Published at 10th of February 2023 05:53:54 AM

Chapter 307: Celebrating the 10,000 mark, Cinderella suddenly appeared!? (second part)

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Watching lazily, I wondered if this was the kind of interaction between father and son.

Helena and Suela talk while eating next to each other, Memoria and Maria are at their own pace, but Memoria notices that Maria's mouth is dirty and gently wipes it.

Himik stopped eating and smiled happily at Kasumi, who continued to tell him how delicious the food was, occasionally smiling happily.

In contrast, Evvia and Claire are eating quietly, but rather than disagreeing with each other, eating next to each other is somehow comforting to them.

The atmosphere is soft.

The atmosphere is soft.

It's nice. It's so nice, isn't it?

That is true.

Well, there's no denying it.

"Yes, being good friends is awesome!

"......... is right.

The sight of this scene made Kaido and the others calm down from their usually noisy meal and engaged in conversation.

I'm not sure if this is how a father feels.

I wondered if this is how fathers feel, and I felt a little alienated, unable to engage in the conversation between mother and child.

Combined with the pleasant conversation we had just had, the loneliness is even more pronounced.

However, you can't show this loneliness.

I have my pride as a man, but more importantly, I don't think it's right to interrupt them as they enjoy their conversation.

But that doesn't mean you can't have a conversation with Kaido and the others.

Helena and Maria on the left and right, Kasumi and Claire across from them.

Next to them are Suela, Memoria, Himikku, and Evia.

I can't join in the conversation with Kaido and the others because we're sitting far apart.

Yes, you're good.

That's why I sit quietly and watch their conversation while I eat the Neapolitan made by Himik and Katsu.

The food is delicious as always, but I wonder if it's my imagination that I'm feeling a little pungent.

Nothing happens during the meal.

The meal is over without a care in the world, except to leave me feeling lonely.

Once the dishes are done, it's time to get to work on solving the problem.

"Kaido, Amelia, Masaru, would you mind playing with the kids for a while?

"Yes, sir!


I understand.

But no matter how I look at it, it will take time to find a solution.

So I ask Kaido to take the kids to the one with the TV while we discuss the future of the kids.

We're going to play a game! The children squealed with delight when Kaido called out, "I'm going to go!

At first they were glancing at each other as if their mothers were going somewhere, but now, seeing their mothers sitting on chairs and waving to their children, they are smiling and engaged in a big brawl.

The use of cute characters such as the electric mouse and the pink devil may be because they are girls, after all.

I chuckled a little when Claire brought up a boss character that started with a moth and thought it was devil's blood.

After that, Kaido's exclamation, Amelia's scream, and the children's cackling voices in the background, the rest of us discussed.

"So, about the future, Evia. To be honest, I don't doubt that you're from the future, but then I'm completely out of my depth.

I'll start off the story, but it will be led by Ms. Evia, who has the highest position and power in the room.

We often hear stories about people coming from the future, but most of them have the means to return on their own.

But the girls are still young and don't even understand their current situation.

It is impossible for them to have a way to return home, and although I work in fantasy, there is no way that I have a way to interfere with the future.

"I don't understand it either, to be honest. I've never heard of anyone from the future.

And she was not happy with the response of her trusty companion, either.

It's not only your daughter, but also a visitor from the future who has never heard of a visitor from the future, even for a person of rank and insight.

I'm not sure if I can find any clues from the past, but I don't think I'll be able to find anything concrete.

Her expression was a bit grim as she added at the end that she was not an expert.

......... You might want to assume the worst case scenario.


It was Suela who followed Evvia's words.

She said the worst.

What I imagined hearing those words was that they couldn't come home.

Yes, you might want to think about what would happen if they couldn't come back at the same time.

"But isn't that somewhat of a backward-looking idea? I don't think we need to think about it here and now.

It was Memoria who squarely refuted the seriousness of the atmosphere as a bad omen.

Even though she is their daughter, in the future, she is the one who worries about her child.

She could understand Suela's concern, but she told her to keep her words to herself for later.

It's not too late to do something about it.

Yes, you're right, I may have been somewhat hasty.

Suela seemed to have a point in that memoria's words, and she nodded her head and accepted them.

That exchange of words will serve as a rough guideline for us.

Then, I think our policy is to send Helena and the others back in one piece, that it is?

"Yeah, you will.

I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about it.

It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. It's not just a matter of time and space, it's also a way to travel through time and space.

And if the Demon King's army was not able to make it, Evvia thought of another option and asked Himik, the natural enemy of the Demon King's army.

