Godly Choice System - Chapter 1050

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:46:19 AM

Chapter 1050

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Shangguan Lingxian easily subdued the zombie of master song and pressed his hand on his shoulder. In addition, Song Xi also helped him, so that master song lost his resistance completely and could only continue to hiss and roar.

Being closely watched by the two girls, Li Yun directly took out a nine turn elixir from the goods column, and said to Song Xi: "don't blame me for not taking out the elixir at the beginning. This thing is extremely precious and can only be used when the opportunity comes."

As for what chance is, Li Yun did not elaborate, but the two women have clearly understood that the pills he took out were absolutely extraordinary.

The elixir gave out a full ten foot wide light. The soft light lit up all around, and a strange aroma came out. After hearing it, Song Xi felt comfortable and full of endless power.

The two zombies were attracted by the elixir. They stopped the roaring and looked at Li Yun's hands.

"Is this

When Shangguan Lingxian saw the pills, they knew that they could not be mass produced. It was a fluke to see the true appearance of the elixir.

"Nine turn elixir, it is said that the elixir was refined from the alchemy furnace of the supreme emperor."

Li Yun secretly said that it's a pity that taking this pill can only revive others, but not strengthen their strength.

However, even if it can strengthen his strength, Li Yun will not eat it. After all, it is for Song Xi's parents, and he will feel bad after eating it.

"Jiuzhuan elixir

special effect: return the soul and rebuild the body.

Explanation: it is said that the elixir refined in the furnace of the Supreme Master Lao Zi can be used as fried beans for the great sage of Qi Tian, Sun Wukong, and its efficacy is amazing. "

Li Yun is no nonsense, directly put it in the mouth of master song.

In a flash, the immortals and immortals opened, forming a light light light to cover the body of master song. An invisible air wave was blowing. It seemed that the three people heard the music of immortals, and the mountain forest turned into heaven. The supreme magic method sounded in their ears, just like the arrival of an immortal, giving a little finger to the mortal, and passing on the immortal fate to the mortals.

Li Yun vaguely saw nine faint shadows coming out of the ground, three red and six white, all of which penetrated into the body of master song.

The next moment, master song's body changed dramatically.

Rotten skin fell off, new granulation covered the whole body, broken bones grew up one by one, and muscles and bones recovered and healthy. Not long ago, master song turned into his former appearance, and even his hair grew out!

From top to bottom, it's new.


Light scattered, song master a groan. Yin, slowly opened his eyes, a moment to see Song Xi, "good daughter?"

Song Xi was completely in a daze. His heart was turbulent. He felt like he was in a dream. The world became unreal.

"Why? Here it is? "

Master song soon found out that there was something wrong around him. Is he in the mountains now? No, his clothes are all rags!?

"Congratulations, uncle."

Shangguan Lingxian said with a smile that master song recognized Shangguan immortal, but he was more confused.


Song Xi threw himself into his father's bridegroom, tears Shua Shua ran down, "woo woo, Dad, that's great, great, Dad, you're alive, Xiaoxi is really so happy, boo Hoo woo!"

Master song continued to be ignorant.

Li Yun said with a smile: "OK, Song Xi, your father is resurrected, but your mother is still waiting."

"Ah, yes, yes, brother Li Yun. Do you have any elixir?" Song Xi let go of his father and looked at Li Yun with tears in his eyes.

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