Dwarf In The Future - Chapter 63.3

Published at 30th of November 2023 08:35:41 AM

Chapter 63.3

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Sorry for the late update, I was rather busy this week.

Long Baorou: The President’s daughter.

Long Xuyang: Long Baorou’s younger brother. The President’s youngest child.

=The Empire=

An Leen: Imperial Princess.

An Tyn: Imperial Prince, An Leen’s twin brother.

An Lita aka Ning Kong’an: The Emperor’s nephew, born from Prince An Xei and Ning Kongran’s aunt. Studies pharmacy.

An Xei: The Emperor’s younger brother. A Prince and a scholar.

Charmmi: The Imperial Royal Mecha Master Brendan’s granddaughter. Studies mecha manufacturing.

Jian: The Imperial High Advisor’s son. Studies History.

Jexiu: Neitaxi’s son, studying mecha piloting.

When Qiao Zhiya walked out of the room blushing, Chu Huai, his wife and Chu Yan had already gone out.

After that Chu Rong stepped out and grabbed him by the collar. He brought the blond youth to the dining room. “Remember to drink some medicine after breakfast. You were drenched last night. Avoid catching cold.”

“Yes,” Qiao Zhiya replied as he was being obedient in Chu Rong’s arms. He was still rather shy though, not daring to look directly at Chu Rong. 

Seeing this, Chu Rong gently stretched out a finger to scratch his neck. That pair of ears were twitching as his neck was tickled, while the youth himself was staring at him with widened eyes. 

This reaction satisfied Chu Rong, so he withdrew his adventurous fingers. But then, he carried Qiao Zhiya up. 

If anything, this worsened Qiao Zhiya’s blush. He knew that he couldn’t move around much, so he slung his arm over Chu Rong’s neck while his head rested upon the Marshal’s shoulder. 

After breakfast, Chu Rong went to the military headquarters, and Qiao Zhiya reluctantly accompanied him until he boarded his hover car. Stunned in place, he was still touching his forehead that had been kissed just now. Even when he walked to his room, he was still blushing. 

In his room, he took out his Starnet helmet and put it on — the entrance exam for the Federal Military Academy was near, so he had to ask for a leave again. 

After the usual class time had passed, Qiao Zhiya first apologized to the bearded teacher. Then brought up the need to ask for leave to take the exam.

“Okay, I’ll give you a few more days off. You don’t have to come to class until the entrance exam is over. I don’t want to distract you,” The bearded teacher waved his hands very eloquently, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Seeing this, Qiao Zhiya was a little curious, and couldn’t help asking, “Laoshi, did something good happen to you?” 

‘Otherwise, why would you be so happy?’ he inwardly wondered.

“Is it so obvious?” The bearded man restrained his expression a little, but found out that he couldn’t. So he simply stopped covering up and said happily, “It’s not a big deal, it’s just that the son of one of my students finally found their significant other… This solved a worry of mine, and now only Luo Li is left… By the way, Meissen, how old are you? Are you an adult?” 

was his old ID, but the teacher only knew him by this name, so he was called by this. 

“I’m 18 years old, already an adult.” He answered honestly. 

The bearded man nodded. His tone was earnest. “Since you are an adult, you should start to search for your future partner. Don’t be too indifferent. If you do, you won’t have a candidate when it’s time for you to start a family. Ah… you know, I really want to hold my grandchild1not really blood-related, but more like Luo Li’s child. The teacher doesn’t consider Luo Li his “adopted son”, but since he’s his direct disciple, there’s a relation in this angle. This is the norm in those cultivation sects, for reference., but I can’t.”

Qiao Zhiya’s mind flashed the word “fiance” that Chu Rong said last night, making him flushed red. In a shy whisper, he stuttered out his reply, “Laoshi, I-I… already… ha-have a p partner.”

“Hmm…. huh?” 

The bearded man stopped stroking his beard. He leaned over and asked eagerly, “You have already got a date? So early?”

Qiao Zhiya was even embarrassed further by his question, but he still answered, “W-we just con…confirmed the relationship. He’s2he uses 他 “tā” which is indistinguishable from 她. The former is masculine/gender-neutral, the later is feminine. much older than me, so it’s not… that early for him.” 

“Much older?” The bearded man looked him up and down, guessing that his student should be dating an older man – in his eyes, it seemed less likely his student would be dating a woman. “Just get along well, and bring him to meet me when you have a chance. It’s better for you to worry about it, unlike your senior brother. Be it boy or girl, it doesn’t matter who you’re dating, but your senior brother… he just won’t look for a date at all. Regardless, all you need to focus on is preparing for your exam. Don’t forget to get adequate rest; don’t let overexhaustion be the factor that fails your exam.” 

Qiao Zhiya was so ashamed that he just wanted to run away, so retreat he did. He hurriedly said goodbye and went offline, lying on the bed as he waited for the heat on his face to subside. 