I'm not a bad person, but I'm not a good person either.

You'll be able to find a lot of people who will be able to help you in your quest to become a better person.

But when it comes to emergencies like this, we can let go of our personal feelings for each other.

I don't know if God can do that. None of the sisters had the ability to manipulate time. I've heard of heroes who have stopped time in the past.

How long ago was that?

Four or five hundred years ago. They're not alive today.

And I myself don't need to say anything else and shake my head at Himik, and Evia wrinkles her brow without saying more.

Hey, Jiro. It's a very good idea to have a contract with a spirit that is contracted by Jiro-san, right?

I see, Jiro. The genie you signed up for.

"Spacetime Spirit Varus, maybe he can give you a solution.

Then, as if remembering, Kitamiya mentions my contracted spirits.

Evvia and Suela also noticed this and brightened their expressions to see if they could manage it.

But I'm sorry.

That's true, but .........

"What's the problem?

I was wondering what to say, slurring my words, when Memoria asked me point-blank.

That brought my gaze to mine, and I didn't have to lie just because it was hard to say.

That's why I can't summon it. I've been skipping telephonic communication to see if there's a solution, but I can't get it to pass.


You feel like you're in a contract, but the whole process is being paid off at the door.

It's as if something is going wrong in the spirit world.

The corner of Evia's eye rises at my words.

Is that true?

"Oh, I can't make a joke in this situation.

Suela asks anxiously, but the answer doesn't change no matter how many times she's asked.

I'm very sorry.

So the situation goes back to the beginning.

I'm not sure if she noticed my expression or not, but when she realized that I wasn't lying, she suggested that we should look for another idea and get back to the topic at hand.

Hmmm... Can't you use space-time magic or something like that, that you can't?

At least we haven't learned that.

It is said to be lost. At least the only magic that I am aware of that comes close to that in my purview is the genie that Jiro signed up for.

But opportunism does not happen at times like this.

The magic bag is just space magnified space.

And you can slow down time, but you can't rewind it.

And you can't move forward.

Now, the problem is back to the beginning.


There was silence, no good ideas came to mind, and the story didn't go anywhere.

At times like this, the story would take hints from a fantasy story about a god or defeating the Demon King, but the Demon King was on my side and I couldn't meet the god.

Ah, I feel like I'm stuck with this game.

I'll ask the Demon King for help. As expected, we can't keep them a secret either.

"Excuse me, please.

"Okay, maybe the demon lord has some information about it. To begin with, it's not a problem that can be solved quickly.

We can't stay silent forever.

Evvia said she would take the slightest chance and take the matter to the president for a report.

I thank her for that and bow my head.

She tells me not to worry about it.

I'll just call my father and ask him to check on Master Varrus' situation. If something is going on in the spirit world, I'm sure he'll have some information.

I'll check with the Chamber of Commerce to see if they have any old documents. If you can find any clues.

Then I'll take care of the kids. I'm glad to see it's a rehearsal.

What reliable wives you are.

Suela, Memoria, and Himikku have also promised to do everything they can.

Then I have to do everything I can too.

Hey Kitamiya. I don't think there's much I can do, that I can do.

Don't tell me, I'm trying not to notice.

And Kitamiya and Minami, who had no such connections, watched enviously the scene of Kaido and the children happily making noise at a remote location.

I'll buy you a drink after I'm done with this, I promise, and then I'll listen to their words.

And don't worry, there's something we can do.

Then we'll dive back into the dungeon. Maybe there are some clues left in that place.

I'll let the Giant King know that I'll be able to talk to him, and although I won't be able to capture him, I'll be able to provide him with temporary safety. Also, I'll check to see if there's anything unusual.

"Thank you.

The only thing we can do is survey the area.

I left as quickly as I could, but maybe there are traces of something in that place.

It's the least we can do, but we should do what we can.

That's about all we can do now. Jiro, I'll leave the kids to you. I'll try to show up when I can.


The discussion is over for now.

We'll gather information and do what we can from there.

If that doesn't help, I'll go to .........

"Is it too early?

"? Did you say something?

No, it's nothing. Let's just do what we can first.


He shook his head to the side as if to shake off his wayward thoughts and whispered words that didn't exactly come through, but Suela, who was sitting next to him, seemed to hear them.

He asked if something was wrong, but he didn't think it was the right time to say it, so he slurred his words.

Jiro, I'm going back to work for now. I'll come back to work tonight. In the meantime, please.

Okay. Fortunately, I'm done for the day, so I'm just going to pull up to my room with Himik.


