Godly Choice System - Chapter 1637

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:31:43 AM

Chapter 1637

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Sister Li is so angry that she wants to hit people. JPG


When the scene is about to be chaotic, Li Yun and Zhao Tianfeng arrive. Hu Xiaomeng quickly hides behind him. Zhao Tianfeng clearly sees that the little girl's lovely face is full of the smug expression after the prank.

"Well, if you scold me, you can call your grandmother!"

Li Yun as did not hear, indifferent eyes to the front of a few people, said: "sorry everyone, my girlfriend a little bit of a bit of mischief, if there is any offense, I apologize for her like you!"


Several men and Li Jie and other women were all surprised to see Hu Xiaomeng. The little girl looked at her age, but she did not expect to have a boyfriend.

However, on second thought, there are more love affairs in junior high school and high school. In addition, Li Yun looks handsome. Even after Li Jie saw it, she could not help flashing a trace of envy.

"This hateful little girl has such a handsome boyfriend. It's unreasonable!"

Sister Li glared at Hu Xiaomeng, whose face was slightly red. She stood up and opened her mouth to scold fiercely. But somehow, her words turned out to be: "you Forget it, little girl, you should pay attention to it later

With that, she took a small step back.

I don't know whether Li Yun was shocked by his inexplicable momentum, or because he was too handsome.

Men will not help themselves to cultivate themselves in front of beautiful women. Women are also the same. They always pretend to be ladies in front of handsome men.

"Yes ~ ~"

Hu Xiaomeng's voice dragged on for a long time, "I know, Auntie ~ ~"


Sister Li was angry again, and Li Yun knocked on the head of fox Xiaomeng with tears and laughter, "don't make a fuss, although your surname is fox!"


Li Yun taught Li Yun that she was not very angry, so she had to give up.

"Hee hee ~" when she saw her like this, Hu Xiaomeng gave up as soon as she was satisfied. She laughed at her and said sweetly, "I'm sorry, Sister Li. She was in a hurry just now, so Xiaomeng apologized to you here ~"

the soft and cute tone of voice instantly melted most of the people's anger, even if it was pungent like Sister Li.

Especially this kind of mischievous little girl takes the initiative to apologize, the effect is even better!

The evidence was that Sister Li's face softened immediately.

"Xiaomeng, what about Xiaodie?"

In the cold with a trace of reproachful woman's voice, the eyes of the people present were attracted to the past. After seeing clearly the appearance of the speaker, several men all widened their eyes.

How beautiful

The same thought flashed through their minds.

In front of her, she was dressed in a white bathrobe and wrapped her tall figure like a model in thick and soft cloth, which only vaguely showed her graceful figure.

But even so, Zhao Tianfeng's beauty still shocked them!

Her black hair is like a waterfall. She is dignified and aloof. Her white cheek is flushed by the hot spring. It seems that she is a cold fairy after being in love, and she is so proud and noble!


Zhao Tianfeng disgusted with a cold hum, awakened this group of crazy men, let them have embarrassed.

Their female companion is jealous, but they have to admit that in terms of beauty, temperament, figure and so on, the woman in front of her is crush grade!

"Little butterfly..."

Referring to this, Hu Xiaomeng finally got an embarrassed expression: "she suddenly said she wanted to eat, so I took her out. As a result, Xiaodie suddenly disappeared."

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