Published at 30th of October 2023 08:22:24 AM

Chapter 165

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Now, Siegfried, the protagonist of the destiny 48 game that Leolde couldn't help but care about, was steadily increasing his harem.

 It's so hard to count them. The harem that Siegfried is forming is being looked at with envy and jealousy by the boys around him.

 In addition, the harem includes the recently transferred seventh imperial princess and the saint of the Holy Church. He is the protagonist of an erotic game. Setting up a flag is easier than twisting a baby's hand.

 But that doesn't mean that the protagonist is really compensated. It's because of Siegfried's humanity, his charm as a person. This is why Siegfried can be the protagonist.

"I don't know..."'

"What's wrong, Lois?"'

"Oh? That's the thing. Your wives.

"Wives? we are not in that kind of relationship ."

"Oh, no,  It's scary how unaware you are."

What do you mean, "unaware"? ...... They're just friends,  we don't have that kind of relationship. And since I'm from a baronial family, there's too much of a status difference. This is a school, so we don't have to worry about the status difference, but if it status played a role  i would be , afraid to even talk to them . ......"

"Oh, no! A man who is popular will say different things!"

"It's not that I'm popular!"

 Siegfried desperately denies to his friend Lois about his relationship with the heroines.

 This man, Lois, is also a friend of Siegfried's in the  Destiny 48. By the way, his real name is Lois Droll. Like Siegfried, he is a legitimate son of a baronial family.

 His role in Destiny 48 is that of a so-called third wheel. He is one of the most popular characters because he is a mood maker and also has a passionate side. He is usually a joker, but when the protagonist is discouraged, he cheers him up or shows himself to protect his friends, and many people are attracted to the gap between him and the protagonist.

 "Well, no matter what you think, the other side is different from you . If you fall in love with someone, it doesn't mean you hate them, but it does mean you hurt them. That's what you need to understand.'

"Ugh. ...... Well, I think I know that much"

"But if you're like Leolde Herbst, you'll have a harem of your own.

"I'm not sure if that's possible.  . I've only heard of transference magic in fairy tales. But now, it's something that's very  real . I don't think I'll ever be able to do something like that.

"You can't copy transference magic, but you can do other things.  like work in a monster panic.

"You're talking about Leolde, aren't you?

"Ha-ha-ha! Well, it can't be helped. In fact, he's changed since he was expelled from the school.  Nowadays, some people are saying that it would be better to bring Leolde back to the capital.

"Really, ......, why did he change?"

"I don't know.   HE  was originally hailed as a child prodigy. Maybe  He remembered  that time."

"Does that mean he's back to his old self?"

"I'm just guessing. But if that's the case, why did he look so terrible? ......"

 "You know, they used to call  him the golden pig."

 I wouldn't let it be !"

"Was there a point to it?

"Of course not! Where's the benefit of being fat?

" - Hmmm... ......? To protect yourself from the enemy?"

"Are you stupid? It'll give you more width and make you a better target!"

"Oh, I see. Well then..."

"You're still going on?"

 The two men, Lois with  his splendid tsukomi and Siegfried who is still blabbering. For a while, the discussion between the men continued, but then the heroines joined in, and the group became a large one.

"What were the two of you talking about?"

"Oh, Colette. Actually, we were discussing who has the biggest boobs among you."


"By the way, you have the biggest boobs."

 When Colette the heroines who have joined  them asked what the two of them were talking about, Lois told an outrageous lie.

 Startled, Siegfried shouted out loud. And when Lois was about to continue laughing, he was blown away by magic.

 Fortunately, it's not very powerful, so he won't be seriously injured. However, the pain is normal, so he will be in agony. Lois was writhing in pain.

 Seeing this, Siegfried prepared himself that he would be next.

 However, Siegfried's determination ended up being in vain.

"Hey, hey, who's  boobs does Zeke  prefer ?"

"What? No, what? Who's tits do you like?"

"Can't  you choose?"

"What? It's not like that! It's just that Lois lied earlier."

"'Perhaps it is. But, Zeke. You were just looking at my breasts, weren't you?"

 Siegfried, who couldn't stop breaking into a cold sweat, was exposed by Elina. There was no longer any way to escape. The girls knew everything about where Siegfried was looking.


 Siegfried's screams echoed through the school. And the  route that Siegfried chose, which Leolde was dying to know, was a harem route.

 As he would eventually find out, Leold would probably cry out. Siegfried, of all people, chose the harem route.

Note probable final chapter for today since i am on break ! Also  what decent   number of chapters you wanna see daily ? , Write your answer in comments !

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!