Published at 22nd of May 2017 12:39:39 AM

Chapter 90

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Liu Bei POV

“Ah… This is… A gift from Lord Shamoke” Chen Dao closed her eyes and muttered as she embraced the protective chest piece.

“Lord Chen Dao, that’s a little too much.” I said as I smiled stiffly. I must say that it feels rather unnatural to hear her calling me Shamoke.

“But why are you here? I heard from Zi Long that you were at the training grounds.”

The training grounds is a plot of land to the south of the city. Why is she here?

“Ah, I came here to buy this as I have something to do in the city.” Chen Dao replied, still looking joyful, “I was at the magistrate’s office earlier as I had a message for Liao Hua and Chen Gong.”

Eh? The ones on duty today at the magistrate’s office is Liao Hua and Chen Gong? Now that’s a combination that I have never seen before.

— I think that we should do it this way.

— Un, let’s do that then.

In my mind, I could picture 2 people, 1 sitting and 1 standing, deal with all the civil and legal issues that came very effectively, efficiently and rapidly. For the former Registrar of Luoyang and a former county Prefect, the troubles of a small city like Xinye should be a piece of cake.

“Ah yes, I also met Lord Mi Zhu.”

“Zi Zhong huh?”

“Yes~ She came to the magistrate looking for its accounts.” Chen Dao said as she carefully equipped the protective chest piece and stared at it closely as she traced the feather engraving.

“Do you like it?”

“Un, this one feels different from the one I used before.” Chen Dao said as she picked up the piece and looked at it closer, “Thanks… Lord Shamoke.”

“Aiya, I already said there’s no need for that, didn’t I?”

But Zi Zhong is at the magistrate’s office too huh? Looks like the magistrate’s office is fully equipped with experts to deal with any issue.

… Ah, damn it!

“Un? What’s the matter, my… Lord Shamoke?” Chen Dao came closer and asked me when she saw my expression change.

I slapped my forehead and then turned to the door, “Chen Dao, let’s go.”

“Ah, un.” Chen Dao did not know what was going on but obediently followed me out.

I nearly forgot that I had to return within 30 minutes. I did a rough approximation and it seems like it’s almost 30 minutes now which means that even if I rush back, I will be late. If it’s xiao Yong then it does not matter as she will not be able to tell. Gong You, however, is different. She has a very accurate bio-clock so she can tell the time very accurately just by looking at the sky.

“Chen Dao, what’re you going to do now?”

“Ah, I’m going back to the training grounds.” Chen Dao stopped and pointed in the direction where the training grounds were, “Lord Zhao Yun only went there to observe for a bit and there isn’t actually anyone overseeing the training.”

Wu… That Zi Long. Perhaps this might be just her full trust in Chen Dao. But this is not the time to be saying this.

“We’ll part ways here then. I’m headed back to the mansion.”

“Ah! Alright!” Chen Dao immediately saluted and bowed to me, attracting every passers-by attention immediately. Even I felt embarrassed but it seemed like she did not feel that way at all. She then got up and showed the protective chest piece to me, “I will always cherish the protective chest piece and the hair tie you bought for me.”

I would rather that you use them.

“Ah, got it. Goodbye!” I hurriedly saluted back and jogged back to the mansion. I just hope Gong You will not say anything. But what scared me more is that Gong You might overthink my lateness and she might even think that I am lost and is currently searching for me.

Wu… I just hope that Gong You is not too worried.

“*Pa*! Gong You, I’m back. Let’s begin our lessons!” I said as I slammed open the main door and made my way into the main hall, “Gong You?!”

When I entered the room, I looked about for her and found her sitting quietly beside my desk. When she saw movement where I was, she turned around.

“… My lord.”

“Haa… Hu~” I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw that Gong You was still around.

“Looks like I’m safe.”

“… Un?”

“No, it’s nothing. What I mean is, did I come back within 30 minutes?” I asked as I tried to catch my breath and looked at her with a worried and expectant gaze.

