Published at 1st of April 2024 09:37:22 AM

Chapter 131: Chapter 131: Chapter 131: Enthusiasm

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Chapter 131: Chapter 131: Enthusiasm

Translator: 549690339

Come in, come in. Before Qiao Xiaomai could respond to Tong Sanlangs words, Qiao Changshun hurriedly spoke up to welcome Tong Sanlang in.

Sanlang, have you eaten yet? Sit down and join us for a meal. Qiao Changshun was very enthusiastic, this man was his prospective son-in-law after all. He should take the opportunity to get closer whenever he could!

Ive eaten already. Tong Sanlang responded with a shallow smile, his tone was gentle.

You can still try some food even if youve eaten. Try this dish of Bean Sprouts. Without a second thought, Qiao Changshun took a few steps, grabbed Tong Sanlangs arm, and practically dragged him to the kitchen.

Xiaomai, quickly get a pair of chopsticks for Sanlang. Qiao Changshun said, as he energetically pointed to the food on the dining table, This is Milk Steamed Bun, made with the sheeps milk that you brought yesterday. It is fragrant and soft. Have a taste.

Tong Sanlang, hearing these words, glanced at the buns in the basket. The faint aroma of milk that wafted out was quite pleasant.

Qiao Dami sat next to Tong Sanlang, pointing to the plate of Bean Sprouts Stir-fried with Pork on the table and said, Brother Tong, try this. Its made with the pork you brought yesterday. My sister cooked it so deliciously!

And this one, Brother Tong, have you ever had tofu pudding? We only gave you tofu last time and forgot about the tofu pudding. Oh, my sister just made this one. Have a taste!

And this one, too, this is dried beancurd sticks. My sister spent several days to make this small amount, but its definitely tasty. Have a taste!

Qiao Xiaomai

She twitched the corner of her mouth, wanting to roll her eyes. Werent this father and son being a bit too enthusiastic about Tong Sanlang?

Especially Qiao Dami, hed been wearing these for quite some time now, and it was the first time shed heard him talk so much.

Xiaomai, why are you just standing there? Quickly get a pair of chopsticks for Sanlang. Seeing Qiao Xiaomai standing still, Qiao Changshun urged her.

Qiao Xiaomai responded with a sound and slowly fetched a pair of chopsticks to hand to Tong Sanlang.

Tong Sanlang accepted them with a smile, Thank you, Miss Qiao.

Qiao Xiaomai raised her eyebrow secretly, she thought Tong Sanlang would refuse.

Xiaomai, get a bowl for Sanlang. Qiao Changshun instructed again, he pushed the basket filled with Milk Steamed Buns toward Tong Sanlang, intending to serve him some tofu pudding.

Qiao Xiaomai responded with another sound and took her time fetching a clean coarse porcelain bowl to pass to Tong Sanlang.

Tong Sanlang gave her another grin, this one more radiant than before.

His dark pupils were glittering, his perfect facial features were quite charming.

However, Qiao Xiaomai did not focus on his smile, she lowered her gaze and sat down next to Qiao Dami.

You girl, why didnt you simply serve Sanlang some tofu pudding yourself. Qiao Changshun shot her a glance, took the bowl from Tong Sanlangs hand, and served him a full bowl of tofu pudding, Have a taste. This is tofu pudding with cane sugar and soybean paste. Try this with that.

Tong Sanlang thanked him, showed no modesty at all, lifted a spoonful of sugar into the bowl, stirred it to dissolve the sugar, then started eating.

How is it? Tastes good, right? Qiao Changshun asked with a smile.

Yes, its very good. Tong Sanlang complimented.

Of course, my Xiaomais cooking is the best. Let me tell you Qiao Changshun started bragging about the meals theyd been having at home recently, his tone full of pride.

He had to highlight the advantages of Qiao Xiaomai!

Tong Sanlang slightly tugged at the corner of his mouth, he enjoyed such homely conversations..

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