He was simply far too shy to introduce Chu Rong as his “boyfriend”. He never introduced such an intimate relationship to anyone. 

One day before the entrance examination, the investigation results of the radiation stone incident came out. It was concluded that someone controlled Long Baorou’s spiritual power, deliberately guided her thoughts, and induced her to do some irrational things. The motive was to ruin the friendly relationship between the two civilizations. 

In the end, various clues pointed out that this conspiracy was carried out by a new reactionary force that infiltrated the Presidential Palace. Because her spiritual power was controlled, Long Baorou’s spiritual sea was damaged, and she needed to recuperate to another planet for a while. 

After Princess An Leen learned the truth, she went to visit Long Baorou in person. She generously forgave her previous rude behavior, and the two settled their suspicions. Prince An Xei also said that he no longer cared about this matter, and had a simple conversation with the President on behalf of friendship.

From the occurrence of this matter to its resolution, and then to the official explanation, all the news was locked in the upper layers of the Federation and did not flow out. So the public only knew that Marshal Chu suddenly announced his love affair at this welcome banquet, and his fiance was the Exoplanet Native boy he rescued. After learning about this incident, Long Baorou, who has always had a crush on Marshal Chu, was overly sad and decided to go to other planets to heal her wounds. Princess An Leen, who had previously pursued Marshal Chu in a high-profile manner, generously sent her blessings, stabilizing the demeanor that a princess should have.

The rumors of the marriage dissipated immediately, and another rumor about Long Baorou slowly emerged.

The danger that Chu Yan and Qiao Zhiya encountered during the festival was brought up again. An anonymous account came out to swear that the incident was actually designed by Long Baorou to hurt Qiao Zhiya. She saw Marshal Chu’s feelings for Qiao Zhiya, and wanted to kill off that relationship. However, not only she failed to do so, it actually progressed their relationship and led it to become public. 

In a manner of speaking, Long Baorous “healing her wounds” was actually her running away because she was afraid being retaliated by Marshal Chu who knew the truth. 

The public was skeptical about the official explanation at the beginning. But now that the rumors came out, combined with the details that Chu Rong immediately took over the security protection team with a high profile and replaced Long Ruizhang after Chu Yan’s team had an accident, they believed it almost immediately. This statement showed contempt for Long Baorou’s behavior.

Love was such a beautiful thing. As the president’s daughter, Long Baorou would be fine if she didn’t set a good example and acted irrationally. However, she used such a sinister method to “clean up” a pure, naive Exoplanet Native boy who just reached adulthood. She was simply too evil!

At the same time, they recalled the rumors that Marshal Chu had secretly fallen in love with Long Baorou, but because his spiritual strength was polluted, he felt inferior and dared not approach her. The netizens sneered, hating that they were fooled by such rumors. To vent their anger, they ran to the forum to whip the corpses. 

[Marshal Chu likes boys, and yet you’re brave enough to say he has a crush on you! Ptooey! Don’t think so highly of yourself!] 

Then, the public’s eyes fell on Chu Rong and Qiao Zhiya, a newly public couple. There was a weird silence for a while, and then they all turned over the live broadcast at that time.

[Although the age difference was a bit big… But this interaction! Marshal Chu’s gentle eyes! The Native cutie looked so dependent! The romantic encounter between the two could be called the prince saving the “princess”!]

[Were us blind at the beginning? Why couldn’t we see the sparks of love between these two! Marshal Chu’s fondness for the boy was so obvious!]

[Yes, yes, Marshal Chu, who looks like an evil god, needs a soft, cute and innocent boy like him to match. They simply looked like a match made in heaven!] 

Overall, the netizens were very much enthusiastically accepting this couple. In contrast, An Leen was very depressed, but there was nothing she could do about it.

“Ge…” She looked at An Tyn, who was sitting by the bed, her face had a hint of grievance. She asked in a low voice, “Marriage is no longer possible, what should I do now?” 

An Tyn recovered from his contemplation, raised his hand, and gently patted her face. “It’s okay, I’ve wronged you this time. Since we can’t win over the Chu family, then I’ll just change to another one.” 

An Leen froze. She tightened her hands on the hem of her skirt, lowered her head, and asked with a choked voice, “Change to which one?” 

Seeing her compromise and reluctance, An Tyn stood up. He hugged her and patted her back comfortingly. “I haven’t decided yet. But, you don’t need to sacrifice yourself this time. All you need to do is study well at school, leave everything else to me, okay?” 

An Leen’s tense body relaxed, her nose sore, and finally, she regained the feeling that she could rely on her brother wholeheartedly. She raised her arms to hug him back, and said with a choked voice, “I can help you. I will help you, Ge. Don’t tire yourself.” 

“I’m not tired,” An Tyn lowered his head. His hazy eyes then immediately became firm. In an equally low whisper, he replied, “Shh… our lives will be better. Even if one thread is cut, another one can still be spun. There will always be another way.”

–As long as their father was not dead, there was still a chance. 

