Game of Gods - Chapter 60

Published at 8th of February 2022 07:20:15 AM

Chapter 60

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Tiger Lord

As soon as Xun Lian Lian appeared, the situation on the battlefield immediately changed.

多 How strong is a lord tiger?

Let's put it this way, an ordinary tiger has a bite force of more than 500 kilograms, and can jump up to 10 meters. An evolutionary tiger that has reached the tenth level has about ten times the attributes of an ordinary tiger, which means that the biting force is five tons. Although the jumping ability has not increased year-on-year, it has also reached about thirty meters.

The tiger that can become the lord is at least level 10 and 2.5 times that of ordinary monsters of the same level.

In other words, suppose that the level of love is the lowest ten, and its bite force has reached a staggering 12.5 tons. It can jump nearly 50 meters at a time, and the degree of horror can be imagined.

In addition, the lord also has two enhanced single skills and two group skills.

Not to mention that it is not fighting alone, beside this guy, he also followed a commanding black bear and three elite beasts.

So the moment I jumped out of love, the first thing was to slap a fan on a professional.

Huge force hit the professional's breastbone and collapsed a large piece on the spot. The professional was a trainer like Yuan Chenfei, who had just conquered a fierce beast with the duel space, and was shot dead on the spot before it had any effect.

虽然 Although the vitality of the summoning profession is not as strong as that of a soldier, the standard bonus is located in the middle reaches, and even this tiger can't bear a slap, which shows the horror of this attack.

This can scare everyone.

I can't resist a single blow, isn't that the one who slammed?

Reality is not an online game. In the face of spike, people's mentality only collapses.

A group of people huffed and went apart, and no one wanted to contact this tiger.

"Don't panic, everyone, that's its skills, can't be used continuously!" Qi Kui shouted again at this time.

Unfortunately no one ignored him.

What about the skills of your sister? You have the ability to fight against it. If a skill attack can kill you in seconds, then three or two ordinary attacks can almost kill you.

I want to get on you!

He squinted and shouted, Qi Kui shouted, "Brothers, let's go!"

At this moment, only a few of them can come forward to resist the lord, and then they can stabilize the army.

However, he said that when we went up, it was not him who really rushed forward, but another man beside him.

The man raised his hand and summoned a huge bear spirit.

人 This person is called Qiao Hong, the fourth child of Qinglong, and a professional phantom.

Phantom Spirit Master is the most orthodox summoning profession.

The phantom spirit master uses mana to condense into summons. The biggest feature is that as long as the mana is not used up, there can always be summons.

The phantom spirit master's summons are called spirits, which are divided into three types: heroic summon, elemental summon, and beast spirit summon. There are five types in each category, a total of fifteen kinds of spirits.

The same kind of spirit cannot exist at the same time, and different kinds are irrelevant. Therefore, the phantom master can theoretically have up to fifteen summoning spirits at the same time, and then one spirit dies, and as long as there is magic power, it can continue to summon.

Qi Qiaohong obviously took the beast spirit line.

The character of the beast spirit is that each beast spirit has a special effect. The five beast spirits are cat spirit, wolf spirit, bear spirit, crocodile spirit and crane spirit.

Among them, the cat spirit has green eyes, which can be night vision and broken. Wolf Spirit critical strike, Bear Spirit absorbs damage, Crocodile Spirit stuns, Crane Spirit pierces.

So Bear Spirit is the best meat shield.

强大 A powerful bear spirit can be even more practical in the early days than a shield warrior who is not so well developed.

There are no shield warriors in the four-member group of Wu Qinglong's gang, so the phantom master who took the beast spirit route replaced the shield war and assumed the first line of responsibility. This was pretty good, at least early.

As soon as Xiong Ling appeared, he rushed towards the Tiger Lord.

Hun Lian Lian took a slap shot and hit the bear spirit. The phantom is a mana generation, no wisdom, no pain, only the instinct of battle, so the giant bear only roared back and attacked with a huge bear's paw.

A bear and a tiger banged into a ball instantly, watching the stance, they had a fight.

Xi Qiaohong was so proud of himself: "I'm still the most reliable bear spirit!"

When others can't resist it, they are shot dead by the Tiger Lord, but their bear spirit can fight against the Lord, which shows that it is powerful.

"Less nonsense, hurry up!" Qi Kuike didn't think he could defeat the lord with a bear spirit.

The so-called battle, to put it plainly, is to support it a few times with thick skin and thick meat. In fact, after bearing a bite of love, the bear spirit has begun to loose, and it will soon be unable to support it.

Qi Qikui and Mao Dongpeng shot at this moment, Qi Kui took a silver boutique knife and fell, and the fire chopped a flame. At this time, he didn't have to jump, but he really cut it down.

