Godly Choice System - Chapter 1325

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:38:59 AM

Chapter 1325

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"Ten thousand fairies I know him. "

Van Ching Sheng nodded slightly and said, "master once mentioned him, saying that he was a very strange and powerful man."

"What do you say?" Li Yun is quite curious about the ten thousand Dharma immortals.

"He didn't have a clear view of good and evil. Killing is killing, saving is saving people, and he doesn't care about his own position."

"In addition, he is also top-notch in strength, and may have surpassed the realm of returning to emptiness and reached the realm of soul and brightness."

The soul is bright!

This is the first time Li Yun knows this realm.

According to the information he knows at present, the two saints, the saints of Fanqing and the imperial concubine of Wanqing, the six masters of the six magic sects, and the elders of the hidden holy Valley, all of them are just returning to the virtual realm for cultivation.

But this ten thousand Dharma immortal, actually surpasses the return empty state, achieves the soul bright state?!

In this way, Li Yun's action is a real adventure to the extreme, once he was noticed, he really did not know how to die!

"I see. It seems that I was reckless."

Li Yun grinned bitterly. The gap in strength is too big. Now he dare not touch Wanfa immortal again. It is a fluke that he can capture one of his caves.

However, the master of Vatican Qingsheng, the goddess of the last generation of hermit holy Valley, set up the sun moon 28 star constellation array to lock up the nine heaven fairies of Princess Yongning's vitality. Maybe it's not a spiritual realm, is it?

After all, she has lived at least 400 years!

There are also imperial concubine Wan Qingfei took his antidote, to save an elder, seems to be the top level of the strong.

In this way, the Lord and the elder are just the strong ones on the surface. Those old monsters who leave their posts and concentrate on cultivation are the real behind the scenes!

"Ten thousand Dharma immortals, the soul is bright..."

The little servant girl on one side was wide eyed. After hearing this, she could hardly imagine how Li Yun secretly captured a cave in the hands of such a strong man!

What kind of missiles are they so powerful?

"Hanging pagoda."

After listening to Li Yun's words, Vatican thought for a moment and said, "you take out the bell I gave you. I'll go and have a look."

Yeah? Come and have a look?

Li Yun felt a little puzzled, but he still took out the holy girl's bell according to his words. This was the thing that Fanqing gave to him in his last parting.

For the bell, the little maid Qingzhu didn't give him a good look.

It is said that the holy girl's bell is made by Vatican Qingsheng himself. It can make a powerful mental attack in the most important time to frighten the enemy and let him escape.

However, Li Yun has a system, which is against the weather, and the virgin bell can only stay in his pocket to eat ash.

"It's out, and then?"

"Shake it."


Li Yun gently shakes the bell, suddenly, a clear and pleasant bell jingling ring, like the wind chime blowing by the breeze, the sound clear through the barriers, to the distance.


Nie Xiaoqian, who stands aside to support Li Yun's umbrella, is shocked. She is held for a moment by the bell. If it wasn't for her, Nie Xiaoqian would instinctively flee here!

When the bell rings, a white light rings. The beautiful figure of fanqingsheng, like a fairy in the Moon Palace, appears. She takes the bell and nods to Li Yun in surprise: "I'm coming."

"Qingsheng, you are...!" Li Yun is really shocked. Her body seems to be transparent and incarnate? Or a separate body?

"Projection." "The spirit of returning to the empty state is very strong. You can leave an idea on the magic instrument to achieve the purpose of manifestation," explained the Buddhist monk

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