Godly Choice System - Chapter 1051

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:46:17 AM

Chapter 1051

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"I said it." Li Yun said indifferently: "elixir is predestined with you, so it can be used, even if two."

Song Xi nodded repeatedly, and Shangguan Lingxian understood that this was what Li Yun told her indirectly.

Nine turn elixir can not be used indefinitely.

Master song found out what happened. The main reason was that he saw his rotten wife. When he learned that Li Yun had rescued him, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Li Yun.

Like his daughter Song Xi.

"OK, Song Xi has already thank me."

Li Yun stopped talking nonsense and took out the second nine turn elixir to revive Mrs. song.

Once again, he saw nine shadows drilling into song Fu's body. Li YunRuo thought: "this may be the three souls and seven Spirits of a human being. After a person dies, the three spirits and six spirits all fly away, leaving a remnant soul. This remnant soul is the key to the Zombie's memory in the future."

The reason why the nine turn elixir is more powerful than the recovery pill lies in the fact that the elixir can pull the three spirits and six spirits back.

In other words, the three spirits and six spirits flew to the underworld?

Does the underworld really exist?

Yama, dizang Bodhisattva, immovable king, these only exist in the legend of God and Bodhisattva?

Li Yun shakes his head. It's useless to think about these things.

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Li!"

Master song was so excited that he could not control himself. His memory only came back to his room that night, and then he didn't know anything.

From his daughter's mouth that he killed his wife with a sword, master song was almost scared to death.

After that, he and his wife became zombies, attacked villagers and killed countless cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks, which made him dumbfounded.

Mrs. song, who was revived and revived, became pale after learning the story. However, she was shocked by this strange thing and failed to speak for a long time.

"Ding, the host makes a choice. Rewards: Shangguan immortal's favor + 10, Song Xi's favor degree is full, justice value is + 5000, colorful gift bag * 1, additional reward: Spirit turtle hiding breath skill."

Li Yun was very comfortable.

Although there are no two magic elixirs, it is also very good to get a colorful gift bag. It means that the colorful gift bag obtained with two recovery pills plus 20 million experience is definitely profitable.

Spirit turtle's hidden breath technique: it's a primary skill. It can hide its own breath and avoid being detected by gods. The current level can stop the mind search of returning to the empty state 100 meters away.

For his first magic, Li Yun is still satisfied. Returning to the virtual state is the strength level of Brahma Qingsheng and Wanqing imperial concubine. For the alchemy realm, Li Yun can be close to five meters, and can hide himself.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting Song Xi's full amount of favor. Because the other party is not a beauty of white wealth level, the system rewards a small red envelope."

"Small red envelope: contains 188888 money, each small pill * 3."

Li Yun's eyes subconsciously look at Song Xi. This weak and filial girl is looking at her with admiration. When Li Yun looks at her, the girl lowers her head shyly, and the young girl's cheek is flushed.

This appearance let Shangguan Lingxian all see the problem.

Obviously, Li Yun revived the girl's parents nearly a month after their death, so that Song Xi could once again become a carefree girl, growing up under the wings of her parents, without having to bear the burden of inheriting the Song family.

Such kindness, coupled with Li Yun's handsome appearance, makes Song Xi's love deeply rooted.

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