Godly Choice System - Chapter 1434

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:37:06 AM

Chapter 1434

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"You stay here and I'll take a look at the building!"

Li Yun flashed out of the KTV building, his toes lightly touched the railing, and took off on the sixth floor with his lightness skill. At the same time, his mind was expanded to the maximum extent, and he quickly scanned the whole building.

Now his mind has been able to spread more than 30 meters, without the obstruction of fog, he can scan almost all the situation in 10 seconds.

Of course, it's only a rough exploration of whether there is something abnormal. If the other party hides in the way of hiding breath, his mind can't be detected.

"There is nothing abnormal. There are two people on the sixth floor and one on the first floor. Who are they? There are soldiers outside Come on, go out first, in case the fog condenses again. It's too dangerous. "

The sixth floor.

Song Muse shivered and hid in a cupboard.

He has never experienced such a terrible thing!

The world is shrouded in thick fog, there is no sound, nothing can be seen, and the vast white area around it seems to fall into the boundless abyss.

He only persisted for less than three minutes, and then he yelled wildly and slashed with his sword.

At that time, he preferred to face a terrible enemy and be killed by a monster, rather than be covered by the boundless fog. He completely lost his five senses and whirled around like a headless fly!

He has never felt that he is so fragile, the congenital perfect situation can not give him a sense of security, thick fog like a thick blanket, dead pressure on his head!

Fortunately, song Mu ran into a wardrobe. He opened the cabinet, closed it tightly, and waited for the judgment of the enemy.

But at least, the narrow space gives him a strong sense of security, much better than wandering around in the fog.

In the fog world, song Mu felt the world after death.

Illusory, boundless, abandoned by the world, never end.


The thunder made song Mu tremble all over. This was the first time he heard other voices except himself. Suddenly, his inner uneasiness dissipated.

At least the rest of CNOOC in the fog.

"It won't be the boy No, Li Yun? "

"He's still fighting?"

Hiding in the closet, song Mu thought of the possibility and showed a startled expression on his face.

He was exhausted just by fighting against the fear brought by the fog. It's hard to imagine Li Yun's daring to fight the enemy!

After waiting for a long time, song mu, nervous and afraid to go out, suddenly heard a voice from a distance:

"Song mu, Lao Zhao, it's safe now. Come down."

The voice is not loud, but it makes song Mu full of flavor and miscellaneous.

This is Li Yun's voice. It seems that he has defeated the enemy. Song Mu looks inside the wardrobe and finds that the fog has disappeared unconsciously.


Song mumai walked out of the closet with trembling legs. At a glance, he saw what was broken by his previous slashing. It turned out that he ran so long, but in fact, he was almost always in the same place.

He didn't make any progress except at the beginning of being separated by the enemy.

Even hiding in the closet, it is because Li Yun fights with the enemy that he has the opportunity to move and find the wardrobe!


Song Mu slapped himself hard, with regret and fear on his face: "I'm really stupid. I dare to laugh at Li Yun and laugh at him for not being invincible with iron fist. I'm really a fool!"

"Fortunately, Mr. Li Yun has a large number of people, so he doesn't care about me, a little man."

Song MuQing was very lucky.

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