Godly Choice System - Chapter 1221

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:41:10 AM

Chapter 1221

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Right now.

"Trigger option event, please host to choose:

option 1: answer: I am your father, reward evil value + 100, acquire skill: irascible flying horse (spit fragrance, make people crazy).

Option 2: laugh but not speak, reward skill: ha ha (the effect is doubled when mocking).

Option three: answer: it's me. The reward is to be determined. "

Li Yun:

The selection event given by kengdao system is really Kendall!

"If brother Liao didn't invite someone else," Li Yun said with a smile, "it should be me."

"Ding, host makes a choice, reward: XXX's popularity increases, white gift bag * 2."

What the hell?!

Li Yun was surprised and looked up and down at the Chinese character face. Was he Bai Fumei?

No, what exactly is XXX given by the system!?

Pit Dad!!

"Well." The young man with Chinese face asked, "are you a man of practice?"

"No Li Yun shook his head.

At present, he is not really a practitioner. Although he has such powerful means as divination, there are also some powerful moves such as dragon Ming sword Jue, green dragon roaring and one Yang fist.

"Or master?"

"Not really."

"Or have a lot of combat experience?"

"Combat experience is very general."

"What are you doing here?"

The young man with a Chinese face said with a smile: "this operation is very dangerous. I think you'd better go back and forth from where, so as not to lose your life and let your parents and family worry in vain. Are you right?"


Li Yun nodded and walked in: "those who have no strength should sit down, but my strength is enough to cope with this matter."

"You're so confident. Take me!"

The young man's eyes flashed with curiosity. He clenched his right fist and punched Li Yun as he came forward.

Even though the famous soldiers seem to be wary, even if they are not serious enough, they are all fearless.

But Li Yun, however, slowly stretched out his hand and met the blow.


"No way!"

In the shocked eyes of the two soldiers, Li Yun's palm firmly catches Mingge's fist. Their strength is extremely perfect. There is no strong wind blowing out. All the strength is unloaded by the two soldiers in an instant, without a trace of overflow!

"It was a good punch."


The young man with the Chinese character face took back his fist, which seemed to be even, but in fact, the victory and defeat had been divided.

Li Yun in the defensive state to make the same as his precise control of strength, enough to prove his strong.

"My name is shangguanming."

The young man who lost a small battle took the initiative to give his name, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit. He seemed to want to fight again!

"Li Yun."

"Li Yun? Good name. Let's go in

“…… Your name is good, too


Li Yun's face is strange, combined with the previous system hint of XXX's degree of favor prank, Shangguan Ming should not be related to Shangguan immortal, right?

If it is recognized by the government, it is OK.

But the Shangguan family is not very closed. Is it a family with a long history and few people come out to walk around?

Unable to think of it, Li Yun shook his head and followed Liao Hua into the temporary meeting room.

The conference room is not big. There are already several people sitting in it. Except for shangguanming, the others are at least over 40 years old, and from the perspective of aura, their positions are not low.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!