Godly Choice System - Chapter 1098

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:44:49 AM

Chapter 1098

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The Zhou family were soon attracted by the gunfire.

Steward song never dreamed that Li Yun would point a gun at the master. He came in a hurry and almost fainted after seeing the picture.

"Mr. Li, what are you doing? Put down the gun

"Yao'er, stop them."

Xia Feiyao was a little overwhelmed by the sudden scene, but still in accordance with Li Yun's orders, she blocked in front of the song housekeeper and stopped a group of Zhou family members outside.

"This, this, this!" Song housekeeper is too anxious, he should not let Li Yun and Xia Feiyao walk in the villa!

"Everybody, please listen to me!"

Li Yun pointed at Mr. Zhou with a hillwin pistol and said to the crowd, "don't you think your master has changed this month?"

There was a commotion in the crowd. Steward song's expression was stagnant and he asked in a trembling voice, "Mr. Li, do you mean Someone is wearing a human skin mask and pretending to be the master? "

No, it's unlikely. As like as two peas,

's Song Dynasty housekeeper once observed the skin of his husband, his wrist and neck.


However, Zhou Yun is not afraid of the gun at all.

As the owner of the Zhou family, the turbulent crowd gradually calmed down.

"What's wrong with you people in Qinglei Valley?"

Zhou Youde successfully took control of the situation, began to turn to the guest and asked, "why suddenly broke into my villa? He also took out a gun and slandered me as a fake. What do you want to do?! It's lawless

"Yes, go away!"

"It's nonsense!"

"The master is a natural expert, and will be afraid of your gun? What a joke

"I've long thought that they're not good people. They're sneaking around in the villa. They're not good people at first sight."

People criticized Li Yun one after another. Most of the people who are still staying in the villa are pretty maids and servants. They have just become the hostesses of the villa. It's time for them to enjoy themselves. How can Li Yun destroy them?

"Shut up."

Li Yun drank the concubines and fixed his eyes on Zhou Youde: "let me ask you something. Your wife really had an affair with your brother, and you killed them?"

The crowd suddenly quieted down, which was not pleasant to hear, especially when it was mentioned by an outsider.

Mr. Zhou's face was gloomy and said impatiently, "this is my family affair. It has nothing to do with you."

"Family affairs? No, it's criminal. "

Li Yun said with a faint smile: "I now suspect that you, great Xia Zhou, have committed a criminal case without any reason. I am going to take you to the Public Security Bureau for a detailed investigation."


Mr. Zhou's face was as black as the bottom of the pot, and his voice was very cold: "my wife had an affair with my brother, and I executed him. If you are really not afraid of death, go and sue me!"

In his heart, the boy with a gun is no different from the dead, including the daughter of Qinglei valley.

After a look at Xia Feiyao, master Zhou shows a trace of obscene smile. The girl is very beautiful and well-developed, which is more than one grade higher than the Zhou family's mediocre and vulgar powder. After taking Qinglei Valley, you can enjoy the girl's service to your heart's content!

"Well." Li Yun sighed: "it seems that you have completely shameless, otherwise, I ask you something, if you can answer, I will leave."

"Oh?" Mr. Zhou looked at him coldly, standing in front of the door with his hands down, without any fear, "ask, what's the matter?"

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