Published at 1st of January 2022 08:42:47 AM

Chapter 520: Chapter 520 The Power Of Massages

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"Uwaahh… That feels nice… Thank you, Drake…" she sighed in relief, as I continued to gently use my hands to massage her back.

I was able to use mana to make my massages even more effective, unleashing the power of mana around her tensed up and sore muscles, I was able to make them relax once more rather well, and Benladann smiled sweetly at this.

And yeah, Miranda was right, it was due to her weight that she felt like this, the belly was making her back get curved, which caused her pain the more things she did while walking around.

She ended cooking with us so she did a lot around the kitchen and ended putting a lot of stress over her back… I would prefer for her to rest for the rest of the day, she doesn't really need to push herself so hard.

"You'll be resting for the rest of the day, okay? I don't want you to push yourself hard." I said.

"Eh? Sure… But after eating lunch…" said Benladann.

"Okay, okay, after eating lunch…" I said.

I continued to massage her back for many more minutes, until the food was mostly ready. Using this mana to massage, I quickly realized I had learned some sort of technique using my hands.

There is such a thing as massaging techniques? I glanced at Benladann and noticed how well she felt now, she even seemed healthier and more energetic, but also relaxed. Her eyes showed pure bliss as she thanked me.

"Uwah… You're so good at massaging, dearie… Was this your hidden talent?" she asked.

"I-I don't know… I never knew I could do this…" I said.

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