, “Moreover, it’s already been 10 days, another day or 2 wouldn’t make too much of a difference right?”

Wu… That’s right. It’s been 10 days now. When tomorrow rolls in, it will be 11 days. And honestly speaking, my body still feels a bit weak. If not, I would have untied Dilu and galloped out by now.

Hai… Never mind. I yawned, stretched my back and entered the house.

Everything begins tomorrow. All I can do now is pray that nothing goes wrong in Xinye.

I woke up very early naturally the next day.

As I left the bed and made my way to the window, I could see that the sky was just beginning to brighten up. Even so, the sound of land being plowed could be heard coming from the slopes nearby. Looks like what he said about tending to his fields early was right after all.

“Un? You’ve woken up huh?” Just then a voice came from beside me. When I looked over, I found that it was Sima Hui with Xiang Lang behind him. They were both wide awake, did not have any sign of fatigue on their faces and had hoes in their hands, looking ready to get to work on their land.

“Ah, un. I’m awake.”

“Morning, Imperial Uncle.” Xiang Lang greeted me and bowed while holding the hoe.

“Un, morning.” I felt like it was a bit awkward but I returned the greeting anyway.

“How was it? Did you sleep well last night?”

“Yes, I slept well.”

This was the truth. My head was in a mess before I slept as the many things I had to do and attend to filled my head. But the moment I lay down in bed, I was assailed by so much tiredness that my head became empty and I couldn’t think of anything at all. And so, I fell asleep in no time at all.

“It’s good that you slept well.” Sima Hui nodded and stroked his beard with his spare hand, “Well then, Imperial Uncle is planning…”

“Yes,” I continued Sima Hui’s trailing words and bowed, “I’m planning to leave now.”

“Alright, I understand. Let’s leave together then.”

I nodded, put on my shoes and followed after them out of the house. Along the way, Xiang Lang gave me some directions, “Go upstream this way and head north after you reach the next village.”

“For more details on how to find your way to Xinye, just ask any passers-by you meet. Jing state commoners are typically good-natured and you are very unlikely to meet with any scammers or thieves.” Sima Hui said, “It would be very helpful for you if you were to meet with any wandering singers. They know the roads better than anyone else.”

Wandering singers? Are they just people on a journey? I suppose that they are rather similar to hermits in a way. The only difference is that they are on the move while hermits stay in one location.

“I understand. I’ll take note of it.” I said as we stepped out of the house.

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