Published at 6th of November 2016 09:58:26 PM

Chapter 15.2

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Chapter 15.2: Idol

The next day at work, Bikong Ru Xi gave her a poke.

Bikong Ru Xi: Editor, do you guys accept long terms contribution to your magazine? < shy >

Lan Ning thought about it. 《米斯特里》Mistry has a long series but only contribution from reputable author will be able to do the series. Back then, Xing Xin published a few short stories directly in《米斯特里》Mistry before he was able to publish the long series. And he is also a legend.

But they also publish books where new author can contribute.


Cauliflower: Oh, we have a special length editor. You can submit to me. I also do the long series.

Bikong Ru Xi: Oh too good!

Bikong Ru Xi: But I felt that your threshold of publication is very high _ (: 3 “∠) _

Cauliflower: This is true but you can always send them over for us to review.

Bikong Ru Xi: Good da. I started this story some time back. And two days ago, I took it out to re-draft it a little. Now almost thirty thousand words.

Cauliflower: Ok. You send me the first thirty thousand words first and the outline of the story. I will have a look ^ _ ^

Bikong Ru Xi: Thank you editor \ (^ o ^) / ~


Bikong Ru Xi quickly relook into the manuscript and then sent it to her. Lan Ning finally was able to find time in the afternoon to review the manuscript.

The title of the story is called ‘Song of the Night’. The style is similar to his short articles that was submitted before. The hero with an extreme way interpret the heart of the beloved. In the short story, it was the warm of the sunshine but in this story, it was closer to the moon. More than a night of quiet and peace, it also feels like the softness as moonlight on the water.

Lan Ning has always been surprised at Bikong Ru Xi’s writing style. This is because he is very good at putting up a crime theme and yet it is a well written romantic romance. It is after all a mystery novel with the hero in the final part of the story, in an inevitable tragic end that leaves the reader moved.

This manuscript is only thirty thousand words but it is clearly seen from the outline that it is a sophisticated story. Bikong Ru Xi has a very good control on how the story is written. At least in thirty thousand words, it has already totally attracted the attention of Lan Ning.

But having said that, there is a relatively a huge problem. That is, Lan Ning in this manuscript see the shadow of Xing Xin.

Although the reasoning of the novels were well written but with different authors, the writing style will be very different.


Although she is a very rare female novelist reviewer, but her taste is stronger than the male writer. Her control of the screen is very strong. Her description of the case is very eye-catching.

Taking Shijiu Zai for an example. He is particularly good at creating suspense atmosphere and the brain is particularly off. With his words, you can ever guess what he is thinking. After while reading his story, you will have the kind of ‘what the heck is this’ feeling.

Xing Xin has a wonderful art of writing. Each of his clues are intertwined. Each seemingly insignificant small details but are the story chain of vital importance. When you collected all the clues and restore the truth of the event, you will be tempted to admire the author’s subtle ideas and design.

Now in the case of Bikong Ru Si writing, the style is very much like Xing Xin. Very carefully polished with every details a delicate works of art.

If the style is not much of a difference, there will certainly be a lot of readers who thinks that this is another identity of Xing Xin.

In fact, there would have not been much of a concern as it is only regarded as preference. But unfortunately, Xing Xin reputation is very high while Bikong Ru Xi is a newcomer. So, certainly there will be comparison and also accusation of him imitating Xing Xin.


Lan Ning thought for a while and then replied to Bikong Ru Xi.

Cauliflower: I have read the manuscript. The story is very good. But in short, there is always a feel of the Teacher Xing Xin’s shadow. You and him have many detailed and techniques that are very similar.

Bikong Ru Xi: _ (: 3 “∠) _

Bikong Ru Xi: Sure enough. You do. In fact, I also realized it now.

Bikong Ru Xi: Back when I was in high school, I started reading the novel by Teacher Xing Xin. Let me share with you. He is my Male God!

Lan Ning: “………………..”

Although he said last time that he was lucky and was able to use Teacher Xing Xin as a goal, she had faintly felt that too….. but…… don’t go and take him as male God ah!

Bikong Ru Xi: I started to have interest in writing because of him. I like his stories. The stories always amazed me. But how it is said, his stories always felt that it is too deep ^ _ ^ Every time I read, there are human good sinister ^ _ ^


So, I wanted to write something different. But I have been too deeply influenced by him. Although our style is different and ideas are different, subconsciously will design different details but in a subtle way…..

Bikong Ru Xi: Editor, Am I sick?

Lan Ning: “………………..”

Cauliflower: A lot of people will initially subconsciously imitate their idols. This is normal. Once you write more, you will form your own style. Reasoning is the core of the novels. I think that it is not only the kind of well-designed Teacher Xing Xin’s stories are stunning, simple story can be stunning too. You now have a very unique style. Write more naturally will bring a new understanding. And then time will then slowly evolve where you are no longer bound by Teacher Xing Xin’s style.


Bikong Ru Xi: Thank you Editor

Bikong Ru Xi: Love you

Lan Ning: “……………….”

Your young love is a bit too cheap?

Cauliflower: I will show your manuscript to my colleagues first. If they like it, then we will show the Chief Editor. Any update will let you know.

Bikong Ru Xi: Okay. Thank you Editor. (* ~ 3) (e ~ *)

Cauliflower: You are welcome ^ _ ^

She sent Bikong Ru Xi’s manuscript to Apple and then found the icon for Bikong Ru Xi is still blinking.

Bikong Ru Xi: Editor. I found you urging Teacher Xing Xin’s manuscript online. Are you his editor? (* / W * *)

Cauliflower: No, I am just responsible to chase him for the manuscript ^ _ ^

Bikong Ru Xi: Oh….. Have you met him in person? (* / W * *)

Lan Ning: “………………………..”


Junior, can you not blush when you speak!

Cauliflower: Why do you ask this for?

Bikong Ru Xi: Nothing. Just want to know how he looks like (* / W * *)

Cauliflower: Believe me. It is better not to know him in person. You would be disillusioned. ^ _ ^

She is using her experience to knock down his sentence.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!