The fourth level of fierce fire was chopped on the tiger lord, and even the lovers gave out a roar of pain.

It turned around and swept away a tiger's tail. Qi Kui dare to fight with it and hid directly behind Xiong Ling. The lord of the tiger hit Xiong Ling with one hit, and Xiong Ling was annihilated. At the same time, Mao Dongpeng had shot an arrow.

Lu Dingxing!

Lu Dingxing should be regarded as the most practical skill of the archer at this stage. Although the power is average, he can fix the opponent so that he cannot move.

Qi Qikui took the opportunity to rush out and cut it with two consecutive strokes.

The fourth skill of the warrior, double slash.

技能 This skill is plain, but it cuts one sword but two swords, but the damage will be reduced. Increasing the skill level can increase a single kill. In fact, it is a late skill. You cannot wait until the soldier's attributes and skill levels are raised before you can exert its power.

Therefore, Qi Kui has only one skill, which is not very powerful, but then he splits a homeopath.

Cleave, the third skill of a warrior, makes a crosscut while attacking the opponent, causing damage to the target and its surroundings. A double slash can cause additional damage. After using the double slash, the homeopath will cool directly.

Homeopathy is actually a small-scale group attack, which can attack opponents around the target, but the range is very small.

Qi Qikui used it not to hit anyone else, but to connect it to use after double slash.

This is because the characteristic of homeopathic chopping is that taking double chops can cause additional damage.

But this connection is actually very learned.

Because there is another feature of homeopathic slashing, after using double chopping, homeopathic scoring directly cools down.

The homeopathic cut itself has its own cooling time, but regardless of whether it has cooled down or not, as long as it has used double cuts, the homeopathic cut will cool directly.

Therefore, in the later high hands, some powerful fighters were used in the middle of the double slash.

Is single-strike, homeopathic, single-strike, homeopathic.

With one double slash, you can use two consecutive slashes.

However, this requires extremely high skills, and only by grasping the timing of the double slash and homeopathic slicing to the top can be achieved. This skill can not be mastered by improving the mastery of heavy weapons. It must be mastered by yourself.

It doesn't count, jump and double cut can actually be connected.

Initiating a double chop at the instant that the jump chop hits the target can ensure that the power of the jump chop is superimposed on the double chop. No longer exists.

So the attack is doubled, and useless achievements equal waste.

Jumping and splitting, double-cutting, and homeopathic cutting are the most famous three-stroke moves of the soldiers in the early days. When they are used, they take away the enemy set, and if they are not used, they take away one set.

Qi Qikui doesn't even know this skill now. Naturally, he doesn't expect any fancy operation, but a set of double-cutting and homeopathic small company also makes a roar of love.

Xun just now Ding Xing untied and fell back and slapped, Qi Kui had already jumped away.

The jump level directly affects the power of the jump, so experienced fighters usually add only a few jumps, and jump a few more points.

跳跃 Because jumping is more practical than jumping, it is an important support for the mad soldier to make up for his lack of agility.

Many times, Berserker can't run those long legged targets, relying on the ability of jumping to reverse the situation.

However, at this moment Qi Kui used it, but it was used to avoid escape. Although he was jumping backwards, he was also very smooth.

But as he landed, a huge figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Tiger Lord!

It even skipped over.

Does it jump too?

And jumping higher and farther than myself?

Qi Qikui is stupid, will it jump?


Qi Qikui has been slapped in the chest.

There was a brilliance on the tiger's claws. Five sharp claws pressed directly into Qi Kui's chest, causing him to vomit blood and fly.

Fortunately, as an 11th-level Berserker, he was not hit by a second.

"Xie Hui!" Qi Kui still howled in the next moment ~ ~ because the tiger had fallen to him again.

Squinting to see that the giant tiger's head was about to bite, a golden hammer suddenly appeared in the air, and slammed on Lianlian's head, but the tiger was stunned and stagnant.

Blasting Warhammer, the third skill of the priest occupation, condenses a mental warhammer to attack the opponent, causing a small amount of damage and causing a stun effect.

I shot the woman of the four.

Her name is Xie Hui, a professional pastor.

With a single blow, the tiger was stunned, and Xie Huiyang's hand fell again. Qi Kui's body formed a layer of pale golden eggshell.

Shining Guardian, the 4th skill of the priest, increases physical and spell resistance, and creates a shield.

Then it was a prelude to war, but it was attack and power.

At the same time, Qiao Hong also directed the newly called Xiong Ling to entangle again, and Mao Dongpeng also shot an arrow next to it.

四 The four people are not low in level and have good equipment. Each of them has one or two fine-quality weapons, and the offensive and defensive cooperation is proper, but it is worthy to block the tiger lord.

However, they want to fight against many people, and the Tiger Lord is not alone.

A leader not far away, three elites rushed over at this moment.

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