Published at 10th of February 2023 05:56:13 AM

Chapter 240: 235 人生支えあうことができれば、道は開く・・・・はず

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It's been a few days since I was told of the training in hell.

It is often said that Japan is a peaceful country, but that is not the case if you look at it in detail.

So, what part of Japan does not fall under this category?

A famous example would be the Self-Defense Forces' elite unit, the Ranger Unit.

They are trained to be prepared for all kinds of situations.

Who can say that such people are a peace-loving people? Some of them may accuse them of being peace-loving, but normally you cannot say such words.

Some of them are even rumored to be vomiting blood.

Now, let's talk about the Self-Defense Forces in such harsh training.

That sounds too exceptional a story to be true.

So, are there any other examples?

There is, well, this is a family story.

Move along! Get as much experience as you can! Hunt as many demons as possible!

It seems that we fall into that category now.

I am confident that if you see us all bleary-eyed, armed and ready to take on the enemy with the full force of our abilities, you will never hear the word "peace-loving" again.

Do not be afraid! There's no tomorrow for us if we're scared of this!

I am no exception, and I, too, take on the monsters in the dungeon and cut them down one by one.

Even now, the golem, which is still alive even though its body is crying up and down in tears, is further divided vertically to move on to the next enemy.

I don't think there's a single salaryman anywhere in Japan who is this bloodthirsty and determined, far from the word "peace-loving".

And just so you know, we're not working a bunch of days like a black company.

Our party is in good physical condition and we have been working hard to prepare for the dungeon and forge the magical crest.

This is to prepare for the training nightmare that will come.


Force 8983

Durable 10174

Agility 6663

Endurance 7456 (-5)

Dexterous 4541

Knowledge 96

Intuition 889

Luck 4

Magic power 4878

I didn't update my status too often because I was busy, but I still did it about once a month.

Compared to when I joined the company, I had more work to do and I forgot to update my status because of all the things I had to do.

However, although the frequency of updating is decreasing, it does not mean that I am not happy to see my status increase.

That's why I was updating it regularly.

It's been about three months since winter began.

I've only updated about three times during that time.


Force 8983→9645→10555→12573

Endurance 10174 -> 1111111 -> 12544 -> 13020

Agility 6663 → 7805 → 8065 → 9998

Endurance 7456 (-5) to 8233 (-5) to 9234 (-5) to 9806 (-5)

Dexterous 4541→6023→8095→18006

Knowledge 96 -> 105 -> 153 -> 289

Intuition 889 -> 986 -> 1800 -> 2105

Luck 4→4→4→4

Magic power 4878 -> 8003 -> 9532 -> 13211

Yeah, I think I've grown up a bit crazy.

Of course my strength is steadily increasing, but my durability is less and less because I'm simply not getting attacked anymore.

It's partly because I'm able to cut down my opponent before he attacks, but it's also because I've simply learned how to defend myself.

If I don't get attacked, then there's no damage, right? And?

Just because I've gained defensive skills and improved offensive abilities doesn't mean I'm immune to all attacks.

There are many who can beat me to a pulp even with these numbers.

This rise in durability is mostly a result of training with my instructor.

I shouldn't have grazed you and made you smile to motivate you more than you should have.

Also, I paid off the soul of the first demon king who possessed Amelia, the tournament when we decided on the general, and many other things that have accumulated over the years.

I'm confident that I still have the most durable value among our testers.

Conversely, I'm the tester who has taken the most damage, but I'll assume that this is an improvement and that I'm doing my job as a vanguard.

And I think the thing that bothers me most about this status is its dexterity value.

You may be wondering why the rise was so extreme.

Yeah, it was also a status that didn't rise as much as other statuses.

It didn't go up all by itself.

A status can go down, but it can't go up.

That's a good thing.

The whole ordeal of signing on with Ms. Vals was a problem.

Yeah, the ordeal caused my dexterity status to rise impossibly due to being stretched out in space.

The principle is simple.

Simple is best, as they say.

Instead of repeating simple tasks and letting your body do the thinking, you went beyond the realm of your spinal reflexes and gestured until you could subconsciously perceive the edge of the mineral tree.

This is my dexterity value as I refined it to be able to manipulate the tip of the blade to 1/10th of a millimeter, or even 1/1000th of a millimeter.

Well, it was acquired in a state of mind that made me want to perceive and cut space, so it's not surprising that my dexterity rose to this level.

And then there's the magic power.

Even wizards can use this amount of magic.

The reason for the increase is also simple.

It's also because of Vals' ordeal.

Together with his swings, he worked his magic and circulated between the mineral tree and my body.

Yes, there was only time.

I can't say it was literally forever, but I had the kind of time where I couldn't complain if I was called a madman beyond bored.

And I guess it's also because of the simple thinking that I was going to do what I could do.

But I'm not so sure that was the right way.

If I hadn't done it, I wouldn't have gotten out of that space, but I still wonder what I'm doing.

Now is not the time.

"Senpai! What did you say?

"Nothing! Let's go!


Well, so much for reminiscing and escaping reality.

Currently we don't have time.

To be precise, we have, but we don't have enough time to step into the territory we are supposed to be in.

As I said earlier, our party boasts the state's leading strength among our testers.

What's more, I have an unbelievable magic aptitude of nine.

Therefore, my growth rate is faster than others, so the status gap between me and Kaido's party is increasing.

This method should have opened up the gap between us and the other parties.

Then, if I were to answer the question of whether we are satisfied with our current abilities, the answer would be.

All of us would answer with a resounding no.

Kaido who usually hates trouble.

