Published at 19th of January 2023 08:51:02 AM

Chapter 112

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It was a man in his forties, with a stocky appearance. Leng Bingbing had seen him before, and knew that his name was Ma Ergang. His name was very common. The first impression he gave was that he was simple and honest, but in fact, he was not so at all. What's the matter, can be a full-time driver for such a high-ranking official, and won the trust of the high-ranking official, how can it be done by being honest and honest?

Ma Ergang got off the Honda with a black leather bag, and then walked into the People's Park, and Leng Bingbing quickly got out of the car, and walked in with Xia Tian.

"Sister Jinghua, you are too eye-catching, easy to be spotted by him." Xia Tian couldn't help but said, although there are many people walking in the park at this time, but the ice is too beautiful and sexy, not to mention He was wearing a police uniform, so it was hard not to be noticed.

"You don't need to remind me!" Leng Bingbing said angrily, she naturally knew that she was very eye-catching like this, if in the past, if she wanted to deliberately follow someone, she would still change her clothes, but today it was a temporary idea, and because of Xia Tian After making a fuss, she forgot to change her clothes.

Originally, criminal police usually wear plain clothes, but she likes to wear police uniforms coldly, because she thinks that this can directly discourage many people who harbor ill-will towards her. Unfortunately, she doesn't know that her uniform makes her attractive. It is infinitely rising, but it can attract more men's attention.

"Sister Jinghua, if we are like them, we won't attract attention." Xia Tian pointed to a couple not far away, the man was holding the woman's slender waist.

"Go dreaming!" Leng Bingbing snorted softly, she would not be fooled.

Xia Tian has not yet given up: "Sister Jinghua, if you are discovered, won't your previous efforts be wasted? Or, we can do like them!"

This time Xia Tian pointed at another couple, they were just holding hands, there was no way, since Sister Jinghua wouldn't let him hug her soft waist, then he could only retreat and see if he could hold her hand.

Leng Bingbing once again had the idea of ​​learning to sew, she wanted to sew this guy's mouth shut, this damn rascal, after all, had one purpose, that is to take advantage of her!

It is actually a very common method for a man and a woman to pretend to be couples to follow. Of course, this method is cold but never used. Knowing that this is better, she also doesn't want to pretend to be a couple with Xia Tian.

She ignored Xia Tian, ​​Ma Ergang in front of her was walking casually in the park, she looked no different from other walkers, and Leng Bingbing naturally pretended to be walking, her intuition told him that Ma Ergang You don't come here for a walk.

However, as time went by, Leng Bingbing discovered that her judgment seemed to be wrong. It seemed that Ma Ergang really came here for a walk. Without doing anything else, he just wandered around the park without contacting anyone, not even making a phone call.

After shopping for more than half an hour, Ma Ergang found a bench to sit down and rest, and after another ten minutes, when it was getting dark, Ma Ergang got up and left, went straight out of the park, and then drove away. And this also means that this cold follow-up has not achieved any results.

"Damn it!" Leng Bingbing couldn't figure it out, could it be that she was discovered?

Xia Tian is also a bit depressed, after wandering around with Sister Jinghua for so long, she still can't get her hand, it's such a failure, if the master knows about this, he will definitely make fun of him.

Back then, when he first met Sister Shenxian, he got her first kiss. Although the three masters kept saying that it was because he was only three years old and had natural advantages, he thought it was his charm, otherwise, Why did Sister Shenxian become his wife in the end?

"Boom!" The depressed Xia Tian was suddenly awakened by a loud noise.

"Gah!" Leng Bingbing slammed on the brakes, but her expression changed instantly, because she clearly saw that the Honda that Ma Ergang was driving was engulfed in flames.

"Quack, quack... ah..." The sound of brakes, screams, and crashes intertwined together, and the sudden explosion made the pedestrians and vehicles on the road into a mess, and the air wave from the explosion was even more shocking. Two cars that were closer to the Honda overturned, and several cars collided because they didn't have time to brake.

Leng Bingbing took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed a number: "I am Leng Bingbing from the Criminal Police Team of the City Bureau. A car explosion occurred two kilometers north of the gate of the People's Park. We need support!"

After hanging up the phone, Leng Bing opened the car door and rushed towards the explosion site. Because he was not close enough, the explosion of the Honda did not affect here, and the Leng Bing car was not affected in any way.

"I'm a policeman, everyone, don't panic, get out of the car if you are not injured, and stay away from the explosive vehicle!" Leng Bingbing quickly rushed to the explosion point, took out his ID and shouted, "If you are injured, don't move for now, hold on, the ambulance will come soon!"

The cold and timely appearance brought the chaos of the scene under control immediately, and everyone was no longer so flustered, but there was a lot of discussion.

"what happened?"

"It's not a terrorist attack, is it?"

