Godly Choice System - Chapter 2266

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:16:31 AM

Chapter 2266

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"I Cao, 21 o'clock!"

"It's Black Jack!"


"Ah, the Jedi revolution!"

"This is gambling with God?! Worthy of being called the hand of God, who can punish the black Satan

The crowd was stunned.

The so-called black jack refers to a hand directly reaching 21 o'clock (a is recorded as 11 o'clock, not 1 o'clock), but now the rule a is 1 o'clock, so Li Yun's 21 o'clock can also be called an alternative Black Jack!

There's no doubt it's 21:00!


Jin Liuli stayed for half a day, then screamed, excited to put all the chips on the table back, happy like a child who got 100 points in the exam.

"Your luck..." Xiao Mingzhu had no choice but to pat her forehead. She didn't know what to say. Li Yun took 21 points in the first set, and was lucky to break the ice.

"No way." Li Yun shrugged. "I would rather believe that I have a special ability than believe that I got 21 points in the first game. Alas, it seems that my luck is doomed to burst my watch today. You'd better not gamble with me?"

"Hee hee, you play big tail wolf again!" Jin Liuli gave him a white eye, turned his head and grabbed two handfuls from the chips and threw them to Xia Feiyao, who was sitting beside Xiao Mingzhu. He said with a smile, "Feiyao, this is your bet. If you lose, it's a big villain! If you win, it's all our ~ ~ hee hee ~ "

" OK. " Xia Feiyao covered her mouth and snickered. She took this pile of gold chips to play with. Let alone, it was very delicate and beautiful.

Li Yun shrugs and says he doesn't care. He has too much money now. Even if he sells Baiyun technology, he is confident that he will continue to make big money.

Lucy and Nina, as well as a group of men and women are envious of it. Is this chairman of Baiyun technology too local? It's hundreds of millions of dollars spent on girls!

Xiao Mingzhu is thoughtful, and Jin Liuli takes the initiative to share chips with Xia Feiyao. No wonder Xia Feiyao and she say that the relationship between their sisters is very good and they get along very well.

"Continue, continue!" Yan Jingyi said with a gloomy face.

Beauty lotus continues to deal online.

Knowing that the chips on the table are equal to the rest of his life, Nelson began to have psychological pressure. Although he originally wanted to turn to God to work for him, if the chips were used up and God didn't give him wages, would he not have a chance with beauty wine?

Li Yun didn't care so much about him. After the deal was finished, he continued not to look at the cards. He showed a 5 and said to Xiao Mingzhu, "is it your turn to bet this time?"

"Well, once a person, fair."

Xiao Mingzhu also grabbed a gold chip and put it in. The beautiful lotus official counted it carefully and quoted the amount: "1 billion!"

Men's hands are bigger than women's hands, so it's scientific to grasp more.


Jinliuli vaguely grasped something. Her husband and pearl are both holding a chip to bet. In this way, when it's the turn for others to bet, the rate can only be wagered in this way!

That is to say, every time the bet is not big or small, the number of bets increases, but because Li Yun sits on 500 billion chips, his chance of winning is improved!

"It means Is that right? "

In front of Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu, Jin Liuli is not sure what these two intelligent people think. Anyway, she vaguely realizes that Nelson and Yan Jingyi are both trapped.

In the second set, Xiao Mingzhu won.

In the third round, Yan Jingyi won.

Fourth inning, Li Yunsheng.

In the fifth inning, Xiao Mingzhu won

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