Godly Choice System - Chapter 1872

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:25:51 AM

Chapter 1872

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Every five minutes, send out a shark bomb!

Qian Xiaohao's words are like a shark bomb, which makes the female anchor in a daze.

In her eyes, she looked at Qian Xiaohao and seemed to ask: why didn't you give me the shark bomb? You don't even give me a shark bomb, but now you give one to others in five minutes

What is the concept of a shark bomb?

Generally speaking, it is worth 8888.

Others also trigger the whole website broadcast, present lottery box and so on.

A shark bomb is equivalent to a site wide recommendation. It can attract thousands of people to watch the studio and participate in the lottery. If you are lucky, 1000 or 2000 people can be left to become fans.

If the live broadcast content is excellent, and even can make the heat soar directly, it is absolutely not a problem to inhale hundreds of thousands of powder in one breath!

Unfortunately, a shark bomb is too expensive. Even a second-line anchor may not receive a single attack in a month. Even a first-line anchor can only receive more than 10 shark bombs in a month.

Only the top anchor can attract the local tyrants and win dozens of sharks in a month.

But now manager Qian said to a strange man, I will send you a shark bomb in five minutes

One in five minutes, two in ten minutes, twelve in an hour, twelve hours a day, that is 144!!

The female anchor is dizzy. How much does it cost? Even in half


Qian Xiaohao once again released a bombshell: "today's live broadcast, Mr. Li Yun, all the gifts you receive are yours. The website will not detain any money and give it to you!"

It's easy to calculate. The total share is 144 * 8888, which is about 144 * 10000. Roughly, it is about 1.44 million minus 200000, 1.2 million!!!

After the calculation, the female anchor cried.

With so much money, it's good for her to have a small change.

"It doesn't matter. That's it."

After that, Li Yun hung up the phone, which made Qian Xiaohao scratching his ears and thinking hard: "it doesn't matter what is it? Are you satisfied or not? Isn't it too insincere to invite one of the top traffic figures for a million? No, I have to discuss with the president whether it is better to change it to one minute shark bomb. "

Qian Xiaohao immediately got up and dressed. He didn't brush his hair or brush his teeth. He didn't have time to pay attention to the anchor. He ran down the hotel and ran to the garage.

"A big shark a minute 120 * 56 million

"Six million a day!"

"My God!"

The anchorman, she, cried louder.


Li Yun really doesn't matter. His bank card now has 1.9 billion yuan - the eighth red envelope from Hu Xiaomeng, 1.8 billion yuan, and the seventh red envelope from fanqingsheng, with 180 million yuan.

This does not count the tens of billions of shares of Baiyun technology.

Even if he doesn't earn a cent now, if he keeps so much money in the bank, the interest will be tens of millions every year. It's just money rolling money and can't be used up.

So, Li Yun, who was too lazy to waste his time in such a place, hung up the phone directly and arranged for the live broadcast. It didn't matter what other shark bombs were.

After breakfast, he strolled indoors. At 8:45, Li Yun boarded shark TV again.

"Hello, Mr. Li Yun. I'm in charge of shark TV technology department. I'm here for you..."

Qian Xiaohao sent professionals to assist Li Yun to open the studio remotely. Li Yun himself is not Xiaobai. Don't forget that he is still a top hacker. Soon, room 750 was successfully opened.

"At last

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