Godly Choice System - Chapter 2271

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:16:25 AM

Chapter 2271

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Among these three people, Li Yun's card can be ignored. The boy gambles with the sky, and the probability of the next card exploding is more than 90%.

Nelson is a fool. In addition to better hacking skills, the rest is a dead house. He must have exploded!

Only Xiao Mingzhu, who is almost a prince in Zhonghai City, has heard her name and asked her children to have a good relationship with her. She is only waiting for Xiao Mingzhu to take charge of her father's industry after graduation from University, and then talk about business cooperation with her!

She said she blew up, with a credibility of only 50%.

And still see before she didn't lie, this woman really can act!


Yan Jingyi also has her own judgment. At the last moment, Xiao Mingzhu took a small invisible look at her chips. Obviously, she was calculating how much she could play next.

The probability of her exploding is more than 80%!

"Do you want another card?" Yan Jingyi suddenly looked at Li Yun and asked.


"Don't go back on it?"

"Never go back."

Li Yun smiles.

The Jin Liuli around him is so nervous that he jumps up. As a female Xia, she wants to make money in the gambling house and then help the poor. But in fact?

Casinos are more exciting than she thought!

It's just her husband, not her!

If she goes to the battle in person, I'm afraid her hands will start to shake However, her husband is so powerful that even such a scene can be as stable as Mount Tai!


Yan Jingyi slapped the table and snapped, "I stop asking for cards!"

He looked at Li Yun, if this guy said from the mouth do not want cards, this bet he must not recognize!

The beauty lotus official took a deep breath and asked slowly, "Sir, are you sure you don't want any more cards? Please note that you don't have a chance to go back. "

"Sure!" Yan Jingyi hands tightly grip the edge of the table, a pair of eyes sharp looking at Li Yun: "I'm willing to admit defeat, the premise is, this guy continues to want the next card!"

Beautiful lotus official looks at Li Yun.

Everyone also looked at Li Yun in unison. Now the only one who can still ask for a card is him!

"I said it earlier." Li Yun said indifferent: "give me another one."

Jinliuli small hand grasps the corner of his clothes, nervous the whole person is not good!!!


The beauty lotus officer nodded, stretched out her hand, and slowly stretched out to the next card.

Three fingers hold, along the smooth table, moved to Li Yun.

Until her arms were straight, she gently flipped the cards to reveal the front.


One a.

Another a!

People's hearts are almost out.

They all did not expect that Li Yun even took two A's!!

The current situation is as follows:

Li Yun: 10, a, a

Xiao Mingzhu: K, 8

Nelson: 5, 7.

Yan Jingyi card face: a 4.

From the results shown above, Yan Jingyi won the lowest, he may even be less than 10 points.

Xiao Mingzhu won the least. She probably won a lot.

Li Yun and Nelson have equal probability, the only advantage is that Li Yun can still ask for cards, and he can only wait for the result.

"Nelson." Li Yun called his name.

"What, what?"

"You haven't exploded yet, have you?"

For a moment, Yan Jingyi was so frightened that he sweated. Nelson, the jerk, acted so lifelike?!

This damn asshole!! He should have broken more than two legs with one shot!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!