Published at 12th of November 2021 01:04:30 PM

Chapter 464: 464

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"But don't challenge my patience. I'm grumpy sometimes!" I said a word again.

The devil just put down the heart, immediately again raised up.

"I said, immortal, I said, I received a task from the demon society, and the task was to kill this man."

"However, that task is a reward task, all demons can take it, and as long as it is completed, you can get the corresponding reward."

"I also took a chance. I didn't expect to let me meet him, so I thought about how to kill him."

The devil said all he knew.

But my heart, not only did not relax, but more entangled.

The devil will?

All demons can take this mission?

What's wrong with our world now?

How come all the people who will come to this world!

"Have you ever told others the news of meeting Murong Yifeng?" I asked again.

If he tells people, I have to make more plans as soon as possible.

It was at that time that the demon society forced me into the evil dark organization in the universe.

Between me and the demon God society, there is a grudge.

After that, they didn't want to destroy the universe.

I have to stop them. Not only that, I have to avenge my hometown. I want to wipe out all of them.

There are thousands of thoughts in my heart, but there is no real clue.

How to become strong, now I have the soul memory of the previous life, but, just rely on memory, practice or rely on their own.

My cultivation process is really too slow now.

"No, I haven't told anyone else yet." The devil said quickly.

But, through the eye of thunder, I know he lied.

He has told others.

It's really bad news for me.

"Do you know how I will punish a liar?"

I said coldly to the devil.

As soon as the devil listened to me, he understood immediately.

He cried and said to me, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Daxian, I didn't mean to, I'm really afraid."

"Is fear useful? Have I broken my promise

"But if you try to deal with me by cheating, I will not break my promise even if I kill you!" I said, staring at the devil coldly.

This demon can't die even more. At least, it's not the time for him to die.

"I'm sorry, Daxian. I didn't mean to. I'll tell you."

The devil immediately repented.

"I've told this news to a good friend of mine, but now, I don't know how many people know." Said the devil.

I gave him a cold look.

"He's really alone. There's no one else." The devil said in horror.

"That's it. My friend may have a big mouth." The devil whispered.

Listening to him, I understood why he was so scared.

In this way, the news that Murong Yifeng is here is probably already spreading in the demon society.

No, they must not know that Murong Yifeng is here.

Although I don't know how much power that demon will have in this cosmic world.

But I know that the power of the demon society is definitely not what I can fight against now.

"Well, I can let you go, but I won't let you go easily."

"Accept the thunder penalty, and then work for me for two years, you will be free, as long as you don't do evil again, I will not look for you." I said to the devil.

Don't wait for the thunder response.

I've used the lightest thunder penalty against him.

As long as he is a little heavier, he will only die.

I put him back on the ground and the pit was removed.


In the sky, there are dark clouds, but no one can see except me and him.


One after another of the punishing thunder landed on him, making him howl, causing him pain and unbearable.


I can't bear to see it. The thunder penalty is over. His whole body is full of skin and flesh, and he is suffering from pain.

"All right, take this and get back to the adult." I dropped a pill and told him to take it quickly.

He opened his mouth with difficulty, and the pill automatically entered his body and began to transform into a powerful force."Well, the punishment for you is over. I think you should also feel that all the sins in your body have been washed away by the power of thunder punishment."

"Remember, never do evil in the future, otherwise, you will be infected with evil, and the next time you are punished by thunder, the pain will be more than double."

As soon as I said this, he shook his head.

If you had known the pain, you might as well have killed him.

But now it's too late to say anything. The pain is over. If you don't want to suffer, take good care of this aunt.


Three days later, Liu Meng and Lin Jia finally found out the people behind the food street.

And, it's easy to tie up the other party.

"Ling Ling, that's the guy. He's really bad."

"Auntie, please forgive me." The man saw Liu Meng and Lin Jia and brought him to me, and immediately understood that I was the most powerful one.

So, he desperately begged for mercy from me.

I didn't listen to him. I immediately opened the eye of thunder punishment to check his situation.

At this point, I almost couldn't help killing him directly.

This guy, although he is crying and swollen now, his sinfulness has reached blood red, which is many times heavier than that of ordinary practitioners.

This guy can't stay in the world.

"Liu Meng, Lin Jia, get out of the way and let me give him the punishment he deserves." I said to the person next to me.

That sinful guy, constantly pleading, and finally, he found that his plea had no effect at all, and he began to threaten us decisively.

"Little ladies, do you know who is behind me?"

I don't care about him. If he has been saying this without nutrition, even if he is dead, he deserves it.

This is the time. If he still wants to dress, I like this kind of enemy best.

With my action, the man finally understood the cruelty of reality.

Unfortunately, it's too late. I have used the power of thunder punishment.

With the use of the force of thunder punishment, layers of thick black clouds appeared in the sky.

It seems that there is still some blood red in the black cloud, which is the thunder punishment for the destruction of sinful people.


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