Godly Choice System - Chapter 1345

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:38:36 AM

Chapter 1345

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"Mr. Li deserves to be Mr. Li!"

Zhou Chunyong, who was roasting on the iron frame with a barbecue kebab in his hand, was flattered with a smile. Looking at Li Yun's eyes, he was full of admiration: "Mr. Li's barbecue is as good as the fried beef, and it has reached a superb level!

You can control the temperature of charcoal fire at will to achieve the wonderful state of instant baking! Wonderful

"No way, Zhou Chunyong. Are you crazy?"

Zheng Xianyue almost vomited blood!

"How can you have this kind of barbecue technology? It's only within a minute at the beginning. It's just frying in the pan and frying with high heat. It's just as good as frying. You..."

Zheng Xianyue tried to prove that he was right, but when he looked at the past, he was severely beaten in the face.

The kebab on Li Yun's oven is obviously ready to eat.

Golden crisp, ziziliu oil, sprinkle cumin powder, scallion, and then roll, immediately out of the oven.

"It's done!"

Ignoring their strange eyes, Li Yun puts the barbecue on the plate and hands it to Xiaomeng.

This girl Lengleng Leng took over, after a long time, just "wow" happy cry.

"Really, really

"Hum, don't you understand by eating?"

"Well, just eat Wuwuwu, as expected, it's still good to eat. The quick barbecue is also delicious. Grandpa, you can try it. The big brother's barbecue is really delicious! "

Hu Xiaomeng held a plate for old Hu. After he took a bunch of it happily, he took it in front of Hu Ying and said with a smile, "sister, you can eat one too. Make sure you still want to eat ~!"

Hu Ying tried to recover from the strange phenomenon of less than a minute to finish the barbecue. In front of her white porcelain plate, four or five strings of barbecue aroma made her unable to think about other things. Instinctively, she reached out to pick up one and opened her mouth to bite.

Crispy and delicious, crisp outside and tender inside, with fragrant lips and teeth.

This is the best barbecue Hu Ying has ever eaten. The previous barbecue tastes good, but it is quite different from the one in her hand.

Li Yun's barbecue is like a string of works of art. Its color, flavor and flavor are perfect and unparalleled in the world!

"My God, how could there be such a delicious barbecue!"

When she comes back to her senses, Hu Ying has eaten the whole string of barbecue!

"Hee hee, sister, did I say that? Big brother is the best cook in the world ~, hee hee, at least in Xiaomeng's eyes, he is the best

Then Hu Xiaomeng held the plate and approached Mr. Hu: "grandfather, do you still want to eat? Xiaomeng roasted it for you this time ~ "

" good, Grandpa, have another one! "

Mr. Hu ate the barbecue, and his eyes flashed with a thick color of curiosity. How did Li Yun cook a bunch of barbecue in a minute?

People also have the same question, so when Li Yun barbecue this time, the eyes around him are all carefully watching him.

People looked at it very seriously, but Li Yun didn't see any action. He simply put the barbecue on the shelf, and the charcoal fire in the stove was burning vigorously. In less than 10 seconds, the barbecue was already making a sound. After putting the spices on the top, the rich aroma suddenly came out.

"How could..."

Zheng Xianyue only felt that the three outlooks had been broken!

Such a strong charcoal fire did not scorch the roast meat, but it could be roasted crispy and delicious. Unexpectedly

"I'll try it too!"

Zheng Xianyue was very unconvinced. He fanned the fire himself and made the charcoal fire burn. The heat was rolling. The barbecue was really fast.

But it also burns quickly.

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