Fight Me! - Chapter 24

Published at 19th of January 2019 01:48:28 PM

Chapter 24

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"You're saying you don't know how to transform?" Cassie asked disbelievingly.

"Are you sure you're a lycanthrope?" Blue asked.

"Yeah. Last time it transformed was when Orucos beat the sh!t out of me." Illian replied.

The five stood there in a little clearing in a medium sized forest. Ralf pondered. Ever since he was younger, he had been taught by his parents to transform, so that he could control his power and not go on a rampage.

As he was thinking, the other four were getting to know each other better.

"My primary combat style is close quarters combat but I am comfortable in ranged as well."

"I guess Arnold can help you get better then, he's a master of hand to hand." Rocco suggested quickly.

"Yeah, im an assassin so my combat style won't fit you. Out of all of us, Arnold would be best to train you." Cassie added, trying to wipe her hands of responsibility.

"Um, I don't fight so er, that's out of the question." Blue added guiltily.

"Oh all right, I get it, I'll train the newbie!" Arnold yelled.

"Great, I'll be in your care." Illian said seriously.

"Haha, yeah no sweat buddy." He forced a smile.

Rocco came over and patted Arnold on the back.

"I'll treat you to the canteen's monster sized steak tonight as thanks."

Arnold fell over from the force of the pat.

"Alright guys, I've thought of a good training method for Illian." Ralf said.

"Do tell." They shuffled closer.

"Since you can't control your transformation, we'll teach you the basics first."

"How long will we be out here?" Cassie asked with her hand up.

"Maybe a day or two."

"Okie dokie, I'll go get some wood!" She pranced away whilst humming a tune.

"In that case, allow me to find some food." Rocco unslung his war axe and left.

"Then I shall booby trap everything around our clearing." Blue left as well.

"On lookout." Arnold was still upset about his assignment, climbing up a nearby tree and perching on the top branch like a bird.

Ralf stared at them.

"Okay, so teach me. How do I transform?" Illian asked with an expectant look.

"Ahem, so first things first. Lycanthropes have a different heart compared to normal humans. It's slightly bigger and has an additional part, the blood sac. All you need to do is control the blood inside of the sac and guide it through your blood system, which causes the transformation."

"How do I control it?"

"Using your soul energy, you must know how to do that right?"

"Yep." Illian replied, furrowing his brows in focus.

He sent out his soul energy to where his heart was, he couldn't see but he felt a slight pull in a certain direction. He felt like a blind man being pulled by his dog. He stumbled around, following the force of attraction, each time he got closer it got stronger and stronger.

When he reached the blood sac, he sent soul energy into it, causing his heart to double in pumping speed. A white blood started to seep out, like a cloud of smoke. Quickly, he gathered the white blood up with his soul energy and sent it through his blood stream.

When it reached different organs of his body, he felt supercharged, a refreshing surge washed over his body. Finally, there was only white blood in his system, presumably, it was werewolf blood.

When he opened his eyes, Illian was in his lycanthrope form. Ralf was staring at his white fur and the black markings that ran down his body.

"I've never seen a white werewolf before." He muttered.

"Okay, to revert back just do the same thing with the blood sac, draw all of the white blood back into it. "

Illian followed the instructions, sending soul energy into his veins and pulling all of the blood into the sac. The reverting process was the more difficult process, requiring higher concentration. He pulled it off without any hitches Losing focus for one split second meant having to restart the transformation process again, for both transforming and reverting.

This was very important in battle because if he was slightly distracted in a battle, he would have to start again, he'd probably end up dead before he got his second chance. The fact that Ralf could do it almost instantly for any part of his body showed how much time he spent into training.

Illian continued to transform and revert, trying to make the process more efficient and quicker. He managed to speed the process up by sending soul energy to speed his heart up, increasing the speed of the white blood. He also manipulated his veins and muscles to contract and relax to draw the blood back into the sac.

Ralf stared at Illian in disbelief. What Illian managed to do in mere hours had cost Ralf weeks of his time. He was envious yet also in awe. This was probably what the higher ups meant by 'special'.

"The guy's a god damn genius." He uttered.

"What next?" Illian asked, eager to learn more.

"T-This guy." He didn't know whether to laugh or cry at Illian's expression, it seemed he did not know how amazing he was.


[Black Scythes Head Quarters - Midnight Compound]

Orucos grinned in triumph. She was looking over her father's shoulder at the screen. It was magically connected to the observer, allowing them to see what it saw and more.

"See dad! I told you he's special."

"Ugh, fine. You win. You can have him." The father deflated, as if he had spent a billion Lu on second hand socks.

"Yaaay! Thank you daddy!" She giggles like a teenage girl.

The father grumbled before asking,

"How come he's white? I don't recall there being any white lycanthropes."

"He's a special case, he's also a vampire."

"What? That isn't possible, the two bloodlines would consume each other for control of the body if they were in the same body, it's been tested!"

"Like I said, he's a special case daddy! So anyway, can you elevate his position higher? I don't want some low rank to escort me, it'll ruin my reputation."

The father frowned.

"That's not possible. Those who have worked for our organisation for years would not accept a new comer to be placed higher than them on the ranking ladder instantly."

"Well, daddy, make them accept him then." She changes her tone, like an owner scolding their pet.

"Spoiled brat, how do you think I'll do that?"

"Dunno, it's your job now though!" She smiled before walking out.

The father massaged his forehead.

"I've raised a demon."

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