Godly Choice System - Chapter 2588

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:07:49 AM

Chapter 2588

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Li Yun recruited the young man named he Shao as a guide. There were still many people around the stall who were reluctant to leave. Li Yun had to have a quick dinner with Tang Anxi and made an appointment with he Shao to meet him at 7:00 the next morning in front of the hotel, and then left quickly.

After a night of silence, there was no entertainment in the town. Li Yun and Tang Anxi went to bed early.

Tang Anxi wanted something to happen, but Li Yun guarded it more strictly, so that she could not get out of bed the next day at night.

At 6:55 in the morning, Li Yun and Tang an went downstairs at night, but there was no one to call him.

Another 15 minutes later, he Shaocai drove a motorcycle to arrive suddenly, his face full of confused expression.

"What's the matter?" Li Yun eyebrows a pick, "why don't you set the alarm clock? Ten minutes late

"Curious, boss."

Why didn't he park his motorcycle in front of the hotel door and didn't lock it? I don't know if it's because I'm not afraid of stealing, or I'm familiar with the boss of the hotel. The interpersonal relationship in the town is very delicate, so Li Yun didn't ask much.

"What's strange?"

"My bank account was over 100000 yuan last night!"

“…… Isn't that a good thing? "

Li Yun didn't want to make trouble. He said, "don't worry about the money. Don't use it. When the bank comes to ask you, you can return it. If you don't ask, it will be regarded as unexpected wealth."

"Haha, I think so too!" He Shao complacent smile, then think of what, smile and stuttering said: "just out of the door, my mother asked me, asked me so early today to do."

"Doesn't your mother agree?"

"No, no, no, er, forget it, boss. Let's go."

What he Shao didn't say was that after he answered, his mother also mumbled that he had gone for a day yesterday?

They bought some steamed buns, fried dough sticks and soybean milk by the side of the road, and walked towards the mountains.

According to he Shao, the place where the ruins suddenly appeared was not near or far away. If it had not been for the sudden rumbling noise in the mountains that afternoon, it would have taken the town three or four days to find out.

The day when the ruins rose was the time when the Penglai Island was abnormal. People in the town were terrified by the information on the Internet, so they didn't dare to check it. Even the county didn't send anyone to come, so it was put on hold for the time being.

However, the propaganda said that this relic is from the ancient immortals, which is very dangerous. It is similar to the biyou palace in Penglai Island, so the villagers should not take risks.

People in the town also know about biyou palace, which is spread on the Internet. They know that the whole world can't do anything about it. So they see outsiders coming into the mountain one after another. They even guess that there are tomb robbers among these people, but they don't worry about the things left by Immortals being taken away.

"In recent days, at least a dozen groups of people have entered the mountains. Among them, there are rich people leading the team. All of them are strong men with guns. As a result, when these people come out, they all look pale with fear and flee in panic."

He Shao took the initiative to lead the way, and said: "Hey, I used a few cigarettes to ask a group of people. They said that it was evil. They went in for a few rounds. As a result, some people froze and some became stupid. Some people yelled at Fairies in the open space. In any case, they were hit by evil spirits. They all fled back and didn't dare to pick up their mobile phones!

Do you know what this is, boss

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