Published at 6th of February 2024 07:56:51 AM

Chapter 1642: Empress Dowager Yan

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Chapter 1642 Empress Dowager Yan

Nan Hua walked into the residency area.

It has been years since the last time she paid a visit to Yi Shang Temple, but she could remember the basic layout. It hadn't changed that much aside from the fact that some buildings were demolished and some buildings were rebuilt.

The place where Empress Dowager Yang was definitely very good.

With the wealth she carried, she wouldn't want to torture herself even if she was no longer living in the prosperous area.

"Who is it?"

"General Jun is here to pay a visit to Empress Dowager Yan." Nan Hua cupped her fist politely when she saw the maidservant.

"General Jun?" The maidservant was confused. Having stayed in the temple for so many years, she hadn't heard about the outside news for a long period of time. Jun Hua's rise to fame could be considered recent, so many people were still unfamiliar with her name. n(/0VeLB1n

However, the guards who came naturally knew this name.

Knowing that their kingdom now had two female generals, there was no way that these guards wouldn't feel awe.

It was rare to see powerful female figures.

"General Jun is a powerful general personally appointed by His Majesty in recent years." The guard looked at the maidservant.

The maidservant nodded. "Why does your esteemed figure would like to meet with Her Highness?"

"This general had heard of Empress Dowager Yan's story and would like to discuss about some matters with her," Nan Hua explained unhurriedly.

"Please wait for a while."

The maidservant ran inside to relay Nan Hua's words to Empress Dowager Yan.

Even if she stayed holed here, she still had to know some basic news. If she didn't know anything, she was worried that some annoying b**** would come forward and drag her to the mud once more.

She had worked so hard to earn this peaceful retirement.

Those who dared to drag her down again would be facing her wrath.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Did she say the reason for her visit?" Empress Dowager Yan asked leisurely, not feeling pressured just because the other party is a general. For her, her status was already high enough and there were few people whom she needed to truly pay courtesy.

Emperor Yang Zhou was one.

And the other... well her family members if they were to come.

"General Jun only said that she had heard of your name and wanted to discuss some matters with you, Your Highness," the maidservant replied.

Discuss some matters?

Yan Jin Nian was sure that she had never met with this General Jun Hua in the past. Why would the other party want to see her?

Forget it.

She was not doing anything here anyway.

And as a general who was personally appointed by the Emperor, she better gave some face to the other party.

"Let her come."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The maidservant bowed and then walked out, wanting to invite Nan Hua come.

Yan Jin Nian was still relaxing on the chair when she saw Nan Hua came. At this moment, her expression cracked a bit as she felt that her worldview has been completely shattered.

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