Godly Choice System - Chapter 1512

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:34:46 AM

Chapter 1512

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All of a sudden, everyone couldn't speak.

This exaggerated achievement proves that her talent is extraordinary. She can choose the world's top universities and probably get the highest scholarship.

Can say, can test 705 points, follow-up as long as step-by-step university to participate in work, the second half of life will not worry!

"Hee hee, Xiaomeng, my grades are also very good ~"

the lovely girl is also elated, but she quickly turns the topic back and walks forward a few steps. Looking at Professor Ji anxiously, she says, "Professor grandfather, you seem very tired. Do you want to continue to investigate? Xiaomeng thinks it's better to go out faster! Oh, yes, yes. Brother Yun is separated from us. We have to go to him. "


Professor Ji had no choice but to smile bitterly. He couldn't figure out whether the two women were pretending to be stupid or really didn't know the situation.


With a strange smile, Tao he turned his head and said to elder martial Brother Guo with a flattering smile: "elder brother, I'll take these two beauties for you to enjoy first. Haha, these two beauties, one big and one small, are definitely school flower level in the school!"

The two gangsters looked at each other with a trace of interest in their eyes.

They are not without vigilance. Anyway, the time and place of the two beauties are too strange.

But first of all, the two beauties didn't know that they were immortal disciples. Secondly, this is the base camp of their master. Even if they couldn't beat them, would they still call people?

As long as the two beauties are caught and brought into the cave, they can enjoy a happy time!

"Big brother, you are so annoying. Xiaomeng ignores you!"

The little girl wrinkled her nose in disgust and went to Professor Ji with a kettle, "Professor, I'll give you some water to drink first, Xiaomeng this time..."


Elder martial Brother Guo reached out to stop her. With a strong malice in his eyes, he glanced at her for a few times. Then, a satisfied smile appeared in the corner of his mouth: "good looking, little beauty. You can follow me in the future."


The little girl with a big kettle in her hands was scared and couldn't help but step back.

Seeing this, the beauty came to her and hugged her. She looked at elder martial Brother Guo with vigilance: "what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? Why not Another bandit, younger martial brother Liang, said with a smile, "of course, it is You, what

Suddenly, he saw the little girl loosen the big kettle in her hand, and let it fall to the ground, revealing her hands.

People saw that the little girl was wearing a pair of strange white gloves on her slender hands. It was fluffy, like the claws of some animal. It was very cute, but it revealed a little weird.


The two gangsters reacted with a look of horror in their eyes.

Where have normal person still wear glove in volcano!?

"Little Heart

"Magic, shadow, fox, claw!"

The little girl's clear and lovely voice rang out, and Brother Guo and everyone suddenly saw countless white claw shadows, quickly and madly tearing everything!

But the attack is not over.

Tall beauty cleanly pulled out two short daggers from her waist, and without hesitation, she chopped at elder martial Brother Guo who was standing in the same place!


Visceral blood flowed all over the ground, and the people were shocked. Elder martial Brother Guo, who was so arrogant and domineering before, was actually torn to pieces by the white claw shadow!

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