Doomsday Sanctuary - Chapter 4300

Published at 29th of October 2021 01:30:30 PM

Chapter 4300: 4300

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People in the conference hall immediately changed color when they heard the words. The enemy was so fast that they even reached Sagittarius, which was very close to the galaxy.

It seems that the enemy probably got the information from the captured soldiers of the city of refuge, and they even went straight to the Galactic stars regardless of the attack.

"Secretary General Liu can't hesitate to mobilize the fleet immediately. In addition, Tansnia will be transferred back. The broken land area can be lost, but the earth star can never have an accident!"

Zheng Guohua suddenly stood up and looked at Liu Bingyu in a deep voice.

"Secretary general, make a decision! It's too late. Zheng Xiang is right. First of all, we must ensure the safety of Earth Star. This is the most important thing! "

One phase steady Ouyang Zhen also urgent voice says.

"Secretary general, please make a decision."

Pang Donghai, Yang Shangrong and others all stood up and urged Liu Bingyu.

People can't sit still. The earth star is the foundation, but the broken land area is not. Once the earth star goes wrong, everything is over. This is their home. How can these people not be in a hurry.

Everyone's eyes are on Liu Bingyu. At this time, Liu Bingyu can make a decision. Without Di Ping, only she can command the army, or no one can mobilize an army or a ship.

Liu Bingyu stood up slowly and solemnly said in a deep voice:

"order all the armies to immediately transfer all the class 5 and level 6 warships under the command of the Fenglong warship Ma Xiao, and surround and kill the enemy ships outside the Galaxy!"


Several generals in the hall stood up to take orders.

Liu Bingyu glanced at the crowd and said in a deep voice:

"with the coming of the war, all departments worked hard to ensure all the materials needed in the war, and all departments should not slack off!"


The heads of various departments all stood up to take orders.

"Break up!"

Liu Bingyu put away the documents in front of her and announced the end of the meeting. Then she was ready to clean up the things in front of her. However, people in the meeting room looked at me and I looked at you. For a moment, the atmosphere was a little strange.

Zheng Guohua and Shen Borong looked at each other, and he said in a hurry:

"Secretary General Liu, what do you say about the transfer of tanshinia back from the broken land

Liu Bingyu said seriously:

"I have already asked the Ministry of communications to contact the land fragmentation area. I believe that news will come soon!"

"when I heard that, Zheng Guosong said in his heart

After working together for so many years, he has no doubt about Liu Bingyu's handling ability, regardless of his age. But after so many years of tempering, he has become more and more sophisticated. Many times, he and Shen Bo Rong are surprised by all the means of handling.

But the only thing that Zheng Guohua has the biggest headache is that as long as di Ping is concerned, everything must get out of the way, so he is afraid that Liu Bingyu will do everything to ensure that the land will be destroyed. Now he is relieved by Liu Bingyu's words.


Just at this time, suddenly the door was pushed open, the sound was very loud, and the conference hall trembled.

People looked at the past in surprise. This is a confidential meeting. Who is so presumptuous.

The white shadow flashed. Shen Manshu, the Minister of communications, rushed in regardless of the guard's stop. Her sweat and hair were all on her forehead. Her breath was disordered and her face was in a state of anxiety and panic.

All the people in the conference hall, seeing this scene, immediately felt a tight heart, and a trace of bad thoughts rose.

Shen Manshu came to Liu Bingyu in a hurry and said in a low voice:

"the land is broken and the war is going on!"


Liu Bingyu, who has always been calm and calm, suddenly stood up. Her face was pretty white and her eyes were shocked.

Shen Manshu was also too alarmed. Although he lowered his voice, there were not a few people in the front row in such a quiet conference hall. Zheng Guohua's distance was only two or three meters, which was the most authentic.

"The land is broken and a war is going on!"

Zheng Guohua's face suddenly changed, and his eyes were in a state of shock. It is difficult to maintain his composure after years of cultivation.

The people in the front row who heard the news all stood up in panic. For a moment, the meeting hall was in chaos. Those who didn't hear from the back row also felt that the situation was wrong. They stood up and looked at the front row in panic.


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