And they can't stay here forever.

First, Evvia left her seat and walked towards Claire.

When she notices her mother approaching, she greets Evvia with a smile.

Then she pats Claire's head and says, "I'm going back to work, good boy.

I'm going back to work, be a good girl.

"Yes! I'll be waiting! Have a good day!

He said these words, listened to Claire's reply with satisfaction, and left the room in transition.

I expect she'll probably show up around dinner time.

Then we'll go back to work for a while.

Lord, I'm going to go shopping for dinner. I'm a little short on refrigerator space.

Suela and the others leave as well.

When they too go to the children and tell them they have to go back to work, they look sad for a moment, but then they immediately say goodbye.

What do you want to have for dinner tonight, kids?

With a cheerful and taut voice to lighten those lonely faces, Himik asked the children.

It was a question a mother often asks her children.

The answer to this question would determine tonight's dinner, and the children were watching.

The children stop the game and discuss what they would like.

When I ask the kids what their favorite food is, I can only think of hamburgers, gratin, spaghetti with meat sauce, and curry and rice.

Now, as we look forward to seeing what's coming.

I like 「「「「 casserole! 」」」」

"Hm? Is pot okay?

「「「「 Yeah! 」」」」

Well, we'll have a casserole today.

Surprisingly, what came out of their mouths was one-pot dish.

I don't know why they liked it, but I think they like it a lot.

In fact, they are very happy to know that it's for dinner.

Do we in the future do this often? It was a sight that made me think, "Well, Lord, I'm going to go shopping.

"Well, Lord, I'm going to go shopping, so can I ask the kids to come over for a while?

Yeah, I'm on it. Dinner is on the table.

"Mm! Leave it!

Then I left the room with Suela and the others.

As I left the room with Suela and the others, the children were all gathered around me, one hand on either side of my arm reaching for the hem of my pants, as they saw me off.

I think they would miss their mother, even though they knew they would see her later.

Now, is there anything you want to do with your father?

I bent my knees to meet their eyes and asked them if there was anything I could do with them.

The girls looked at each other again, and they said to each other, "What do you think?



What would you like?

"Wait a minute.

I was seriously thinking about it.

I wondered if it was something to think about that much, as I was expecting to play house or read a picture book, but I was worried about what would come out of my worries this far.

Ah! That's right! Let's have your father show you that one!

Are you talking about that one?


"Hmm, that sounds good?

"Oh! That one! I can't argue with that!

It seemed that they had something they wanted to show me, so they smiled and said to me.

Father, please use your magic and take me to the right place!

"A place where magic can be used?

What is that, I hope it's something I can show you.

I make eye contact with Kaido and the others behind me, saying that I'm counting on you if it comes down to it.

I felt their dependability as they gave me a thumbs-up.

Then they moved to the training room.

An expansive site expanded by spatial magic.

That's where we would normally train for battle.

"Hmph! What do you think, that is! That's what I'm capable of, that I am!

"What the hell! My Germadius III is more awesome!

"Wow! It's a big snowman!

Now the space was filled with snow.

Helena was delighted to see Kaido and Minami completing a giant snowman by stacking snowballs about five meters in diameter and using ice magic to create faces and hands.

'See, I'm holding on tightly because it's dangerous!

"Maria is with me!

"Mm! I know!


Next to them, Kitamiya and Amelia come sledding down from a large snowy mountain slide with Claire and Maria in front of them, respectively.

We're done.

"Wow! Bigger!

And next to him, Katsura, who had silently strengthened his body by strengthening his body, silently piled up the snow and completed the hut, nodded his head, satisfied with its completion, and Kasumi jumped into it.

"Huh, that's about right.

Speaking of me, it's been snowing all along, and I've been saving the snow.

Snow is what Helena and her friends wanted.

Apparently, they had fun playing with me in the past, or rather the future.

I let them play like this then, too, and they have big smiles on their faces.

Permission for the training facility, well, it's not much of a hassle since I use it regularly.

But this was the day I was impressed by this use of the training room.

"Father! This way!

"Tou-san! It's awesome over here!

Dad - come skate with me!

"Mm! Father! Ski with me!

All four of them have one thing in common: they're all excited.

Helena called out to me with a small snowball in her hand to make a snowman.

Kasumi called out to me from her hut.

Claire and Maria call out for me, sleigh in hand.

I would like to respond to my daughter's call, but I'm sorry I only have one body.

"Hey! Let's all take a turn!

So respond one by one.

