Godly Choice System - Chapter 2446

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:11:29 AM

Chapter 2446

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It's not just a retreat!

Li Yun focused his eyes on the floating tower. During his stay in the underground hall, there was still a steady stream of souls being absorbed in. It can be seen that there are people dying every moment on haoweiyi Island, which has more than three million people.

With Disha fire, which ranks as the top spirit fire, Li Yun is confident of destroying the tower. However, he thinks that if he destroys the tower and destroys the six gates, will he force these people to return to the void and pursue the civilians on the island in person?

While hesitating, Li Yun heard Shi Zhen's disciple Lu Gao speak.

"Two Taoist brothers, master."

Lu Gao arched his hands at Zhang Feng and the old woman in Nanyang. Li Yun saw that the old woman's face showed a displeased look. It was estimated that he was called Taoist brother by a younger generation who had just broken through the situation of returning to emptiness. He felt very uncomfortable.

She and Shi Zhen are in the same position, but now Shi Zhen's disciples are actually returning to the virtual state. How can they swallow this tone?

"Hum!" Nanyang old woman snorted coldly and said: "younger generation boy, what do you want to say?"

Lu Gao was not angry. Instead, he said with a smile: "old master, what I want to say is that just now I went to the ground and encountered a strange thing..."

Just because he can sit and talk with Huixu, this trip to haoweiyi island is worth the trip. The old woman in Nanyang has been famous for a long time. When he joined the six gates, he was shocked by her reputation. But now?

Lu Gao is equal to her!

"Hum." How can the old lady of Nanyang not see the pride of Lu Gao? But in order to realize the plan, she forced down her anger and said to Shi Zhen in a cold voice: "it seems that someone has entered here. It takes a lot of time to open the door of life and death. Elder Shi, please contact master Wanfa Xian quickly and say that the people from the hidden holy valley are coming!"

Life and death?

The name Li Yun got from the system is the mysterious gate, but they call it the gate of life and death. They don't know whether it is correct or not.

However, the name of the gate of life and death is a little interesting, symbolizing life and death?

This old woman is too old. She has lived for about seven or eight hundred years. She belongs to the real old immortal monster.

Her plan to open the door so much is probably attracted by the meaning of the word "life and death", in order to break through the current state and continue to prolong her life.

Otherwise, this kind of old monster, which is very old from the perspective of the cultivator, won't go out easily!

Li Yun suddenly felt that there was no big difference between practitioners and ordinary people. When they were old, they would still be afraid of death. For example, Nelson of Lijian Kingdom also colluded with six schools to prolong his life.

The difference may be that some ordinary mortals accept their life and wait to die when they are old and can't resist. If people have the chance to prolong their life, I believe most people will try it!

For example, come to haoweiyi Island, which is full of vitality

"You don't have to contact master Wanfa Xian."

Zhang Feng said in a stuffy voice, took out a letter Gu, and said in a strong tone: "we have an agent in the hidden holy valley."



Li Yun was shocked by Zhang Feng's words, and at the moment when his mind was shaken, he had a flaw in the state of Tongyou. Zhang Feng, who had been prepared for it, seized the opportunity and slapped him with a huge hand.


Li Yunjie's body flew out like a rag and ran into the thick mud wall. The state of being quiet made Li Yun's body empty and ignored the obstacles of most things.

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