Published at 12th of November 2021 01:10:49 PM

Chapter 227: 227

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Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, how can I go to hell.

My character is so good, I am so kind, and I have done so many good things. Even if I am dead, I should go to heaven instead of hell.

"Bai Xueying will stay, and everyone else will get out of here!"

When I think of the snow, I think in my ears.

Yeah? How did Luo qiuxue die?

But then, I understand Luo qiuxue's words.

Suddenly opened his eyes and saw Luo qiuxue's uncertain face.

Obviously, my words, or moved Luo qiuxue, in the end, Luo qiuxue in order not to get out of the way, or other people to release.

"Hello, I said Luo qiuxue, we are leaving now. We should always let me have a word with my friends. Otherwise, there is no way for my parents to explain." I said to Luo qiuxue.

At this time, I can't be too intimate with Liu Meng and Lin Jia.

However, there should be no problem for Lin Jia and Liu Meng to pass a word for their parents.

Sure enough, listen to my words, Luo qiuxue that cloudy and uncertain face, first angry, then became clear.

"Well, I'll give you a minute to finish and get out of here."

"My patience is limited. Don't challenge my patience." Luo qiuxue said to me coldly.

She is also afraid that we will procrastinate. The world now, in the eyes of most people, is still a normal world.

I believe that even the owner behind her certainly does not want the media to know these things beyond nature.

However, looking at her uncertain face, I also knew that I could not challenge her patience.

"Liu Meng, Lin Jia, come here quickly." I quickly called Liu Meng and Lin Jia to come over.

"Ling Ling, we will not leave you." Liu Meng and Lin Jia ran to me and cried.

"Ling Ling, we are sisters, good sisters who share weal and woe. We want to die, die together!" Lin Jia is calm.

However, what Lin Jia said made me unable to refute.

Fortunately, I had already figured out how to let them go back first.

"Lin Jia, Liu Meng and Fang ruofan, you three listen to me."

"It's not that I try to be brave, but I can promise that I will be able to show up in front of you in three days."

"Do you believe me?"

I asked for the last sentence.

However, the question is full of sarcasm.

If they are my friends and my good sisters, they should believe me.

This is what I want to express in this sentence.

As for what is the reason, Luo qiuxue is here, I naturally can not say.

Luo qiuxue heard my words, but he snorted coldly.

For her cold hum, my heart is also very painful.

Whether I can survive or not depends on the meaning of her master. I can never decide.

However, on the surface, I smile at Liu Meng and Lin Jia, "really, we are good sisters, sharing weal and woe, I will never tell lies."

Liu Meng and Lin Jia look at me seriously. They don't know whether I'm right or not.

So, they looked at me seriously, hoping to see something different in my eyes.

Unfortunately, I have already prepared everything, from the appearance, how can they see anything.

"OK, let's listen to Ling Ling. Let's go." Fang ruofan said suddenly.

It broke the gaze of Liu Meng and Lin Jia.

"Fang ruofan, how can you leave Ling Ling here?" Liu Mengli is about to turn his anger to Fang ruofan.

Lin Jia also turned to look at Fang ruofan, but, between his looks, he had some insight.

"Liu Meng, you don't want to be like this. There is not much time left. You should go quickly and tell them that I went to travel and will come back in a few days." I took Liu Meng's hand and squeezed it.

Liu Meng turned his head again and looked at me with a low expression.

"Well, you can go now. It's not missing." I said to her with a smile.

Although Liu mengping is careless, her emotion is the most delicate.

Such a thing, for her, is indeed a huge spiritual shock.

"Liu Meng, let's go. How to say it, we have to convey Lingling's words." Lin Jia also began to comfort Liu Meng.

The three of us have been together for many years, and we know Liu Meng very well.

Still remember that was when we were 12 years old, Liu Meng's dog died.

Liu Meng cried for three days, even after half a month, as long as a mention of the dog, Liu Meng will be sad to tears.From that day on, there were no more cats, dogs, chickens and ducks in Liu Meng's home.

In short, there is nothing alive in Liu Meng's family except people.

Suddenly, I found that Liu Meng and I were very similar in some aspects.

She doesn't keep anything alive in her family because she is afraid of parting in life and death. Even if the death is an animal, she will feel sad.

Therefore, her family does not keep living things, which is not the fundamental way to solve the problem.

This is a kind of escape, is a way for Liu Meng to escape from life and death.

And I, too, have been avoiding something?

We should face up to the problems, and we can't avoid them.

I think so many things in my heart, but in reality, it's only a moment in the past.

I looked at Liu Meng and showed my sweetest smile. "Liu Meng, believe me, everything will be OK. Follow them. I will go back to see you alive."

"Ling Ling!" Liu Meng is still sad to look at me, reluctant to give up.

"Don't worry!" I still smile sweetly and pat her on the shoulder.

"Well, it's time. It doesn't matter if you don't want to leave." Luo qiuxue shouts at us.

Listen to Luo qiuxue's words, my heart some anxious.

"Lin Jia, Fang ruofan, you should leave with Liu Meng." I am a little bit anxious to say to them.


Fang ruofan and Lin Jia both nodded.

"Liu Meng, let's go. Don't let Ling Ling worry here." Fang ruofan whispered to Liu Meng.


Luo qiuxue's whip severely lashed on the ground.

"My patience is limited. I'll give you three seconds." Luo qiuxue spoke again.

"Let's go, Liu Meng."

"Let's go, Liu Meng."

Fang ruofan and Lin Jia began to urge Liu Meng to leave here.

At last, I couldn't help but tears in my eyes.

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