Call everyone and party members also build a snowman with the children together.

Behold! My snowman, named Sesshomaru, that is!

"I'm not going to lose! This is Germadius III, Jr.

It's been a while since I've made one, but it's pretty fun to use magic.

"Ugh, that's kind of distorted.

"There are eyes of this size for this size

"Look Dad! We made a cute little snowman!

"I got it too! Look what I've grown wings!

"Oh, you're done, Dad.

"Look! Father! My artistic snowman!

Oh, wow. My dad's a great guy.

Each person lays out a snowman full of personality and laughs at each other.

Then, when they climbed the mountain.

"If you are a wizard of my class, you can do this with defensive magic, that you can! But that doesn't mean you can ride, that you can't!

"No one can beat me when it comes to groove and momentum! It's the same with sleds! Ugh!"?

"Okay? Don't grow up like that, okay?

I understand.

"But it looks fun! Can't I do it, too, Mr. Toh?

No, what if you get hurt?

"That's right! Kasumi, I'm not afraid of you, Dad!

"Claire~, are you afraid?

"How can it be?

"Ha-ha, that sounds like fun.

"I don't know what he's doing in the south.

Minami, who applied defensive magic, slid out of the water as cool as a snowboard and tried to do a trick, but he had the physical ability but not the skills, and head-dived.

Seeing this, Kaido gets a sense of rivalry and tries to do the same thing with his sled, but the end result is the same.

Kitamiya introduces the children to the adult who should be their role model as a teacher.

And finally, after we all went into the Kamakura together, we went to .........

"Let's see, a must-kill, a must-win snowball fight! Ice grains in a snowball, that is! And Kaido-senpai dies!

"What the hell! Kaido Tadashi is not so bad that he can't die just because there is ice in the snowball!

"Sweet, that is! Sweeter than a marshmallow drizzled with chocolate and condensed milk and sprinkled with powdered sugar, that it is! You thought the snowball I prepared was just a snowball, that it is! My snowball has two post-transformation left, that it does!

"What the heck?

What are they doing?

"Huh, totally.

"Hahahaha, compared to that, they are peaceful.

"Let's go! Father!



"Sei! Sei!

"Here, come on,

I'm having a snowball fight, just barely avoiding the children's desperate snowballs in the air as a southern snowball strikes Kaido's face and sends him flying through the air, in a brutal shounen-like snowball fight.

Time flies when I'm doing that.

Time really does fly by so fast when you're having fun.

As you play around, bathe the children to warm their snow-cold bodies even though they are protected by magic, and enjoy the dinner prepared for them with Kaido, Suela, and the children, time flies by before you know it.

Where are the kids?

Everyone is sleeping very well.

"Oh, I'm having trouble letting go of my hand, Lord.

I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be a snuggler.

Maria seemed to be stronger at night and I had a hard time putting her to sleep, but it was quite an experience.

And then the children who had been having a good time fell asleep as if their batteries were dead.

It's past nine o'clock at night, and Kaido and the others have returned to their rooms and houses, leaving me, Suela, Memoria, Himik and Ms. Evia alone.

I had the kids taken to the bedroom.

In the meantime, I've washed the dishes and prepared a light supper.

When they returned to the living room, they took their seats.

Suela has a cup of tea, but otherwise each of them has a drink of their choice to toast and clink glasses.

Indeed, today has been a busy day.

Yes, but I was surprised when Jiro-san told me that a child from the future had arrived.

"Me too. Did I work you too hard when Suela told me? And I was worried.

So that's what you thought of me, Evvia?

Kukkuu, forgive me, Suela. You know, I've never had anyone come to me like that in my entire life.

It's true, you don't hear that kind of story very often. If it were reported to me, I might think so too.

"Already to Memoria

But after actually touching the children, I was glad . I was really loving having a child between the Lord and me.

......... Yeah, I can't wait to see this baby too.


"......... does not deny . ." "No, I don't deny it. Yeah, I'm sure that's part of the feeling.

Slowly but firmly we were building up our feelings.

It's true that I was upset by the suddenness of the situation, but just thinking that this was my child was just like Himikku said, and just thinking about my own child made me feel warm and happy somewhere inside, and the feeling of happiness flooded my heart like a spring.

I've heard that a birthday is a day to say thank you for being born, and I wondered if that was what it was all about.

......... I said that to Suela during the day, but if they can't come home, maybe we can raise them.

And perhaps because of a slight change of heart, or perhaps because of the alcohol, Memoria's words, which she spun while holding the glass with both hands and slowly shaking the water surface, may have been spilled from her true feelings.

