Published at 2nd of February 2024 05:55:36 AM

Chapter 76: How to Kill a Unicorn

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Chapter 76: How to Kill a Unicorn

Turning the key in the lock of the door in the first room of the 10th Floor turned out to be the correct choice. Something which greatly relieved Talindra Delonix-Regia as she had run out of ideas on how to solve the Dungeon's puzzle.

Her next attempt would have been to break through the brickwall behind the door in the 5th room. Which naturally wasn't an option she was too keen on after what had happened earlier with the axe wielder.

Unlocking an already unlocked door and expecting it to anything but lock, seemed entirely illogical, yet definitely something a Dungeon this unusual would do.

The fact that passing through the first door of the Floor didn't earn them any EXP from a solved puzzle, had naturally been disregarded as the door hadn't actually been locked. So, despite the words above it, it couldn't have been a puzzle. The goddess was simply making them aware of something for a later one.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Talindra's Party had mysteriously disappeared. She assumed they had either been swallowed by a trap from the surprisingly strong Dungeon - as all the monsters in that area had been killed - or they had left the Dungeon. Either through some form of force forcing them to leave or through their own free will.

The fact that they disappeared as the puzzle she had been studying, suddenly stated it 'could not be solved under these circumstances'... That couldn't be a coincidence.

No, the puzzle in question must have relied on multiple people to be solved. And with no more people on the Floor, the puzzle was considered invalid by the System where it had been perfectly valid beforehand.

Only... Talindra had an amazing Awareness Score. It was her highest Ability Score in fact. And she had just gone through all 5 of the rooms currently discovered on the Floor looking for clues on how to enter the 6th. The only traps she had found which would hide their dead bodies from her had been the 'hidden' lava pits in the third room. A room they hadn't entered as she had been standing in front of the door to said room, attempting to understand the associated puzzle as they disappeared.

And why would they have left? The goddess needed aid so it couldn't have been willingly.

Yet... Talindra hadn't seen any signs of anyone or anything which could have forced them out either...

But ultimately it didn't matter what had happened to them. Not this moment at least. The goddess still needed saving and with the rest gone, the goddess might just reward her remaining follower more handsomely afterwards for having succeeded where others had failed or given up.

And Talindra really liked getting things.

The short hall connecting the first room to the second had completely disappeared as the Light Hunter opened the door. Instead a field of grass, wildflowers, a couple of trees, and the 6 monsters of the room could be seen on the other side.

The elven woman froze in fear.

The monsters were unicorns.

6 of those unreasonably aggressive, white, lion-tailed, cloven hooved, goat-bearded, horned horses which many foreign crafteries and royalties kept as farm animals and pets for reasons unfathomable to any civilized individual.

Knowing how aggressive and dangerous even 'tame' unicorns were, had Talindra freeze in fear as she saw them standing in the next room.

At least they couldn't reach her yet, as they were in a different room. They hadn't even noticed her yet.

Half an hour had gone with the creation of the spell, but Talindra didn't consider the time wasted.

For when it came to unicorns, it was better to be safe than sorry.

With that in mind she got herself ready, bow in one hand, arrow in the other, and her mind ready to cast her newly created spell at the center of the unicorn herd the moment she had entered the room.

The unicorns raised their heads as one to look at her with their noses flared in enraged snorts the very moment she entered the room they were grassing in.

She didn't give them enough time to do anything more before she released the needed mana into the casting of her giant exploding Flash Lure.


It was hard to follow what exactly was going on around the Lightning Mage as I could only listen, and more often than not someone would interrupt the one talking or simply start talking over them.

I had however been able to see my supposed mistress cut and cauterize the hand of the Hypnotist as it had happened near my Dungeon Portal, so I at least knew the topic of the argument.

The Lightning Mage had punished the Hypnotist and not everyone agreed with that. She had argued that with his punishment served and with him no longer being Brainwashed nothing more was to happen. But another argued that her hand should be cut off as punishment for cutting off the hand of Hypnotist 'unprovoked'.

They had yet to reach an agreement.

... Or rather, they had yet to calm that one guy down. Everyone else talking seemed to agree that - at the very least - the Lightning Mage had the authority to punish him.

And with the Light Hunter seemingly meditating for half an hour, it wasn't like I had anything else going on. Rules were expensive, so I was left just waiting and collecting mana.

The Light Hunter finally moved again, just as the angry one seemed to finally realize no one was actually backing him up.

Then she cast a spell meant to blind multiple opponents. Why she cast it in a room devoid of enemies wasn't clear to me. Instead it simply reminded me of how useless my old 'Mostly Random Wonky Magic' Rule had been this run. It didn't work on mana-using-Skills, only actual spells. And as only two of the 6 cultists had been spellcasters of any definition of the word, combined with the common 'we're in a dangerous Dungeon, so let's save mana whenever we can'-mentality, it wasn't all that often that an actual spell was cast. The Hypnotist had kept himself as far from actual battle as possible and the Earthquake Mage preferred using Skills over spells.

The few times a spell had gone Wonky it hadn't even ended up inconveniencing them at all. It had annoyed them, but not enough to even slow them down.

But if archer girl here intends on using an actual spell...

System! Make Wonky Magic less random!

The Wonkyness was now increased from a 10% chance to 50% the next 10 minutes. The Rule only allowed me to do so twice a day, and I had originally planned on using both charges during the final Boss battle - on the assumption and hope that the battle would last more than 20 minutes - but with only a single intruder left, who normally wouldn't be using any spells at all, it seemed logical to use the first one now.

I didn't regret my decision.

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