"I don't know, it's too dangerous. This is the first time I have encountered such a thing."

"Yeah, I only saw it on TV before, how could I expect to be so close today..."

Those who were close to the explosion were in lingering fear. I believe that most of them would not be able to sleep tonight.

The ambulance and the police arrived very quickly. Everyone performed their duties, treating the wounded, sealing off the scene, directing traffic, and some people were taking notes with witnesses at the scene.

The power of the bomb was not too great. The passengers in the affected cars were basically only slightly injured. On the contrary, two cars collided with each other due to panic, but the injuries were more serious. However, their lives were not in danger. , but there is only one, and that is Ma Ergang.

Ma Ergang was almost blown to pieces, and the location of the explosion happened to be in the driver's cab. According to preliminary judgment, the bomb was under the chair. Obviously, this explosion was not a terrorist attack, but a deliberate murder.

The Criminal Police Squad of the City Bureau also arrived soon, but it was not the icy Sixth Brigade, but the First Brigade, and the leader was the captain of the First Brigade of Criminal Police, Qiu Ming, who had a problem with the icy cold.

"Captain Leng came very quickly!" Seeing Leng Bingbing, Qiu Ming said nonchalantly, then glanced at Xia Tian, ​​"Is Captain Leng dating?"

"Qiu Ming, I'm warning you again, don't meddle in my personal affairs!" Leng Bing snorted coldly.

Qiu Ming showed a somewhat smug expression on his face: "Of course I don't care about Captain Leng's personal affairs, let's discuss business matters now, this case has been assigned to our first team to take over, Captain Leng, I think you can continue Going on a date."

A trace of disdain appeared on the corner of Leng Bingbing's mouth. She looked down on men like gossips. She used to think that Qiu Ming was a pretty good criminal police officer, but now, she felt that Qiu Ming was not qualified to be her opponent at all. To be serious with such a person would be to degrade him. her character.

Turning to look at Xia Tian, ​​said coldly and indifferently: "Let's go."

After Leng Bingbing said this, she walked towards her car, and Xia Tian naturally followed her. Looking at Leng Bingbing's back, Qiu Ming couldn't help but look a little annoyed. He originally wanted to show off in front of Leng Bingbing, but he didn't know that Leng Bingbing didn't accept the trick at all. , This feeling of being powerless and having nowhere to use made him very uncomfortable.

"Don't you just meet a deputy governor? What's so great!" Qiu Ming muttered in his heart, thinking about the phone call he received not long ago, Qiu Ming's mood immediately improved, and the executive deputy governor personally Call him and ask him to do things well. If the case is handled well, then he might be able to find a big backer. From now on, even if it is cold, he has to bow his head in front of him.

After taking a look at the icy summer, Qiu Ming couldn't help but feel a little jealous, that boy who doesn't look very good, actually got soaked in icy cold.

"Idiot, you dare to touch the deputy governor's woman, just wait for death!" Qiu Ming scolded Xia Tian in his heart, "It's just a broken shoe, is it worth it to die?"

Although it was just a rumor, Qiu Ming believed that Leng Bingbing was indeed the woman of the deputy governor. Otherwise, how could Leng Bingbing be so arrogant that she even dared to slap the deputy mayor in the face? If not, how could she have risen so quickly in the police station?

Qiu Ming was hurting Leng Bingbing and Xia Tian in his heart, but Leng Bingbing had already gotten into the car and drove Xia Tian away from the explosion site. A few minutes later, they arrived at the park entrance again.

"Sister Jinghua, do you still want to go for a walk inside?" Xia Tian was a little excited, it was already almost dark, and going to the park at this time seemed to be able to secretly do something unsuitable for children with Sister Jinghua.

He gave Xia Tian a cold look, and walked straight to a newsstand at the entrance of the park. The owner of the newsstand was a middle-aged woman in her forties.

"Hi, big sister, I'm a policeman." Leng Bingbing showed his ID, "I have something to ask big sister."

"Officer, just ask if you have anything to do." The newsstand lady boss nodded quickly.

"A Honda car was parked at that spot just now, for about an hour, do you remember?" He pointed coldly at the spot where Ma Ergang had parked before.

"Well, there is a car over there, but I'm not familiar with what kind of car, and I don't know how long it has been parked." The female newsstand owner said after thinking about it.

"Then, big sister, please think about it carefully. Did you see anyone getting into that car during the parking period?" asked coldly, "That person should have left the car soon after getting in the car." .”

The female owner of the newsstand thought hard for a while, then shook her head: "Officer, I'm sorry, I really didn't notice, there are often cars here, people come and go, sometimes I have to sell drinks, it's really not a big deal Pay attention to these things."

A word to readers:

Ask for support on Monday, there are no recommendation tickets, no gold bricks. Four chapters today

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