Elder Cultivator - Chapter 303

Published at 9th of February 2024 05:50:25 AM

Chapter 303

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Chapter 303

Ever since he had begun cultivating, Hiram had grown used to feeling the presence of people more powerful than himself around. It wasnt as if there were suddenly more cultivators, with the possible exception of Anton. He was simply more aware of them. His recent growth had been enough that at least he felt the gap closing with some of the locals who had been cultivating before himself. Most were in Body Tempering, some Spirit Building and then there was Anton in Essence Collection.

Hiram considered himself lucky to never have been close to Birita. Even if she had apparently grown more unhinged recently, she had always been petty and evil. Dealing with her goons had been bad enough, which led to his wife sparking the conflict with the Gray Stone Sect. They still had their coming, too. It would be a while, but he could feel he would make it. He just had to believe and put in the work. It wouldnt be easy, but he could devote himself to the task fully.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

Over time hed gotten used to the feelings of different cultivation styles around him, the handful that Anton was teaching to his various students as well as the others. But he suddenly felt one that hed never felt before. At least not from anyone else.

Death. That was the feeling of the energy, and what he thought would happen to him as it approached him. He didnt even get to fully consider running away before the suddenly detected presence was on top of him, looking him in the eyes. And then it was too late.

You are not a member of the Whispering Watchers, the voice was raspy and indistinct, but more or less directed at him. Or perhaps simply not excluded from his ears. Youre coming with me.

Hiram had no ability to respond in any capacity as her energy wrapped around him as if he were simply a bundle of sticks and not a person. He recalled Antons warnings. A deep part of him was filled with regret while another part of him was filled with hope. That was just the way humans functioned, because even though he knew he would die if he didnt, he might look forward to being as strong as the woman in front of him.

It was only a very short time later that he found himself bound in heavy chains, inside a room at an inn on the edge of town where hed once rented a room. The stupid part of him deep inside thought to blame them for that, when it hardly mattered to his current situation and they would be just as helpless as he was. But the rest of his brain was hardly coming up with any solutions to his predicament either. Even if he wasnt being watched, he had the feeling he couldnt break out of the chains binding him.

Im only going to ask this once, the woman said. Where is Anton Krantz?

Hiram felt death wash over him. It wasnt just her energy, but something deeper. He felt her true intentions. In a way, that let him set his resolve. Since he was going to die anyway, he wasnt going to die while being a traitor to someone who hed chosen to involve himself with. Anton? Never heard of him.

Hiram felt his life being torn out of him. It was much the same as natural energy flowing through him, but without any of the care for his own safety or the promise of anything more to come afterwards. But- right before the final bit left him- the flow stopped.

He found himself at the top of a tree. There were plenty of similar size in the deep woods, where hed been tending to the third batch of tree thistles. Atop his perch he wouldnt be fighting against the curvature of the planet quite so much. A nice twenty-meter tall tree tripled the proper distance to the horizon. With his target at ten kilometers, he even had some extra room to breathe on the far end.

His fingers fiddled with his quiver. Getting his hands on a copy of the Deathly Heart Technique had allowed some flaws to be discerned- mostly by the Life Transformation elders traveling with those from the other continent. But Anton noticed one independently, before it was explained more clearly by others. As a technique associated with death, its practitioners were also highly sensitive to killing intent. Killing intent was one of those hard to quantify things, and normally paired with the ability to sense danger in general. But in this particular case, it was truly that specific.

The truer the risk of death, the more they would be able to anticipate an incoming attack. But if an attack was not deadly their senses might be muted to it. Just slightly, but that might be enough.

Antons fingers settled on a black arrow. He only had one, and he only came into possession of it because of favoritism from Kseniya. A black thorned arrow. It came from a very obscure plant that had the slight issue of not growing anywhere with natural energy, and in very specific climates to boot. So far it hadnt been artificially cultivated, but from Antons perspective it felt like a distant relative of the western creeper.

In short, its thorns almost completely ignored energy defenses and if it hit just the right spot it could disrupt a cultivators energy flow until they yanked it out, potentially causing more damage than when it struck them. Shed used one arrow during the execution, greatly hindering one of their opponents.

Anton doubted he could achieve a perfect shot, but with what he hoped was the element of surprise he would certainly try. He wouldnt aim for the head or neck. Nor would he aim for the heart. The capacity of something that ignored energy to strike the dantian in its metaphysical location below the stomach was not something Anton knew, but if it did it might also be a fatal blow. So he was aiming for a kidney. Something below the ribcage and important, but also one that could be done without. A normal person might go into shock and die from having a kidney destroyed, but a cultivator would be able to handle it somewhat. And hopefully it would not be sensed the same way.

He hesitated, not because he was unsure about whether he should take the shot but when he should. Exchanging his own life for Hiram even he wasnt so selfless. It was likely too late for him regardless. But Elder Naheed hadnt gone anywhere in the several long minutes Anton had been watching. If she remained where she was, nobody else would die. Hopefully.

So he was waiting for something to make the choice for him. Then he felt it. Something unexpected but sufficient for him to decide, off to the north. Something that Elder Naheed would absolutely notice soon. His fingers pulled the arrow from his quiver. He raised his bow and nocked it on the string, pulling it back in one smooth motion. No special energy adorned the arrow, and what was there simply existed to propel it straight and true. The power of ascension and that from beyond death could both signal more than he was willing to give away.

His fingers released, the string snapped. Then the arrow was in flight. Normally Anton would have had another two or three at least on their way by the time it arrived, but his first one needed to strike and the additional attacks might provide some semblance of warning.

Normally Anton would fly with his arrow, but in this case his connection to the arrow was shaky due to its materials. Even so, he felt it was perfectly on target, flying towards Elder Naheed, intending to slip just below her ribs on the right side. Her moving a single pace to the side required only the minutest adjustment in its trajectory.

Then he lost all sense of the arrow, and Elder Naheeds power flared up like a fire. A cruel fire, ravaging a city not because of carelessness or storm but because someone wanted to see it burn, to watch people die. A foul energy. And hopefully a slightly diminished one. But it certainly charged towards him with enough speed for him to know his shot was far from fatal.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!