Fight Me! - Chapter 15

Published at 19th of January 2019 01:49:12 PM

Chapter 15

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The blast stretched out further than the eye could see. The strength of the blast continued to rise, annihilating a quarter of the forest in the blink of an eye. Aragon held firm behind his black tower shield. The force of the attack pushed him back, leaving deep rakes in the ground. He was pushed back several meters. It was a stale mate, on one hand, Mortimer's attack could not hurt Aragon, but on the other, Aragon was pinned down and could not break the stale mate.

"GunBlade Art: ReinforceFire" Mortimer activated an art.

The beam tripled in size and intensity, it looked like a heatless white flame.

"Shield Art: Tempest Tower" Aragon responded with his shield art.

A strong wind was emitted from the sides of the tower shield, the wind was so fierce that it managed to increase the defensive capacity of his shield whilst re directing the white fire outwards. Aragon began to walk forward, without retracting the spikes on the shield's bottom. He forcefully moved, ground and all.

When the distance between the two had halved, Mortimer changed up his attack.

"GunBlade Art: Golden Gatling"

The white fire vanished, causing Aragon to stumble. It was replaced with several rapid fire golden beams, they fired out randomly, instantly vaporizing everything they hit.

"You even created an anti werewolf technique? Mortimer, you sly b*stard!"

Aragon's shield was vaporized like the trees behind him. Without any other choice, he had to dodge away. He constantly ducked and weaved, predicting the shots. None of the beams came close as he made his way closer.

"GunBlade Art: Focused Fire" Mortimer was getting desperate. He seemed to be weakened from his wound.

The beams which were going all over the place suddenly rightened themselves, they arced outward like before until they flew inwards, landing in similar places but flying unpredictably. A shot hit Aragon's left hand. It seemed like it was corroding, slowly, the arm was being eaten away.


Aragon ripped his left arm off. The corroding arm hit the floor before melting into a strange sticky yellow substance. The fire continued and he redoubled his efforts in evading. A clicking sound was heard and the firing stopped. The Ether crystal popped out of the weapon, steam fizzed out. Mortimer quickly went to reload it, pulling another crystal out.

"Too slow!"

Aragon shot forward and kicked him, sending him flying. He then let out an inhuman growl and hunched over, he grew double in size and a dark blue grey fur emerged from beneath his skin. Aragon's head became longer, a muzzle replacing the human nose and the ears elongated. He was a werewolf.

Mortimer patted the dust off his armour. He also underwent a physical change. His body grew taller, his muscles denser. Fangs sprouted from his mouth and his eyes turned blood shot. His ears grew long like an elves' and his hair turned white. He was now 2 meters tall, facing off against a 4 meter tall werewolf.

He picked up his gunblade and pulled out a hand sized canister from behind. Flicking off the lid he poured the gold coloured contents onto his blade.

"Oh? Fire gold? Then I shall answer in kind."

Aragon put on silver claws, which fitted perfectly over his own. Then, he gestured, 'come at me'.

Mortimer had inserted another crystal into the gunblade. He then span it.

"GunBlade Art: Boosted Blade Modified"

A weak flame shot out of the weapon as he span it, the speed increased as it rotated, quickly becoming a blur too fast for the human eye. He touched one of the runes on his chest plate, causing a golden glow to radiate of the armour.

"Mortimer, give up! God's will is mine!" Aragon shouted.

"Give my life to you? That would be a waste!" He mocked in return.

Aragon bent down and shot off like a sprinter. He disappeared and reappeared in front of Mortimer. Mortimer slashed downwards, the attack accelerated past the sound barrier, letting out a sonic boom. The attack was blocked by claws whilst it was countered with a kick from the left. Mortimer jumped back to avoid it.

The two attacked in a blur, each was blocked or dodged. It seemed that they wanted to avoid getting hit. Illian crouched behind a tree stump, watching in awe. He couldn't see most of the fight since they were too fast but even he could sense the raw power that emanated off of them.

"Sword Art: Ten Thousand Slice"

Mortimer attacked ten thousand times in a single second. Each hit seemed weaker than a normal attack but the move made up for the lack of power with speed. Aragon tried in vain to block but the sword eventually managed to slice his body. Taking advantage of the fact that Aragon was missing his left arm, Mortimer repeatedly fainted on the right before attacking from the left.

It was clear that although injured, Mortimer was completely suppressing the werewolf. Aragon finally broke out of the engagement.

"Lunar Descent!" He half shouted half howled.

A mini moon icon floated above his head, causing him to grow in size to 6 meters. Illian, who was several hundred meters away felt the blood lust which came from Aragon.

"Vampire! You've forced me to use my trump card!" He gloated.

"Hmmph. You call an inherited racial ability a trump card? Die weakling!"

Mortimer shot forward. The two were now matched in speed and strength. Normally, vampires and werewolves possessed superhuman regenerative capabilities but the pair were using each other's racial weakness. Vampires were weak to silver whilst werewolves were weak to gold.

After two hours, they finally slowed down. They were clearly expert fighters. Both Aragon and Mortimer struggled to stand as they were covered in large wounds which refused to regenerate. They went into battle again, equal in strength.

Mortimer sliced with his blade at the werewolf's neck. But before Aragon could block, Mortimer shouted.

"Sword Art: Accelerated Attack!"

The sword was even faster than the speed of sound, it chopped into Aragon's neck but stopped half way, refusing to go any further.


Pulling Mortimer closer, ignoring the fatal wound which should have killed him on the spot, he stabbed into his stomach with his silver lined claws. Both had scored fatal strikes. They let go and fell to the ground. Aragon died on the spot having spent the last ounce of his energy to stab Mortimer, who was currently still alive.

A cough sounded out as Mortimer spat blood. Illian slowly rose up. Mortimer, who knew of his presence looked over and gestured for him to come over.

"Come, quickly."

Nodding, Illian walked over briskly.

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