So does Minami who says working is losing.


There's not much time left until training! We have to beat these guys if we want to survive!



"Go to !!!!", that is.



Because we can imagine the severity of the content of the training that we can expect and realize that we are not yet strong enough.

At any rate, the people in charge of the training are three of the strongest people we can understand.

Kaido and I have been trained by our instructors, and we're still working with them from time to time.

You can see that our side is torn to pieces as we have never been blackballed.

I'm confident in the bad sense that even if all members of our party were to challenge each other, one of us would still be able to hold out for three minutes.

Leader! Buy me some time to recover Kaido-senpai, that is! Kitamiya also restored magic power with potions! Amie the mob's harassment! Win!

"I'm on my way!

"Osa! Love ya!

I'm going!

And yet, with two instructors and Superintendent Evvia joining them.

Their strength will be doubled, or perhaps even increased, if that's all it takes.

We've decided that we're going to take the training, and we're also going to try to make up the difference.

Two more days from the third day.

After the break, we resumed our activities as dungeon testers.

Flying through the field like a chessboard, we are fighting bosses like chess pieces on a chessboard.

This is the boss floor of the fifty-eight levels of the King's dungeon.

In the process of reaching this point, more and more traps are becoming more and more dangerous, and I've learned to make use of the advantages of inorganic materials that cannot be overcome by the creature called a golem.

This is not a story that can be solved by soloing.

Poisonous gas, for example, was basic, as were dark spaces, interlocking traps, self-destruction, coalescence, and oxygen-free spaces.

Those could be dealt with thanks to Amelia and the south who would discover the traps.

The enemy, which gets stronger with each layer, will be handled by me, Kaido, and Kitamiya.

And Masaru serves as a lifeline for both of us.

We will continue through the dungeon even when we could be wiped out if one of us is missing.

Of course, we don't neglect dungeon testing, which is our main focus, and we don't miss out on data collection.

"Hahaha, it's hard to consume magic when the enemy is someone who's hard to use magic on.

It's true, but that doesn't mean that normal attacks are effective. It's really hard to defeat a golem because it has a basic physical resistance.

Honestly, if we didn't have a leader, there's a good chance we would have been wiped out.

Then came the boss floor.

My monkey cries echoed on this boss' floor, and my skills, which became a physical shock, forcibly frightened the golem, which should not be frightened, and made it turn its attention toward me.

It's all to rest those who have been repeatedly fighting to the edge with the mental aid of guts.

There's no way we're going to have an opponent that we can easily defeat at this point.

The feel of the mineral tree cutting at you is also slightly hardening.

But I don't think it's uncut.

But their moves are getting more sophisticated, and they're getting harder to cut.

After all, we give information to the enemy at all times.

Countermeasures are being taken and improvements are being made as quickly as possible.

The only thing we can do is to train our abilities to surpass the improvements and break through the troops they have prepared, but we are rightly playing weasel.

We are chasing and chasing back.

The stronger we are, the stronger they are.

And so on.

Hey! What's up! Bring it on!

And what makes your opponent stronger is that he doesn't simply strengthen it.

Glancing at the section of the knight golem's arm, whose surface is coated with magical silver (mithril), he glances at the section that was cut off.

Only the surface is coated with magical silver, while the center is made of steel.

When I heard from Suela that Japanese coating technology was being used, I wondered what it was for, but it has been used in this area.

The demon army took Japanese technology and applied it.

It's incredibly inventive.

It's an item that has both magical and physical defenses.

Looking ahead, you'll see the white and black armies.

The white is a golem with greater magical resistance and the black is a golem with greater physical resistance.

Far beyond is a golden golem with a white and black queen in attendance.

The enemy is formidable in terms of quantity and quality.

While experiencing this, I just keep gathering the enemy's attacks on me and hold on until the south comes up with a solution.

Leader, everyone is finished recovering, that they are! I'm going to tell you the plan now, that I am!

It came sooner than we thought.

"Woohoo! I'm back! Seniors, you can go anytime!

"I don't want to be left in charge of Jiro-san, come on, Minami, hurry up and tell me what to do!

I'm ready to go!

Let's Go!

After confirming that the party has recovered, I slowly put the mineral tree on my shoulder.


The roots of the tree crawl on my arm as if to say, "We're going to work as hard as we can from here on out.

Let's go, boys!

From defense to attack.

I cut through and Kaido and others spread the wound.

That is our basic style.

Everyone understands their role and leaps to their power.

You switch from a defensive battle to an offensive one, and then you cut down your opponent's stronghold.

O-oh! I've got the king's head!

And beat the boss.

I couldn't take that result alone.

I'm higher in status than most, but I'm not all-powerful or invincible or the strongest.

But I'm not all-powerful or the strongest.

That's why I have to make up for my shortcomings.

This is not something that can be done overnight.

This is a long story, but what did I end up saying?

Nah, it's not that bad.


Leader, will we survive the training, that we will?

...... Honestly, I'm nervous. Can't we go some more forward?

No, shouldn't we clear the same level again? It's the same as in the washout, but the fight just now was also centered on the seniors, so we should try to reduce the burden a little bit more.

Oh, that's what I thought, too. Shouldn't we go down this hierarchy when we can do it without Jiro-san?

I agree. We still have some recovery items, and if you want to train a group fight, I think this is a good place for now.

That too, I suppose.

Ooh, now that we've got the story straight


I'm going out of the dungeon one more time to get the king's head.

No matter how much I prepare, I just can't get rid of my anxiety about the training.

Word of the Day

Today's quota is at least ten laps.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!