Published at 14th of August 2023 06:12:43 AM

Chapter 154: 153 The Mother Of My Child

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Raven left the brothel feeling extremely rejuvenated as his cultivation reached a new level, something he never expected to enjoy. "Madame Miyako's energy is equal to Claudina, but her control of it is impeccable.

He opened his phone, enjoying the usual goodnight messages—Lilith would be hopeful at 1 pm, so with some time, he headed towards the supermarket to buy some things for Philis. 

She mentioned feeling sick and wanting to eat something sour but was too sore to move around 20 minutes before he left.

'Let's get some grapefruit and mango because I know that woman hates sour things... so the mango should help her.' He thought to himself with a smile, thinking about visiting a car dealership soon to buy a car to avoid the long travel times.

The supermarkets were quite large in Arcadia, with some having better deals than the others, but he chose one called Acoda, known for its organic fruit and veg and opting for less processed foods with additives and more locally sourced food. 

'Well, it tastes a little bland, but I don't want my child to eat anything but the best.' Raven thought as he entered the store—even pushing one of those large shopping trolleys in his expensive suit made a strange image.

[Message to Lilith] 

Is there anything you would like to eat for dinner tonight? I will buy it.


He didn't rush, wanting to browse properly through each aisle, starting at the most useless ones and buying some deodorant, shampoo and conditioner. Interestingly, they even had the brand he bought online but with a slightly better offer. 

So he bought 10 bottles of each, ensuring they had no dodgy dates before they were no good.

Because Lilith liked berries and watermelon shampoo and complained that he liked lemon and mint flavours, he bought 10 bottles of her 5 berries and 5 assorted melon flavours.

Raven didn't like shopping particularly, but this moment, after the constant sex, fighting and action of his daily life, walking around and throwing food, toiletries and condiments into the trolley while the soft music played, was rather soothing for him.

In the past, it would be the long bus journey home at 1 am that he could relax.


"Oh, it's Lilith!"

[Message from Lilith

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