Published at 4th of July 2023 11:54:53 AM

Chapter 216

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However, Raine's nightmare had only just begun.

The competitors were constantly being cleared out of the field, the white figure moving like a ghost, wherever it went, it left a trail of devastation.

"Oh my god, that guy is so strong! Could he be... stage 7!"

"What kind of mutation is he? His speed... is he even human!"

"Is he a material or biological type? His speed is too fast, those underwater mutants are caught as soon as they surface!"

While everyone was marveling at the mysterious person's identity, no one could understand Raine's pain.

It was supposed to be easy to be eliminated, and he was supposed to step down immediately, but why was he still on stage now?!

He hoped that the powerful person would throw him out, but it seemed that he was too busy, not paying any attention to him...

As he watched only four or five people left on the stage, Raine became really anxious. He rushed towards a man who was stunned by the white figure and said, "Brother, there's no time to explain. Hurry up and hit me! Help me out, knock me down, I won't fight back!"

The man was already scared, and now seeing Raine, he was even more bewildered.

What was even more terrifying was Raine's urgent, sincere, and even pleading expression on his face, which short-circuited his brain.

Suddenly, there was a ridiculously strong person appearing, and now there was a masochist?

Were these two crazy together?!

The man hadn't even had a chance to speak before the terrifying white figure appeared again.

"No, don't!" Raine cried out in terror, but the white-clad person ignored his plea and kicked the stunned man off the stage.

At the moment when he was kicked down, the stunned man suddenly laughed. He was finally free.

Soon, there were only two people left on the stage: the white-clad man covered in sweat and Raine, who looked completely defeated.

"Buddy, what's your name?" Raine asked weakly. He had been looking for death all the way, but this guy intercepted it more than ten times!

"Arthur." The white-clad man was still gasping for breath. It seemed that he was exhausted from running around the field just now, but his answer was still precise.

"Brother Arthur... very good, you are very strong." Raine raised his thumb. "Uh, I've thought about it, I definitely can't beat you, and I don't want to suffer any physical pain, so I've decided..."

"Referee, I am physically exhausted, I withdraw from the competition!" Arthur raised his hand to report to the referee, his voice loud, and his pronunciation clear and distinct.

Raine was completely shocked. He stared at Arthur in disbelief. This guy had been fighting for so long, but in the end, he surrendered before Raine?

"Okay, in this match, the winner is Raine, the leader of Dad the bounty group!" The referee made the decision as quickly as possible.

Raine almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Now, I invite the three winners to come to the podium." The referee walked up to Raine and whispered, "Raine, come on."

Raine frowned and looked unwilling, but he thought about it. Now that things had come to this point, it wouldn't be good if he didn't go up on stage. Besides, he still had to fight against that rich girl later. He could just surrender then.

With this in mind, Raine gritted his teeth and followed the referee to the stage with the other two winners.

Now, the audience below was completely chaotic.

"What happened just now? Did he forfeit on his own?"

"He said he had exhausted his stamina, which is possible, but facing the last person, why not try again? If he won, he could stand out."

"Isn't that take advantage for that kid? He didn't defeat anyone and made it to the next round like this?"

"That kid seemed harmless from the beginning and didn't transform. If it were me, I would choose to take out the person who posed a threat to me first. It's just that the guy in the white clothes at the back suddenly surrendered. Even if he was tired, he should still try."

King the Ancient King narrowed his eyes slightly and said to the woman behind him, "Go check the background of that guy in the white clothes. There is something fishy about this!"

"Yes, leader!"

On the other side, Shobe's group was lively.

"I can't believe it. The leader made it to the next round? Is that possible?"

"What kind of luck does our captain have? It's amazing!"

"Shobe, did that guy in the white clothes really exhaust himself?"

Shobe smoked a cigar and shook his head. "Even if he's strong, it's really difficult to defeat so many people in such a short time, and some were under the water. The difficulty was indeed high. But I think he could have persevered."

"Why did it end up like this? How come the captain advanced?" Fancy pouted unhappily and complained to Armin, "Raine has such good luck."

Armin shook his head. "I don't think it's luck. I guess that guy might have known the captain's true strength, so he surrendered."

Everyone had their own speculation, but so far, no one had recognized Arthur's true identity, so they couldn't judge his motive.


This was Raine's first close-up view of the legendary General Trajan. The old man had more wrinkles than when viewed from afar, but his presence was still strong.

General Trajan personally shook hands with the three winners one by one.

"Congratulations to the three of you for entering the final stage."

"In this stage, my granddaughter Olivia will fight each of you one by one. For safety reasons, we'll change the rules a bit. Within three minutes, whoever can take off Olivia's mask will win, otherwise it will be considered a failure. The winner will have the right to marry my granddaughter according to the rules."

"The first group has the longest rest time, so let's go in order."

Olivia was staring intently at Raine while the others listened attentively, but this guy was shaking his head constantly as if very unwilling.

He seemed quite reluctant.

Raine was very depressed. He still had to go and register his bounty group's rank in the navy, but now he had to become the last one to leave.

When a person is unlucky, even drinking water can get stuck in their teeth.

The first to take the stage was Helmo from the Ice Emperor Fleet. He was very fit, tall, and straight, with a height of 1.85 meters, and had a somewhat noble demeanor.

After the match started, Helmo did not immediately make a move. Instead, he bowed politely to Olivia, "I have long admired Miss Olivia. It is my honor to compete with you."

"Cut the crap, let's see what you've got!" Olivia grew up with her grandfather and was pungent. She didn't buy it. "come on if you have balls. If you can make me move half a step, then I'll consider it a defeat!"

Helmo smiled slightly, "It seems that Miss Olivia is very satisfied with me, so she has lowered her standards."

"Disgusting, you're pretty full of yourself! Unless Ice Emperor personally comes, no one in your Ice Emperor Fleet can touch me! Stop talking nonsense, time is running out!"

Helmo was not angry and still spoke like a gentleman, "Thank you for considering me, Miss Olivia. I'm sorry if I offended you."

As soon as Helmo finished speaking, he suddenly made a lightning-fast move, grabbing towards Olivia's mask. However, Olivia slightly turned her face and Helmo actually missed!

Huh? So fast!

Helmo was not willing to give up and made another grab!

Olivia had her hands behind her back and her feet did not leave the ground. She simply dodged with her upper body. Even if Helmo transformed and enhanced the attributes, she still avoided him easily.

Three minutes later. Helmo had spent a minute chatting and flirting and then made several attempts to grab Olivia, but he didn't touch her at all.

"Ding!" The match time was up...

"What the..." Helmo looked at Olivia in horror. Although this was just a playful competition, if the two sides really fought to the death and he couldn't even touch his opponent, wouldn't he be at the mercy of the other party?!

Olivia couldn't be bothered with him, "Next!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!