Godly Choice System - Chapter 1285

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:39:47 AM

Chapter 1285

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"What happened?"

Wan FA Xian, who was beautiful and beautiful, seemed to care about the saint of the six magic sects. Seeing her angry appearance, he asked.

"Nothing, nothing. It's just that they don't do things well. Their brains are so stupid that they make people angry."

Wan Qingfei barely squeezed out a smile. Every time she chatted with that bastard, she was half angry. Every time this guy came, there was nothing good.

But inexplicably, she was still a little happy in the bottom of her heart.

At that time, the man must have been hiding in the vicinity to peek, but he did not find out, but at this time he took the initiative to confess that he was willing to believe her.

Although the tone of ridicule still makes Wan Qingfei very unhappy. She would like to give him a lesson and let him not be so proud, so as not to look down on her!

"Ha ha, Qing Fei, you don't have to be like this."

Wan FA Xian said with a smile: "most of the people in the sect are stupid. They only care about some interests in front of them. They bite at the sight of meat like flies. You can make use of them, but don't put the hope of success on them."

Wan Qingfei nodded her head with reserve, expressing her approval.

Since the beginning of the magic gate activities, there have been accidents every time we do anything. Although we have successfully completed the first stage of the layout by the means of ghosts and ghosts, there are many loopholes in the process, which makes people can't bear to look back.

"The bait has been thrown out. It's only a matter of time before the fish take the bait."

Wan FA Xian took a long sip of tea. "We don't need to do anything more now. Qing Fei, you can practice in closed door recently and improve your strength as soon as possible. In this way, we can better meet the coming of the prosperous age. I'm afraid you, the saint, will not exist at that time."

If someone else said so, I'm afraid that Wan Qingfei will pull out her hairpin and give her a hairpin, which will blow his head!

Don't saints have to exist? Isn't this going to kill her!?

But in front of the WAN FA Xian is not that meaning, even if it is, Wan Qing Fei also dare not to him.

This man is one of the few people in the sect who can make the saint mother-in-law afraid of. His means are connected with the heaven. You can see from the fairy house which is far away from the mountain gate and opened by force.

Wan Qingfei did not know much about laobujie, but she also knew how luxurious it was to have an energetic cave in the world.

Even the venerable had to accept the benefit distribution of the sect and get some spirit elixir for cultivation every year. Even if the magic power on his body was extremely great, he had to use it with his finger bit by bit, which was easy to waste.

"Yes, the imperial concubine of Qing Dynasty must bear in mind the advice of her predecessors."

Wan Qingfei nodded respectfully, and the topic turned back to ask for advice. She said all the problems in her practice one by one and took this opportunity to ask.

In fact, imperial concubine Wan Qing came here for another purpose.

"Master Wanfa Xian."

After chatting about the cultivation for a period of time, imperial concubine Wan Qing asked another thing: "what do you think about the evil species?"

Wan FA GUI Yi Xian looked at her, without saying a word, and her eyes seemed to smile, which made Wan Qingfei's heart thump for a moment.

After a long time, Wan FA Xian said leisurely: "the evil kind comes from my hand."


Wan Qingfei is really embarrassed now. I didn't expect that the talent in front of her is the real big boss and one of the driving forces behind the scenes!

"I'm sorry for my recklessness." Imperial concubine Wan Qing no longer inquires about this matter. She wanted to know more from Wanfa immortal's mouth, but she accidentally bumped into the commander's hand!

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