Godly Choice System - Chapter 2546

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:08:52 AM

Chapter 2546

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"Sir, everything is ready."

Li Yun's new housekeeper, 34 years old, graduated from the never setting sun state housekeeper college and perfectly inherited his father's mantle, Zhou Qi waited in front of Li Yun's house in Longyang county early in the morning. After Li Yun opened the door, he bowed down and saluted him respectfully.

Zhou Qi looks very neat in his elegant housekeeper uniform. Several families on the upper and lower floors know that Li Yun is moving today. When they come to see him off, they can see the professional Western style housekeeper at a glance.

"Li Yun, you want to move to Huangting mountain in Zhonghai city?"

One of the neighbors asked with wide eyes.

The housing price in Zhonghai city is very expensive. An ordinary house is between 10 million and 20 million yuan, while the villa starts at 50 million yuan.

But even if it's a villa with 50 million yuan, it's impossible to use such a professional Western-style housekeeper. First, it can't afford it. Second, it's unnecessary. Ordinary villas only have two or three floors, covering an area of four or five hundred square meters, with two or three servants, and a woollen housekeeper?!

Only those luxury villas with gardens, swimming pools, outdoor gyms and auxiliary servant rooms, which are located in a few upper class communities such as Huangting mountain, and have seventeen or Eight maids, servants, bodyguards, gardeners and chefs, can they need housekeepers to help manage them!

This kind of luxury house is already quite equivalent to the most luxurious house that can be filmed in the movie - except for the palace.

"Yes." Li Yun answered with a smile, causing people around him to inhale cool air.

No matter how many high-end words can be used to describe Huangting mountain, every villa in it is a rich man with a fortune of more than 10 billion yuan, or a family of powerful people. The whole Huangting mountain not only includes the top upper class figures in the whole city of China, but also the top rich people from other cities in China. They also want to invest in a real estate in Huangting mountain.

For example, Su Muxin has an industry in Huangting mountain.

Another example is Qinglei valley. There is a small villa at the foot of Huangting mountain.

"Mr. Li."

A neighbor enviously said, "you are the Jiaolong from Longyang county. As soon as you buy a house in Huangting mountain, it's really amazing."

Li Yun can only deal with it with a smile.

Zhou Qi has contacted the most professional moving company. Li Feng, Caiwei and Zhuang siliu have also packed up their personal belongings last night. All the furniture is left in Longyang county and only some personal belongings, such as clothes and textbooks of previous years, are taken away.

Under the command of Zhou Qi, a line of well-dressed and extremely professional moving company personnel swarmed in, leaving Li Yun and Qu Fang.

"Qu Fang, why are you here?" Li Yun is a little surprised. Qu Fang is the former owner of villa 36 he bought. It is said that the Qu family is going to immigrate to Canada. Her family has bought a big house. The garden is a whole mountain, and there is a large manor with wine making room, which is much bigger than the house in Zhonghai city.

"Do you think we can still immigrate now when things like Penglai Island happen?" Qu Fang's face with a helpless smile, she stood beside a good-looking young man, is estimated to be her fiance.

"Sorry." Li Yun said.


Qu Fang was stunned. Then she immediately thought of one thing and was surprised: "the one in the news..."


Li Yun holds up a finger and signals Qu Fang not to go out. He doesn't want his identity as Li Chaoren to be exposed in front of people in Longyang county. Zhu Dayou and others have already recognized it, but they will not publicize it.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!