An Leen nodded, and tightened her hug. 

The next day was the day of the entrance examination. Chu Rong took the time to send the two youths to the school.

“Don’t run around after the test, I’ll wait for you outside,” Chu Rong instructed, reaching out to help Qiao Zhiya straighten his bangs.

Qiao Zhiya blushed, tilted his head and nuzzled his palm.

Chu Yan was very tired of being the third-wheel, so he agreed very perfunctorily, and got out of the car first – recently this family has become more unbearable.

“The-then I’ll go down too.” Qiao Zhiya withdrew his head back, looked up at Chu Rong’s face, and quickly moved away. Even after a few days, he still couldn’t look at Chu Rong naturally for a long time. 

Knowing that he was shy, Chu Rong didn’t tease him. As he reached out to pinched his reddened ears, he said, “Go.” 

Qiao Zhiya’s feet quickly retracted as soon as he stepped out. Gathering up his courage, he turned around–

Giving Chu Rong a hug, and a peck in the cheek.

After that, he quickly got out of the car. He then dragged Chu Yan, who was waiting outside, towards the academy’s gate. 

Chu Rong was taken aback by the kiss. Absent-mindedly, he touched his cheek. Then, he  closed the car door with a slight smile on his lips. 

There were many students and parents coming and going at the door, and those who recognized the black hover car were all watching curiously from afar, all with a glint of gossip in their eyes. 

At first, when only Chu Yan got out of the car alone, they thought that the two subjects of the gossip were not in the car. But then, after a while, a beautiful boy with a red face jumped out of the car in a hurry. 

They all understood – the two of them weren’t absent, but had such a good relationship that they needed to be alone for a while.

The car door closed slowly, and after seeing a pair of vaguely long legs, they became more and more sure of their guess. When they saw that the black car did not leave, but waited around the corner outside the school gate, their hearts burst out in pink bubbles – the Marshal was definitely waiting for his fiance to finish his exam! 

They never expected that Marshal Chu, who seemed to have a bad temper and a short  patience, would be so considerate when it comes to love… 

But speaking of it this way, when will Marshal Chu plan to hold an engagement banquet with that Exoplanet Native boy?

The gate of the Federal Military Academy was very majestic, more than three times larger than the Intermediate Academy. The students walking among them look more mature and taller, all of them have long legs. Qiao Zhiya was not tall and had a tender face. He was like a lost teenager mistakenly walking into the world of grown-ups. 

A year later, Chu Yan, who was only half a head taller than Qiao Zhiya back then, was already a head taller than him. He was about the same height as Chu Rong, but his body was thinner. Qiao Zhiya was both gratified and depressed about this.

“Everyone is so tall…”

After entering the campus, Qiao Zhiya gradually pulled away from his shyness. He glanced at Chu Yan next to him, and then at the test-takers. His ears flattened. 

As a dwarf-elf mixed child, he actually knew that his parents had expectations for his height. But later this expectation was completely washed away by his inability to cultivate magic power.

Later, his parents saw that he exhibited more of his dwarven heritage, so they simply took him back to live in a dwarven village, where he was the tallest among the dwarves. In so, although he had no magic power, he never felt inferior compared to his peers.

He has always been proud of his bloodlines and felt that he was an undeniable proof of his parents’ love. In fact, before him, there has never been a dwarf-elf couple who gave birth to an offspring. 

After coming to this strange world, he has always thought this way, so he has never felt inferior because of his height. But now that he has established a relationship with Chu Rong, he suddenly feels inferior. Chu Rong was so good – compared to him, he seemed too weak. 

Chu Yan was keenly aware of his negative thinking, and hurriedly raised his arms to put them on his shoulders to distract him and cheer him up. “What’s the use of being tall? I’m taller than you, but I’m not as strong as you. Not only can you run faster, you can also make very powerful weapons. Dage once said that I grew so fast that I keep needing new clothes, which is just a waste of fabrics and money. I think you are doing well, and Erge likes you very much. He always wants to hug you.” 

“Xiao Yan…” Qiao Zhiya blushed at Chu Yan’s last remark. He waved his hands in front of him, preventing him from continuing to say something embarrassing.

“It’s the truth… Oh well, okay, okay. I’m not talking anymore. Otherwise, if Erge finds out, he’ll drag me to another ‘sparring session’.” Chu Yan deliberately made fun of himself. 

They arrived at a perfect time. When they entered the inspection hall, the exchange students from the Empire had just finished their aptitude inspections, which caused some commotion.

“That Jian actually has SS-level spiritual power! With such heaven-defying aptitude, he actually went to study History! What a waste!” Several students huddled together, commenting at the big screen in the hall, which displayed the result of the aptitude test. 

“That Princess An Leen who pursued Marshal Chu actually has an S-level spiritual aptitude, just like her brother. It’s unbelievable,” Another female student couldn’t help sighing, as if she couldn’t accept this fact.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!