It's a good idea to be able to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

......... Yeah, that's right.

So do I.

There's no end to what ifs, but if it's only about those girls, I can't see myself abandoning them no matter what.

So I can honestly agree with Memoria's words.

"So do I, Lord.

Well, it wouldn't hurt to have a register. It's not like you're going to save yourself a lot of trouble.

"Yes, if that's the case, I'll have you be my sister.

I thanked the girls for being there for me with such words, and the chatter continued slowly afterwards.

Before I knew it, the date would change in twenty minutes.

Well, let's get to sleep.

Well, I have an early start tomorrow.

"What about you, Evia?

"I told Tatte I'd stay here. No problem.

Then we'll get you another futon.


"This is going to be a night to remember,

From Memoria's point of view, this is just the beginning, but we're almost ready for bed.

Without feeling guilty, I quietly get ready for bed.

Quietly you enter the bedroom so as not to wake the girls.

"Oh, my God!

"Who's there!

You notice a figure lurking in the darkness and quickly take a stance and jump in.

Himiku and Evia react to my voice, and they react immediately.

One tempo later, Suela and Memoria also move to cover the children.

"Chochocho, chot-tamma, tamma! Because it hurts!

"Shut up! Where'd you get in!

The opponent was caught off guard and was easy to catch.

I knew it was a woman from the feeling of her body being mounted and her hands being held down, but it was too dark to see her expression well.

The voice sounded vaguely familiar, but the fact that the house was infiltrated made me cautious, so I asked with anger in my voice, but the person I pushed down only wriggled back.

If you're not getting anywhere, gather the magic in your eyes and try to get a look at his or her face.

......... Suela?

"Hahahaha, you've been seen!

The face resembles a woman sheltering in the back with her children, and she says, "I've done it.

Then she stopped laughing and resisted, laughing, and turned to me, stunned, and said: "Hi, I'm here to pick up your father and sisters.

I've come for the fathers and sisters of the past.


I'm sorry to say that I'm stunned, but as a father figure, I'm very happy to be in this position, but I don't have much time, so it would be nice if you could move out of the way from above.

Then the woman, who looks a lot like Suela, laughs and then cracks a joke, and towards the end she looks a lot like Suela when she's serious and asks me to get out of the way.

I looked at Evvia to see what to do, and she picked up Claire and was about to turn on the light.

In the blink of an eye, the room lights up and all sorts of creepy kids start waking up to the light.

Hmm? Mother?


"I'm sleepy!


"Hey, my dear sisters, your sister is in trouble, so please prove your innocence and go to bed! And then we'll all go home with the pigtails!

In a pinned down situation, they put their faces to the side so that the children could see them and then when they shouted, Suela's face was visible to them and their eyes widened.

Hmm? Flare sister? What are you doing?

However, the children seemed to recognize the face and rubbed their eyes while Helena, the best sleeper of all, called out the name of the woman she was holding down.

Oh, you're right, Helena, you noticed! Could you ask your father to get out of the way?

Did you break something again? No, I need to apologize properly.

"So that's not what happened this time! And, oh no, oh no! What time is it?

The date will change in about ten minutes.

"What? There's no time to lose! It's a shame that I can't just charge into hot avant-garde like this with my father in the past, but I have no choice. Summon! Mr. Vals!

"Mr. Vals!

The story goes on even while they are exchanging such a conversation.

The woman who was called by Helena to be called Flare was told the time by Memoria and hurriedly activated her magic, and tried to stop it as quickly as possible, but was interrupted by a white tail sprouting from a slimy summoning formation and was startled by the target of the summoning and jumped away.

I'm sorry, past contractor.

"Mr. Vals, right?

I was wide-eyed at the appearance of the woman I knew from her tone of voice, but it was not the same as the Vals I knew.

It's not the same thing. It's not my fault that I caused a disturbance this time because of my contractor's incompetence," he said.

Is this one for that kid? And blunders.

Yes, this Flare is my contractor now, and I'm stuck in the past, unfortunately, due to my interference. As for that, as well as the blunder, well, simply put, when I was babysitting these kids, I summoned me and accidentally sent them back in time.

"Yes, Mr. Vals, you said you wouldn't say that!

You promised not to tell your parents on the other side, but you didn't promise not to tell your parents in the past.

"Oh, sure,

Watching the exchange between an ubiquitous old lady and a girl who looked like Suela, dressed like an ethnic dress on the head of a white snake, I understood why Helena and her friends had come here.

