Published at 30th of October 2023 08:21:08 AM

Chapter 223

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A two-pronged strategy was to be carried out, but there was one problem.

 But there was one problem: who would follow the Seventh  prinses to the emperor's palace.

 It had been decided that it would be an elite group, but the question was who would carry out this dangerous mission.

 The first candidate was a knight of the Kingsguard. Kingsguard knights are knights who protect the royal family and basically work in the royal castle, and their abilities are among the best in the kingdom.

 However, since the role of the Kingsguard knights is to protect the royal family, they were judged to be unsuitable for this kind of mission and were excluded.

 Next on the list was a unit engaged in espionage activities, but it was rejected because they would be forced to fight a hard battle if they fell into combat.

 In other words, the personnel required were those who were skilled in covert action and had strength.

(Gilbert is the only one. ......)

 Leolde , who could only think of Gilbert as such a person, smiled bitterly.

 It seems that when Leolde was imagining it, Beluga was thinking the same thing as well. The two of them looked at each other and giggled snidely.

 After that, more candidates were mentioned. However, the guardian  gods of the empire that the seventh  princess had told them about was still a problem.

 According to what  she had told , Zephyr the Wind of Misfortune was at the front lines, Setsuna the Eternal was imprisoned, and Glenn the Flame Emperor was an obedient servant servant under an ancient relic called the Collar of Servitude.

 So, if  they want to defeat the emperor,  they have to defeat the Flame Emperor's Glen.

 To put it bluntly, there are only two people who can defeat the Flame Emperor, Richto and Baynard.

 Therefore, one of the two must participate in the operation, but it is difficult for both of them due to their positions.

 Then, who would be the best person for the job,  and then  Christina interrupted.

"How about  sir Siegfried ?'

 Many of the nobles in the meeting room tilted their heads when they heard that name, but they immediately remembered it.

 He was a novice knight who had once fought a duel with LeoLde when he was a student, and had won a fair number of battles in recent tournament .

 The nobleman who remembered Siegfried's name turned to look at Leolde, but Leorle was in a state of confusion.

(What  that mean?)

 (It's not what I know? Why is Setsuna being held captive?)

 Leolde  was confused because the information he heard from the Seventh princess was different from his own knowledge of the game.

 He misunderstood that the flow of story is almost the same as in the game.

 It was obvious to him that it would be insane to have someone with a rebellious intent under his command.

 (If  that person in  same position as  Glenn, they have special tools that allow  to obey people regardless of their intentions.)

(......In the game, it would be a three-way battle with the guardian gods of the empire, but in this world, it's just Glen .)

 (Well, he was one of the strongest in the game, so he must be pretty strong.)

 Leolde is thinking about drinking, but he doesn't understand his situation.

 He thinks that he is just defending Zeat, but the others are different.

 At any rate, Leolde  has shown his strength in the tournament. He had defeated Baynard, one of the best in the kingdom, and had fought well against Richto .

 So that mean ... 

"Wouldn't Count Leolde be a better choice then?""

(...... Huh?)

 ...If Siegfried's name is mentioned, then Leolde is also a possibility.

 Leolde's name is suddenly mentioned. It was about who would be best suited for the two-sided operation, the assault on the emperor.

 Leoldo's name was mentioned as the final candidate.

"Hmm. That's right. Count Leolde had beaten Commander Baynard in a fighting tournament and had shown his ability to come close to Richto . It will be perfect."

"And since he is wise enough to have revived transference magic, he will be able to respond flexibly.

 Leolde did not feel bad about the nobleman praising him, but he was very impatient. If things continued as they were, he would have to carry out the mission to assault the emperor himself instead of Siegfried.

 Leolde was about to make a statement that he wanted to avoid that, but Christina desperately appealed to her about Siegfried before he could.

"He's a wonderful man, but he's the lord of Ze'at. So I think it is his duty to protect his own territory rather than participate in this mission.

(That's right, (Yes, yes! Tell him !)


Leolde was happy to see the unexpected supportive fire and cheered Christina in  hhis heart.

"If that's the case, let someone else take charge of Ze'at's defense."

 And while Leolde is certainly strong, he has never led an army. It would be not  easy for Leolde  if he  will work alone."

"That may be so, but ......"

"It's more appropriate than a rookie knight with no accomplishments, don't you think?"


 The king's no-no causes Christina to fall completely silent.

 Christina's intentions were now crushed. She had planned to make Siegfried a worthy son-in-law by giving him the credit for this mission.

 Unlike in the game, the current Siegfried was a novice knight with no achievements of any kind. Therefore, there was no way he could marry Christina, the third princess.

 However, if he can achieve overwhelming achievements like Leolde, the story will be different.

 If he was able to defeat the Emperor and end the war, his achievement would be recognized throughout the kingdom.

 If that happened, he might even be able to marry the princess as a hero who saved the kingdom.

 That was the plan, but it was judged to be too much for Siegfried, who was still a new knight.

 He think it's not good enough as it is, but  he  don't have enough material to persuade the king. When Christina turned her head to give up, something unexpected happened.

"Your Majesty. I will take charge of the  mission to attack on the emperor."

 Leolde stood up, deciding that he would have to take on the task.

 The nobles in the meeting room applauded Leolde's courage, and the king made a final confirmation.

"You will take care of it?":

"Yes. I don't know if I can live up to your expectations, but I will devote myself, my life, to my country.

"Thank you, Leolde. I certainly appreciate it.

"And now, Your Majesty. I have a request."

"What is it? Tell me."

"May I be the one to choose who accompanies you?"

"Yes. I don't mind that much, but who are you taking with you?"

"Siegfried Zexia. I'd like to take him with me."

 Everyone in the conference room was surprised by the name that came out of Leolde's mouth.


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