“… A little late but it’s not a big deal.”

“Hu~” I heaved a sigh of relief. I guess I made it. Seeing Gong You was already seated beside my desk, I had no choice. I was not willing but a promise is a promise. Even if I zone out or fall asleep, I will still have to stay here for at least 2 hours until lunch at noon.

“… I hope that my lord can listen keenly and not zone out or fall asleep.”

“No, I didn’t think of those things at all.”

“… But my lord is not looking at me.”

Wu… Has Gong You gotten a good grasp of my expressions and reactions now?! Looks like everyone can understand my inner monologues now. Alright, I will do what I can and listen to–

*Dang*! The room door was slammed open.

“Ah!! My lord! Lord Sun Qian! How can you both be chatting around here so carefreely!”

“Yes, yes~ Come quick, come quick~”

Un? Such loud and rough voices, there are only a few people who come to mind.

“… Lord Guan Ping, Lord Zhou Cang.” Gong You calmly called out to the 2 newcomers.

Un, I guessed it right. I thought that it might have been Wen Yuan but the idiot pairing, ie these 2, seemed more likely.

“So what’s the matter now?” I asked. Compared to them, I am akin to an elder and I am also their lord as well so I need to act properly at times like this, “If you’re here to mess around, then please do so in the courtyard outside, I need to–”

“My lord! We need to settle things with a duel!”

Eh? A duel? Guan Ping and Zhou Cang?

Un… That does seem interesting…

“… My lord.” Gong You called out to me just as my interest was ignited and looked at me with the expressionless eyes. I understood immediately and returned my gaze back to my scrolls.

“Ah, I understand.”

No can do. How can I let myself get distracted by them?


“Come, Lord Sun Qian, you will be our judge.”


Gong You got dragged away by the 2 of them!

“Ahem. Guan Ping, Zhou Cang, how can you both get in the way of my learning?” I protested in a very small voice while feeling relieved inside. Given Gong You’s personality, it will be impossible for her to reject them.

I hurried after them and saw that they were dragging Gong You by her arms. She looked at me with dull eyes to which I responded with a stiff smile. When she saw this she sighed.

We made our way into the middle courtyard toward the back. It was spacious and the ground was dry. It was also flat and devoid of any fake hills or weird shaped rocks and was a perfect place for a duel.

“Come, Lord Sun Qian.” Zhou Cang said as Guan Ping took out a brush and passed it to Gong You.

“…” Gong You wordlessly received and when I went up close, I saw that there was a piece of silk wrapped around it.

“What is this?” I asked.

“… A slightly torn piece of silk.” Gong You said as she slowly opened it. I do not think that my implied question is that vague.

“A scorecard.” Guan Ping said happily as she held her waist. Looks like she came up with this,

“We’re going to use this to keep score for our duel later.” Guan Ping said as she took out 2 long and thin sticks which were wrapped with a white cloth and tossed 1 over to Zhou Cang, “Whenever we land a hit on the other side, we would like to trouble Lord Sun Qian to record that as 1 point.”

“That’s what it’s about.” Zhou Cang said as she lightly tapped Guan Ping’s head with the stick she received as demonstration.

Ohhh, I see. This feels like the modern sort of martial arts competitions. It’s great that they found a new way to compete with martial arts in their free time.

“Ah yes!” Just then, Guan Ping seemed to have thought of something and pointed at Zhou Cang, “It’s a little boring so why don’t we make a bet?”

“A bet?” Zhou Cang’s lips curled when she heard this, “Interesting. But what do you want to bet? How many coils, just say it.”

It’s as if Zhou Cang is really rich.

“Hmhm, money does not mean anything to me. If we’re going to bet, then let’s bet big!” Guan Ping’s hand continued to be pointed at Zhou Cang as she stated her demand, “Let’s bet the position of being mother’s lieutenant in the next battle!”


“Sure! I don’t know why you want to bet that but I won’t lose no matter what.”

When she finished, they both readied their stance and waited for the opening signal.

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