There was no "lie" in those words.

And if it's true, and she's my daughter.


That means it's time to say goodbye to Helena and the others.

And Evia and the others seem to understand that.

Helena and the others, sleepwalking through the naturally growing strength of her arms, question their mother about what's going on.

Even though she understood and understood, it was hard to accept the feeling of having to leave her child for less than a day.

What's wrong, mother?

What's up?

"Does it hurt~? Mom

What's wrong with you, mother?

And I must have the same look on my face as them.

No, thank you for letting me dream. Helena, I'll see you soon.

Mm, eat well and grow up healthy.

Yes, be well, be you.

"Oh, you can grow up straight as my daughter.

But I wonder why women are so strong, when it should be harder for them than men in these situations.

Slowly I put them down and push them back.


Your sister is here to pick you up. Come on, go.

"What about your mother?

"I'm not with you. It's okay. I'll come to you in a minute.

Suela also


"There you go. Don't worry, I'll be there too.

"? Why don't you go with me?

"Oh, I have things to do,

Himik also


"Yes, it's only a short trip. If you go with your sister, it's no problem.

"Mom, let's go with you!

"Excuse me, I have a store.

Memoria also


"Huh, you're a smart girl, but when you go over there, you're going to spoil me good.


After this, I'm sure I'll be able to give you a hug.

And Mr. Evia.





They are smiling off to their anxious daughters, who do not understand the breakup.

I'll be there too.

For who knows how many times.

I gently bend my knees, look at them, gather them into a hug, and then clap them on the back, saying, "Dad, you hang in there.

"Daddy, I'll do my best.

Smiling so that I could ease their fears a little.

I let them go to my daughter's side with their backs to the flare.

Um, I'm sorry.


No, uh, well, you know,


Flair looked very apologetic at the sight, and she looked awkward, wondering where her energy had gone.

I laughed at her and felt that she was just like me when I failed for the first time, so I took a step forward in silence.


"Watch out next time.

Then he put his hand on her head.

I'm sure the commotion wasn't intentional.

It was just an accident.

And a miracle caused by a series of coincidences.


It was a miracle that I met my other daughter, who I had only met in a few minutes, and it was like a dream.

I'm sure this is my role in the future to encourage my future daughter.

But I'm sorry.

Let me be a father, just for this moment.

Cheering up a depressed daughter.

I see Helena and her friends off with a smile.

"Contractor, it's time.

All right,

Holding her head, which was being stroked wildly, she chanted a spell to hide her red expression.

Foul, father.

Then create a magic circle that emits a white light.





The light made the girls uneasy and they tried to reach out, but they were blocked by the snake's tail on which Ms. Vals rode.

Helena, Maria, Kasumi and Claire.

And I smiled at them.

See you soon.

The moment I said, "I'm going to go to bed," there was a tremendous light in front of me, and once the light went out, there was no one there.

The wall clock in the bedroom shows that the date has just changed.

These are some disturbed Cinderellas.

But unlike Cinderella, they didn't drop their glass slippers.



"May I also?


"How about you, Evia? I miss human skin so much right now.

It's not hiding the feeling of loneliness even if you look forward and accept reality, supporting Suella clinging to her left hand, Memoria clinging to her right hand, and Himiku with her head on her back.

You're going to be able to have a look at your own personal computer.

You'll be able to find out what that feeling is for now.

Then she slowly came around in front of me and hugged me with a single tear in her eye.

That night we stayed huddled together.

With the warmth of what little was left of the children.

Tomorrow will be everyday again.

But the children will not be there.

Hey, Jiro.


I wonder how many children Helena has in her life?


What about Maria?

I don't know.

What about Kasumi?

I have no idea.

"Hm, how about Claire?

"I have no idea.

But you can't go to sleep right away with a waking up feeling.

Another daughter, Flair, has appeared, which means that at least the child in Suela's tummy now is not Helena.

And it probably wouldn't be Flair either.

It's just...


Not that I feel anything there.

But even though I was sad to see them go, I had another feeling that was born.

I'm sure I'll love my unborn child with all my heart.

A little germ of paternity was born in me.

Well, I'm glad.

That makes me want it even more than before.

"So am I, Lord.

"Hmm, maybe I should spend a little more time on my personal life.

This is surely a gift from them.

I will cherish it until we meet in the future.

I'm sure that's the meaning of the time I've had with them in this short time I've had with them.

Maybe I'm just a stupid parent.

Word of the Day

The bell rings, and the magic ends

However, hope for the future was born.

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