Godly Choice System - Chapter 2165

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:18:56 AM

Chapter 2165

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"My holy daughter, come on, kiss me, open your mouth ~" Li Yun chuckled at his mobile phone. Even if he was thousands of miles away, he seemed to be able to see van Ching Sheng do it, with his ruddy and beautiful lips open, waiting for him to kiss.

Such a pure and holy Brahman is extremely beautiful.

When Li Yun dated her last time, she did such a thing in front of Li Yun.

"Come on, my holy daughter, pro ~"

"pro ~"

the quiet voice of Fanqing saint has some ups and downs, such as a sweet petal floating to Li Yun's mouth, gentle, soothing and intoxicating.

In particular, the sound of "pro" can make people's bones soften.

Time seems to be frozen, two people thousands of miles apart, but the same slightly open mouth, silent exchange of warm feelings.

Until the Vatican said: "OK, next time kiss."


Make an appointment, hang up the phone, Li Yun pillow hand lying on the chair, distracted thinking of the matter just now.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think of what fanqingsheng thought. She said she had no emotion, but her action was more than that of any confidant around Li Yun. People, just now, lifted him to the point where he didn't want to, and his bones were all crisp.

Let's say that he has emotions. His Saint can say such intimate love words without blushing and panting. Li Yun estimates that even if he mentions sleeping with her, the saint just nods gently and says, "well.".

And then he took off his clothes in front of his eyes, just like the last time he went out on a date, Qingsheng changed his clothes directly in front of him.

There's no shame in ordinary people.

"Shit, I want to know why I want to know. Just ask Qingsheng directly. She can't cheat at all. What can I say?"

Li Yun a carp straightened up, just picked up the mobile phone, and suddenly thought: "no! Even if she doesn't know why she does it, I don't know why she does it

Thinking of this, Li Yun can't help shaking his head and laughing bitterly. Qingsheng is his nemesis. Even if he has a good feeling, he can't understand what Qingsheng is thinking.

Maybe, she just doesn't want anything, just like him, so she wants to kiss him?

"Hey, I can't believe that my charm is quite big!"

"Early in the morning that disgusting smile, must be thinking of something bad!"

Wearing a tight suit of gold glass came out, gave him a white eye, and kicked his chair: "get out of the way, I want to practice sword!"

"Practicing sword?"

"Of course, I practice sword every morning and every night! My name as a genius of gold glaze is all practiced! "

"Well, well, I'll see you practice. Keep it down. They're not awake yet."

Li Yun took a look at the room, but found that two women have already woken up, one lying in bed playing with mobile phones, the other in clothes.


Jin Liuli hummed, reached out and took out her saber from the space ring, and began to dance in a mold.

The sound of sword Qi Shua Shua draws the attention of Su Muxin, who is lying in bed. She comes out wearing a silk pajama. She doesn't care about the possibility of body exposure. Anyway, they and Li Yun are here.

"It's beautiful. It's cool."

Su Muxin looks at the girl dancing sword on the balcony, and her face is full of envy.

The gold glaze in the tight training suit is incredibly soft. The waist is small. It seems that the hands can be closed together. The graceful posture is moving. The golden soft sword in the hand is shining in the sun, which makes people dazzled.

After a set of swordsmanship is finished, a little sweat appears on the bridge of the golden glaze nose. He turns his head and looks at Li Yun and Su Muxin, as if waiting for praise.

"Little glass, how powerful!"

"Hee hee ~"

Jin Liuli was finally satisfied. After eating the breakfast from the waiter, he took Xia Feiyao and left the room.

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