Godly Choice System - Chapter 1525

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:34:25 AM

Chapter 1525

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"Cough, OK, Tianfeng, Xiaomeng, you stay here first. I'll go out and wait until I get into the cave. I'll talk about it later when I'm safe."

After leaving them to get to know each other, Li Yun quickly left the lotus fairy house to avoid Wei Jingli coming back to see him suddenly appear in the real world.

Out to the outside world, the lotus fairy house beads have automatically flew to his hand, Li Yun quite satisfied to put it into his pocket.

With such a convenient means of hiding, together with his master level spirit turtle breathing skill, the more sure you are to sneak into the spirit fire cave at the bottom of the volcano!

"Tao and this guy are so determined that they want to take refuge in the six demons!"

Li Yun jumps down to Tao He's side, but he doesn't know anything about it. The expression on his face is still excited and scared with a trace of expectation.

It is estimated that for Tao and such people who hate the rich, he has long been looking forward to this opportunity to contact with extraordinary power?

After gaining strength, he returned to the metropolis to slap people who were not used to them one by one, and then got some beautiful women by various means.


Li Yun touched his chin. In addition to various means, how could these things be familiar?

Passing him, Li Yun went straight to the Linghuo cave.

The cave is 60 degrees down, more than two meters high. The steps are made of solidified magmatic rock, cast one by one, as if it were a whole. Li Yun guessed that this is the way to control the formation of flowing magma!

More than 20 meters away from the cave entrance is a corner with a small flowing magma lake nearby. Li Yun tried to probe down and found that there were more fiery red magma emitting heat inside.

The whole winding passage seems to be the road to hell. On both sides of it is filled with magma that can melt people's souls, and the air emits a thrilling surge of high temperature!

"Tianfeng, Xiaomeng, do you want to come out and have a look?"

Li Yun holds the beads of lotus fairy house and smiles in a low voice and says to them.

In fact, the outside world can't directly talk to the people inside, but Li Yun can pass the news to Nie Xiaoqian, who lives in it and acts as the spirit of the instrument, and then Xiaoqian can tell them both.

"Childe, they both said yes." Nie Xiaoqian hesitated and stammered: "Xiaomeng, she said, hurry up, Brother Yun ~ ~"


Li Yun almost couldn't help laughing. Nie Xiaoqian, such a ghost in red, imitated the words of fox Xiaomeng, and always felt that she couldn't say it.

"Childe ~ ~"

Nie Xiaoqian is coquettish and angry. Li Yun doesn't see her. She must be very shy and bow her head now. She must be very beautiful with a smile and a smile!

Of course, her demonic and weird temperament may make her look less graceful and elegant than Gong Lianyi, but it can also be regarded as another kind of aesthetic feeling.

"Cough, OK, Xiaoqian, tell them not to scream or resist when they come out. I may take them back to Xianfu at any time."

"Good." Nie Xiaoqian agreed to come down and said, "don't laugh at me, young master, Xiaoqian Xiaoqian's age is not big, and she is ten or eighteen years old... "

Li Yun a Leng, Xiaoqian remember the age when he died?

No, in terms of her ancient character, telling a man his age is no less than the stage of marriage promotion and matchmaking. Only at this time can men and women exchange their birthdays and let the matchmaker find a good day.

Nie Xiaoqian, is that what you mean?

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