Godly Choice System - Chapter 1192

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:41:54 AM

Chapter 1192

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Li Yun laughed, "Song Yuan, are you sure I'm from the devil gate?"

"Don't try to deny it!"

Song Yuan said coldly, "I once saw your name on a list of the magic gate. You are a chess piece inserted into the secular world by the magic gate. You try to attract the women in the world through the influence of the government. After gaining their love, they can control the whole lake and lake!"

Not to mention the onlookers, even Li Yun was stunned.

Xia Feiyao doubted for a moment, but quickly denied: "it's impossible. You don't know how powerful my husband is!"

"The magic medicine is really powerful." Song and Yuan still insisted on their own views.


Shangguan immortal rare anger, beautiful face full of disappointment: "Song Yuan, you really don't know anything, no matter what you say, I won't believe it."

"Besides!" Shangguan Lingxian faced the crowd and said in a very firm voice: "my fellow brothers and sisters, as well as your elders, my Shangguan spirit immortal is guaranteed by my own reputation. Li Yun is definitely not from the devil clan!"

After a pause, Shangguan Lingxian's tone was a little embarrassed: "although he acted unscrupulously, he was very kind-hearted. He once turned nine times It's the elixir and the elixir that have treated two seriously ill people. I have witnessed it with my own eyes. It is absolutely true! "

She said that she had cut the iron and cut the nail, which changed the position of many people who had already suspected Li Yun. It has to be said that the name of the spirit doctor fairy really has a lot of weight.

Shangguanxia looked at it with deep emotion. Before she knew it, Lingxian had become a famous person in the world. Her reputation was no less than that of the whole Shangguan family!

"Elixir?" Feng Li opened his mouth and asked, "Lingxian, does he still understand medical skills?"

Shangguan Lingxian bit his lower lip and shook his head: "I can't say that, but you know, Li Yun has pills that are no less than the elixir. It can live a dead person and have white bones. It's amazing! I don't think they would give it to a stranger even if they had it in the magic door

The living dead are flesh and bones.

But the original meaning of the word "immortal" is "immortal"!

The nine turn elixir can revive the master song and his wife song, who has been a zombie for a full month, and rebuild a body of flesh. It is just like the lotus root body reconstructed by Nezha's master in mythology and legend!

How could Li Yun, who has such a magical pill, be a pawn of the magic gate?

What's more, Shangguan immortal deeply believes in him, and he will never be the kind of cruel person - even if he may be from the devil's gate.

Deliberately ignoring Shangguan Lingxian, song and Yuan looked at Li Yun: "what else do you want to say?"

"I have nothing to say, because your brain is probably out of order."

Li Yun's expression is indifferent, but he is thinking in his heart. What is the selling point of song and Yuan Dynasties?

Just don't like him, don't let him and Shangguan immortal together?

Alas, when licking dog when to song and Yuan Dynasty this, also no one.

"Nothing to say? That's the inside story? "

Feng Li sneered: "no wonder you can easily defeat the nine tiger real man with the strength of the early congenital stage, which is not evidence yet?"

The crowd began to clamor and threatened to let Li Yun give an account!

The eyes of the song and Yuan Dynasties are flickering. Li Yun's present situation is very similar to his celebration on that day!

If he can solve it successfully, then, younger martial siste

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