Published at 30th of October 2023 08:23:55 AM

Chapter 119

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If spring has arrived in Ze'at, then spring has also arrived in the royal capital. It is a natural thing .

 And it was also a sign that the story  of the game was progressing.

 The environment surrounding Siegfried, the protagonist of the destiny 48 , was changing. His harem has been spurred on, and he is being favored by more than ten heroines.

 However, there are some developments that are slightly different from the game.

 In the school, people are talking about things that they shouldn't be talking about. It was about a  underground do character named Leolde who had disappeared from the game plotline .

 If this were a game,  he  would have been considered a forgotten existence and would never have been mentioned  .   and even then, only talks was if the  the person  was died.

 In other words, this world is taking a different turn from the game.

"I don't like it."

"What do you mean?"

"It's about ...... Leolde!

". Yeah. I mean, it's amazing. I mean, he  bring back to the modern world the legendary transference magic that they say existed a long time ago."

"But that's not the point, Zeke! You are not frustrated?"

Elina is angry, not only at Leolde, but also at the people around her who are turning their backs on her. A year ago, she was praising Zeke for his victory over Leolde, but now she is calling him incompetent.

 Zeke's condition to Leorle when he won the duel was to stay away from his ex-fiancée Clarice. Also, he had to disappear from Zeke and his friends' sight.

 These two conditions were  done , and Leolde left the school and broke off  his engagement  with Clarice. He was  send  to Ze'at so that he would not be involved with  them again.

 However, Leoldoe was rewarded with a return  in  the capital as one of the people who helped end the monster panic, and to top it all off, he revived the legendary transference magic,  it's  historical feat. By doing so, Lelrde became  fames   and caused a  roar in the royal capital.

At the same time, however, a situation arose in which Zeke and Clarisse's reputation fell.

 Both the Barons and the Countesses were now the target of criticism. They were called ignorant and incompetent.

 They were treated as fools for not seeing the true value of Leolde.

"I'm not that concerned about the fact that I can't go to the party because of conductions 'of duel 

"I'm sure you do. But what about Clarice? She's not as strong as you. She's still  in pai .

"But after a while...:

"She doesn't say anything when we're around, but she' is bullied by other .

"What the hell, ......? That's bullshit! Who's   is hurting Clarice?

"It's the other girls. They calling her , stupid. ......

"Fuck them ! I'll never forgive it !

"Calm down, okay? I've already punished the girls who were hurting Clarice.

"Is that so? But why should Clarice be hurted ?"

"It's all Leolde's faul m right ?.

 "If he hadn't done anything in the first place, no one would have been hurt, but he forced Clarice to be quiet!"

"Why, that guy!"

" Damn it ......, why now ......."

Zeke held his head, not knowing where to direct his anger. If Leolde had been prue evil, he would have  punish him .

 But now it is impossible. Leolde has changed. And for the better. Hower Zeke and the others, it was change for worse 

"Yes. It's too late now. There's no way he's going to change now. He must be hiding his true nature."

"...... I don't think so.""

"What? Why? Zeke, you know what he's been doing"!

 "He used his power to behave tyrannically and hurt Clarice!"

 "There's no way he's going to change now!"

"But I  have a new girl, Shelia, who came to me from Leolde's place. 

  He was a real piece of  shit in the past. But she said  he is different  person now ."

"She lied to you ! The girl must be a spy sent by Leolde!

"...... Elina. Shelia is not like this . My dad and servants have been watching her for a while now, and they've already cleared her of any suspicion of being a spy. She's ......, well, what can I say, ............,  She in love with me."

"What? Zeke. Don't be fooled. Women are very good at lying. She's just trying not to show it."

"Hey, Elina. Why are you so hostile to Leolde? It is true that he has done a lot of bad things, but Elina has not been harmed, by him , right ?

 "So why do you hate him so much?"

"This is because ...... he is not worthy  being a  duchy and ...... he is always making  Lady Olivia-, whom I admire, cry and make her sad."

"But that's a family matter, isn't it?

 Why is Elina so angry about it?

"That's  because he's ......"

"Hey, Elina. I want you to calm down and think about it. Your vision is narrowing right now. So,  let's think about it with me for a little while longer.

"......U......Ah......I......What should I do?"

"We'll figure it out together."

 Her vision narrowed, and Elina, who had thought that Leoldo was bad person  , lost her way. 

 Zeke  trying to lead her on the right way  ,  This is the turning point. Will Zeke be able to successfully change Elina mind r not?

 We will lern that in the future  However, it is certain that this is the  part where he will show his power as a hero.

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